I Could Live a Little More

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Jan Vertonghen has a secret: he likes to be dominated, but it's been years since he had anyone to do it for him. He thinks that part of his life is buried for good, until someone grabs him by the hair during a post-match celebration, and completely changes his life...


This series has expanded light years beyond what we originally intended to write, and there's no end in sight.

Originally inspired by "What A Feeling, What A Night" by severalkittens.

The "official" iClam soundtrack is now available here. This playlist includes both songs that we have taken fic titles from as well as songs that feature prominently in the series. Enjoy!

PLEASE NOTE: This series is based as much in reality as possible, but anything written prior to 31 August obviously may not be compliant with the documentary, and we likely won't go back to retcon anything significant based on details from it. We will use it as a source going forward, though 😁 Also, out of respect for Jan, we've opted not to include certain incidents in our version of his life, namely the burglary and likely his extended struggles with headaches and dizziness following his head injury.

Reading guide:

"I Could Live A Little More" is the main narrative, beginning in April 2019. All other entries in the series take place either in the past or the future relative to that starting point, and are listed chronologically here. If one of the Flashback/forward entries needs to be read in order to understand what's happening in the main narrative, it will be linked at the appropriate place.

A universe of thanks go to my best friend, partner in crime, and co-writer ayerlind, for their unending support, encouragement, inspiration, and feedback. There is absolutely no way I could do this without you, on multiple levels. Te quiero mucho, ik hou van u, I love you x50000. --am

And in return, a galaxy of gratitude to amethyst, the other half of my brain, my rock, my bestie. The person without whom it would have been impossible for me to write so extensively and dive so deeply into this universe, and have such a blast doing it. I don’t know what I would do without your cheerleading or your gifts of encouraging keysmashes, and just in general, in life, I would be lost without you. Ti voglio bene, je t’aime, and ich liebe dich, ilu x5000 too --ayer


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