Signalling Theory: Blue Coat

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Aposematism in animals is designed to prevent attack. It doesn't always work, sometimes it's ineffective against some predators, sometimes it isn't. As a primary defence mechanism, Newt is a colourful individual with his blue coat and golden hair. His secondary defences aren't visible however and often are what surprise his opponents the most. Bright creatures tend to be very toxic to predators, but mammals like honey badgers are aggressively defensive. Newt is a Hufflepuff and the emblem of his house suits him well. Signalling theory tells you that Newt warns off predators and opponents with his colours, but when they don't take heed he'll show his claws and fight tooth-and-nail. It's what survivors do.

And Newt Scamander is definitely a survivor.


Undergoing some editing to improve reading and catch those grammar mistakes. Indulge me.

Based on the series Code: Blue Coat by Pinchess07.

Aposematism - Newt Scamander is more than he appears.
Sharp Claws - Percival Graves learns that Newt Scamander has hidden depths and secrets.
Deflective Adaptation - Newt Scamander is skilled at avoiding the issue. Pickett is good at making him face it. Sort of.
Honest Signals - The lunch meet up. They're all disasters except Tina. This is confirmed.
Interlude I: Defining a Name - Nafre Scamander ponders her son.
Costly Signals - "How do you know if you love someone?"
Apperception - Crates are questionable things. Newt and Percy are grumpy with each other.
Attritional Forces - The fallout from the events Apperception and maybe some more plot too.
Müllerian Mimic - Immediately follows Attritional Forces. Percy and Newt learn that communication is key. Gellert is a creep. Seraphina plots. Percy also gets a bit blindsided. Its all good.
Physical Risk - Egypt, 1922. A monster is on the loose and Newt Scamander is the only one who can take it down. Hopefully.
Asymmetric Game - The Hunt commences. Parchmentwork happens. Newt and Percy get somewhere.
Information Asymmetry - It's July 1928. The Hunt is on-going. Something soft happens. Where is this going? It's going to cover a bit of time, that's what.


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