October 8

It's buy a new calendar season

Can you recommend me a calendar based on interests below? I usually buy a couple for my office, the kitchen, and sometimes for my daughter. These are all good options but I get EXHAUSTED looking through Amazon and aggregated calendar sites, and I would like something good, not the love child of AI and clip art. I want good art, useful info if given, decent paper.... Also if you know a good source that makes good calendars interested in those two; I just thought something here might spark a memory for someone. [more inside]
posted by A Terrible Llama to Grab Bag at 4:58 AM - 0 answers

How can I help my father to be safe from falling?

My father is in his late eighties. He's been falling for a while now, and hurt himself quite a few times, but neither he, nor my siblings seem to understand how dangerous this can be for his autonomy and quality of life. My question is: what practical things can I do to make his environment safer? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Human Relations at 12:47 AM - 8 answers

October 7

Brainstorm jobs

Young person has an opportunity to have a paid internship. The pay comes from a third party who I believe match-makes with the companies. We are brainstorming internship ideas in advance of a meeting Wednesday where we will also learn more about the program. We would like help generating ideas before the meeting. Details of young person's skills and interests inside. [more inside]
posted by latkes to Work & Money at 11:20 PM - 2 answers

Calmness during conflict

A colleague has upset me at work. I have written to my boss about this. I might discuss the issue during a video call with one or two of my superiors. (We are remote from each other.) Do you have any mind tricks to help me be calm and even during such a discussion? [more inside]
posted by NotLost to Human Relations at 10:58 PM - 5 answers

Who's fucking up HOAs and returning lawns to nature?

Everyone talks about how bad the suburban lawn is for the environment. But HOAs still require "attractive" lawns or levy massive fines. Are any groups or individuals organizing around this? [more inside]
posted by corb to Home & Garden at 7:17 PM - 4 answers

Memoirs About Intentional Life Changes

I am (re-)reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, and I love the structure of a memoir that reflects a methodical and intentional approach to life change. I want more. What other books are like this? [more inside]
posted by moosetracks to Media & Arts at 3:25 PM - 10 answers

Section breaks have broken me.

I'm required to do a lot of copy/paste on Word docs from 2006 to get around the question of unremovable section breaks. This isn't working either. Is there anything to be done? [more inside]
posted by jenfullmoon to Computers & Internet at 2:28 PM - 16 answers

Managing a low-storage iPad

Does anyone have any tips or tricks to manage storage on an iPad that will allow me to prioritize storing PDFs locally over photos or mail? [more inside]
posted by thecaddy to Computers & Internet at 2:26 PM - 5 answers

Upgrading Mac has messed up my email

I upgraded my iMac to Sequoia yesterday, and now when I open my email, I'm having trouble seeing images and I get this bar at the top of the messages saying "Your network preferences prevent content from loading privately" and there's a button to "load content directly." I'm having to hit the button on every freaking email because I can't seem to find these mysterious network preferences. [more inside]
posted by kitten kaboodle to Computers & Internet at 1:54 PM - 2 answers

Quesiton about caffeine, energy, anxiety

I have never had the relationship with caffeine most people have. I envy the relationship with caffeine most people have. Is this a thing I could learn? [more inside]
posted by less-of-course to Health & Fitness at 12:49 PM - 23 answers

What other TV shows might I love?

Looking at my all time favorite "fun" shows, I notice most of them fall into a clear archetype: SF/F where a group of friends have an epic adventure. The friends are relatable and mostly likable. See inside for examples. [more inside]
posted by justkevin to Media & Arts at 12:16 PM - 31 answers

What should I put on this boring wall in my bathroom?

We have a downstairs half-bath with an empty wall that I want to add something to. What would you do with this? [more inside]
posted by rachaelfaith to Home & Garden at 10:35 AM - 18 answers

How to Die House Broke?

X has inherited a paid-off 3-bedroom house. X has low income, no debt, is single, doesn't have siblings or heirs, and would prefer to move in and live in the house for the rest of their life. Assuming X remains single and lives for e.g. another 25 years, how does X best utilize the value of the house for additional income, such that when they die, they've maximized the value of the house (vs e.g. it all going to the state)? [more inside]
posted by 7 Minutes of Madness to Work & Money at 9:32 AM - 14 answers

Looking for books on autism

Having recently been diagnosed "officially", at age 59, as on the autism spectrum (following an earlier diagnosis in 2022 not accepted by my insurance), i would very much appreciate your book recommendations. [more inside]
posted by 15L06 to Grab Bag at 8:32 AM - 8 answers

Slide guitar teacher in New York City?

I want to learn slide guitar. [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster to Media & Arts at 7:17 AM - 3 answers

Help this elder millennial make her wardrobe more ecofriendly

I would like a capsule wardrobe made up of pieces that will someday biodegrade and not just live on and on in a landfill after my death.
I have historically thrifted (20s) or worn anne taylor loft, anne taylor, white house black market (30s). I also bought some stuff from kohl's in the first year after having my kid and all that stuff is pilling now and I regret it.
[more inside]
posted by Sophiaverde to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 7:04 AM - 19 answers

Recommend horror novels, with caveats

I used to really enjoy the horror genre, but when COVID started I couldn't tolerate it any more. I want to get back into it. Can you recommend novels that meet the following criteria? A) Do not involve zombies or other infectious disease--because COVID, B) Do not rely on the death of a woman or children (or threat of such) to motivate a man--unless the woman is a total badass and saves herself, C) Involve some element of the supernatural. Ideally published in the last 5ish years.
posted by OrangeDisk to Media & Arts at 6:29 AM - 18 answers

What's a perfect "Congrats" gift for Husband's stage debut?

Are you a Theater Kid? Do you know and love a Theater Kid? If so can you please help me come up with a good "congrats you rock" gift for my husband's stage debut? Details inside! [more inside]
posted by deep thought sunstar to Shopping at 6:23 AM - 15 answers

Buying a used/vintage sewing machine

I would really love to start properly learning how to sew, but I haven’t used a sewing machine since I was a kid. There are a lot of used sewing machines on Marketplace but I don’t know where to start! [more inside]
posted by caitcadieux to Home & Garden at 5:58 AM - 10 answers

Hair loss around my parting - help!

I'm 35, all my life I've had *extremely* thick (coarse) South Asian hair. I've recently started noticing that it's thinning a little around my parting which I'm quite shocked and upset by. Any advice on how to help regrowth and prevent more hair loss please? [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 to Health & Fitness at 4:29 AM - 10 answers

Café bon marché

Europe-dwellers: which WHOLE BEAN coffee available in online or physical stores for home prep is the best bang for the buck? [more inside]
posted by rabia.elizabeth to Food & Drink at 2:55 AM - 3 answers

October 6

Why do most apartments not include ref's with water dispensers?

I noticed most apartments (in the context of mostly professionally-managed/owned, such as Bozzuto/Greystar/Avalon/Camden) do not offer refrigerators with water dispensers. Why do you think that is? [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude to Home & Garden at 9:18 PM - 29 answers

Installed tile floor trapped dishwasher that needs replacement

The previous owner installed tile (with underlayment) in the kitchen, about 1½" high, trapping the dishwasher. I need to replace the dishwasher. Photos here. What do you think of my plan below? [more inside]
posted by ShooBoo to Home & Garden at 3:27 PM - 7 answers

How do I get Spotlight to stop Archiving my items I search for?

When I search for something in Spotlight (Mac OS Monterey 12.3) it will indicate the archive utility (see upper right of screenshot). Then, when I select the folder or document in Spotlight it archives it, rather than opening it. How do I change this to open the file or folder from Spotlight?
posted by davidstandaford to Computers & Internet at 2:18 PM - 4 answers

Reconnecting to break up with a friend?

Reconnecting with an old friend, but I don’t think I want to be friends anymore. I’ve never done a friend breakup and usually do a mutual fade away, but I don’t think I can do that this time. I also want to give reconnecting a chance, but I have a hunch it’s not going to work out. [more inside]
posted by socky bottoms to Human Relations at 10:15 AM - 27 answers

What's a good, medium-expensive set of headphones in 2024?

I'm interested in buying a pair of nice, moderately expensive headphones, but maybe not "audiophile nice" or "audiophile expensive." So, like, not more than $200-400 inclusive unless there's a really compelling argument for doing so. Less than this is fine if they sound great. Can you make a recommendation? [more inside]
posted by pullayup to Shopping at 9:50 AM - 17 answers

Bug out bag best practices

The tragedy in the southeast is heartbreaking and motivates me to be more prepared for an escape in case of emergency. I’m looking for advice on the best practices for assembling a bug-out bag. [more inside]
posted by nandaro to Home & Garden at 9:31 AM - 17 answers

How do I buy Minecraft Add-ons on an android tablet?

I successfully installed Minecraft on my son's tablet. Now he wants to use his allowance to buy add-ons. OK, I am willing to facilitate this transaction but we can't figure out how. I assume at some point we will be directed the play store and I will be asked to enter my password, but this never happens. When he clicks the add-on it asks him to buy coins. When he clicks the coin package he can afford, nothing happens. This is where I was expecting it would go to the play store or something and I would have to enter my password to authorize (due to family link running on the tablet).
posted by If only I had a penguin... to Computers & Internet at 9:05 AM - 2 answers

Is it possible to reset - or even calm down - one's nervous system?

I want to understand what kind of toolkit I can create to help me take better care of my nervous system after trauma and a lay person's guide to understanding the science and how to feel better. [more inside]
posted by rmm to Health & Fitness at 6:41 AM - 14 answers

Texting in Heartstopper season 3

They switched to iMessage/SMS for texting in season 3 of Heartstopper—Brits, is this as odd as I think it is? I was under the impression that SMS and related protocols (iMessage) in Europe are reserved for like, business communication and spam.
posted by rhymedirective to Media & Arts at 5:47 AM - 19 answers

Surprise promotion, now struggling

I was recently promoted and for the first time, I am having to lead projects/be assertive/make decisions/look like I know what I'm doing, and I am starting from 0 in all of those areas. I am now looking for general advice as well as resources that I can look at: books, courses, social media people to follow, etc. [more inside]
posted by sefsl to Work & Money at 2:31 AM - 13 answers

October 5

Where to give money for Palestinian causes?

I would like to donate some money to benefit the Palestinian people. Since humanitarian aid to Gaza appears limited by access more than funding, my first choice would be an organization that works for the legal rights of West Bank inhabitants. Who should get my money? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Grab Bag at 9:55 PM - 5 answers

How to find ALL public statements made by Donald Trump in 2024?

I'm trying to make a virtual version of who he is right NOW. To do that means getting every rally speech, every interview, every debate answer, every time he's called into Fox and Friends or anyone else. Is there somewhere that keeps track of all this or anywhere I can find this all?
posted by rileyray3000 to Law & Government at 4:22 PM - 4 answers

Looking for a movie scene involving a soldier reciting Psalm 23

I am trying to identify a scene from a movie which I saw many years ago, probably set during WWII (possibly WWI), possibly in black and white (though I remember seeing it on television before we had a colour set, so this dates it back before 1972 or so), in which a soldier hiding in a small stone cottage is about to be run over by a tank and begins to recite the 23rd Psalm ("The Lord is my shepherd", etc.) A bit more inside. [more inside]
posted by jokeefe to Media & Arts at 4:15 PM - 6 answers

Is there a way to experience a stripped-down version of the internet?

I’m on iOS and usually use Safari or Firefox. I want to use the internet like it’s 1999, ie with no bloat, cookies, even images if possible. Light and fast loading and no ads = what I’m after. [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock to Computers & Internet at 4:13 PM - 14 answers

What to bring to a brunch potluck

What to make and bring to a brunch potluck? [more inside]
posted by saladin to Food & Drink at 2:58 PM - 13 answers

Where can I get a vegan full English breakfast in the US of A?

That's pretty much it! I'm asking for restaurants, I guess :) I'm in the very very middle of the lower 48 states, so the closer to central Kansas the better (a hypothetical becomes a reality, perhaps), but I travel and am curious. It doesn't have to be "fancy" - I know it's not a "fancy" meal - I just mean the Tesco in Wick is the benchmark! Thanks!
posted by J0 to Food & Drink at 1:55 PM - 9 answers

(still) looking for wide toe box (non zero drop) sneakers

I previously posted about this. Since then I have found my nearly perfect fit sneaker! but - it is still too much drop. : ) Trying to narrow down who might have similar with higher drop. [more inside]
posted by bitterkitten to Health & Fitness at 1:48 PM - 15 answers

What career would you recommend I pursue to increase my income?

I am 31F making $53,000 a year in a moderate cost of living area (Midwest USA). I need a better paying job and career in order to be able to accomplish my financial goals in a reasonable amount of time. I am already working on lowering my expenses to the best of my ability. Any recommendations? I have been considering sales operations, procurement, contract management, account management (not sure I would be good at sales), project management (there are no project roles at my current company, I have no experience in construction or IT). [more inside]
posted by anon1129 to Work & Money at 11:57 AM - 12 answers

Want to donate platelets but can't sit that long

When I donated blood platelets the staff fed my weight, height, age, hemoglobin level, etc into a machine that told them it would take 97 minutes. That sounded OK, but when I actually did it, the first 30 minutes was fine, the next 30, I got squirrely, and the rest of the time, I was super restless and uncomfortable and almost told them to stop. [more inside]
posted by jasper411 to Health & Fitness at 11:29 AM - 8 answers


Help me pick a domain! Mostly for email. Options and criteria within. Additional suggestions welcome. [more inside]
posted by ropeladder to Computers & Internet at 9:08 AM - 13 answers

Washer/dryer buying for dummies

I need to buy a washer and dryer for my home. I am the world’s laziest laundry-doer and have little experience buying household appliances, but am also an optimizer who gets sucked into online rabbit holes when trying to pick major purchases. What’s the most painless way to get this done? [more inside]
posted by ActionPopulated to Home & Garden at 9:00 AM - 29 answers

Wo kann man in Berlin cool einkaufen?

Looking for neighborhoods in Berlin to shop for Goth/Punk/Emo clothes and accesories for a 17 year old. We're staying in Kreuzberg.
posted by signal to Travel & Transportation at 7:37 AM - 2 answers

How to become a cruise ship lecturer

We recently went on a cruise and enjoyed the Enrichment lecture. My partner, who is a university professor, would enjoy doing something like this and he reckons he could come up with some topics of general interest to cruise goers. However, we're not sure how someone goes about becoming a cruise guest lecturer. [more inside]
posted by strekker to Travel & Transportation at 5:51 AM - 15 answers

Best app to wire a rent payment with only an email address & Phone #

Yesterday, I wrote about the landlord's outrageous cleaning, financial expectations, and other demands. Blaming me they are trying to indirectly recover costs of removing mold from my closet. Regardless of who's responsible, their expectations are impossible. They gave me a new lease and a 20% monthly increase. I normally pay rent in cash (dumb). In our situation, handing over cash is a terrible idea. I'm making an electronic transfer. Not having bank info, can anybody recommend which an app (Venmo, Paypal, Zelle?) to pay rent with an unsolicited wire transfer using only an email address? [more inside]
posted by Che boludo! to Work & Money at 12:36 AM - 13 answers

October 4

Might move in with my boyfriend?

I'd love some help thinking through whether I should move in with my boyfriend of 2 years when my lease ends early next year. For context, my ideal would be to do Living Apart Together forever, but for him, moving in together is an important milestone in a serious relationship. My idea of home is somewhere I can be by myself, for him home doesn’t feel like home unless there’s loved ones to return to. His wanting this holds a lot of weight in my consideration because I really care about him and the relationship, so I’m thinking I might move in. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Human Relations at 10:31 PM - 54 answers

50 Fluffernutters

Did you know Tuesday, October 8, is National Fluffernutter Day? [more inside]
posted by feistycakes to Food & Drink at 8:10 PM - 6 answers

Damned Americans bought out my favourite Canadian cosmetics company

Now I need a dupe for my Cover|FX foundation and am looking for recommendations. [more inside]
posted by sardonyx to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 5:20 PM - 5 answers

Any cab drivers here on MetaFilter who use the ARRO and CURB apps?

I'm looking for information about how the ARRO and CURB apps work from the driver's end, rather than the passenger's. I've searched the net for step-by-step directions, but it's all passenger-centric. [more inside]
posted by tzikeh to Grab Bag at 3:37 PM - 0 answers

Software for Animating MacBeth

What software will let me create characters and objects to place on a stage, add lights and cameras, and script the action and the dialog? Then I can package that performance, send it to you, you can edit it, change a character's lines, their costume, etc. Maybe also a repo where people share characters, set designs, stage props, etc. Some possible candidate softwares are Second Life, Minecraft, SimCity, Blender, Fortnite, StoryTelling Alice? [more inside]
posted by PageantWagon to Media & Arts at 2:42 PM - 8 answers

Is there a better way to do remittances in 2024?

Friends and I send remittance payments to a mutual friend in Guatemala, once a month, and the typical services (Western Union, Ria, etc.) have extremely annoying limits which seem arbitrary and can never be explained to us by the wire services. Is there a better way, anno domini 2024? [more inside]
posted by kensington314 to Work & Money at 2:01 PM - 9 answers

can i p/ate my prius in gold, metaphorically or otherwise

Can i plate my prius in gold, metaphorically or otherwise? Any comment appreciated
posted by HearHere to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 1:42 PM - 10 answers

What is this thing?

I think it is a metal working tool. The thick part is copper, the rod part is steel (or at least ferro-magnetic) [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri to Technology at 1:38 PM - 7 answers

Moto G Power doesn't get text messages sent to me while it is off

The Verizon Message+ app is going away Nov. 7. Its a bad app but I need it for getting text messages sent to me when the phone is off. I've tried Google Messages and a bunch of other texting apps, the only one without this problem is Message+. I've had this problem since I got this phone new at the Verizon store in May 2020. I called Verizon in 2020, and went to the Verizon store yesterday, they are no help. Any idea why this might be happening? Is there any fix, or do I need to get a new phone?
posted by catquas to Technology at 12:46 PM - 4 answers

Electricity & EV nerds: assemble!

I have a 2021 Bolt EV that I have been charging with this charger in a regular 3 prong outlet at home. I drive so little that this has been totally sufficient for my needs. I just moved and my new landlord wants to install a new outlet for me but I have questions. [more inside]
posted by latkes to Home & Garden at 11:58 AM - 11 answers

Flashers, floaters and retinal migraines are driving me mad.

It’s been many years since we’ve had a question about eye flashers and floaters. Just got back from my eye doctor as I am seeing a lot more floaters, flashers (strands of light that flicker across my vision) and retinal migraines (weird swirls of colour washing over my eyes that feel quite scary) lately. [more inside]
posted by Lescha to Health & Fitness at 11:25 AM - 14 answers

Squishing Composite Video into Letterbox

I'd like to figure out a way of squishing an analog composite video signal down to letterbox. [more inside]
posted by signsofrain to Technology at 10:50 AM - 7 answers

Shoes to buy for work trip to Singapore

Have to travel on a work trip to Singapore (software sector; I am male US size 7 in shoes; 4-day trip). I know that Singapore is rainy, hot, and humid, but also professionals dress more formally than Seattle where I am from (perhaps including software workers?). I don't think any of my current shoes will work there; which shoes should I buy for my trip? [more inside]
posted by splitpeasoup to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 9:05 AM - 7 answers

What was this witty country/folk song about parental misbehaviour?

In the last year I enjoyed a catchy folk/country song that I now can't find. It was about a young couple, the relationship was a problem because the girl's father had had an affair and was the boy's father. The 'punchline' was the girl's mother telling her that she had also had an affair, meaning the young couple were not related after all... please can you help me find this?
posted by limoncello to Media & Arts at 8:56 AM - 3 answers

Recommended NYC lumberyard for bookshelf-building wood?

I'm considering building my own bookshelves per this design by Teresa Nielsen Hayden. She specifies board sizes and suggests, "go to a lumber yard that will cut wood to size and give them a list of how many boards you want in what sizes". I seek a lumber yard in or near New York City that will deal with me (a novice) fairly and communicate well. I'm happy to speak on the phone. I prefer to work with independent shops rather than national chains. I'd need them to deliver (I live in Western Queens).
posted by brainwane to Shopping at 8:49 AM - 7 answers