Sister of Wellber 2 is a direct sequel from the 1st season. Just as a quick note... I thought the 1st season was decent after watching all 13 episodes; however, I thought the 2nd season was horrible and here is why...
Animation is crap. I mentioned in my other review for the 1st season how the animators added 3D effects to water and horses... well, that 3D effect is overused in the 2nd season, so much that it harms the season, because you have 2D background, characters, and then all of a sudden all these 3D effects come at you left and right. 3D effects are misused and poorly inserted.
Sound is meh. Sound surely didn't harm this season, but it didn't help it either.
With the 1st season completed, everyone by now should know the main objective of Sisters of Wellber 2nd Season which is to locate the guy with the "wasp tattoo" on his chest. The first few episodes are complete waste of time, because Tina (female thief), Rita (princess), and Galahad (solider) all go off on another journey to locate that man with the tattoo, but these first few episode turns into a love triangle between these 3 people and the main plot which is looking for the tattoo guy gets completely swept under the rug. To basically sum up the first few episodes, it is someone confessing their love to the other person and getting rejected.
The middle and last episode of this series wasn't any better. They were slow and very boring. I eventually started fast forwarding through the episodes because they were too painful to watch normally. I wish the 2nd season didn't exist or that the writers had come up with a better plot, because where the 1st season ended was nice and did not warrant another season. Story for the 2nd season is horrible.
In the 1st season, I thought the characters had important roles, however for the 2nd season, the characters did not mesh or flow into the plot, at times it felt as if the characters were forced to be in a scene just to be in it. There is too much crying for my tastes in the 2nd season and that's mainly because of the love triangle episodes that happens in the beginning with confessing love and getting rejected.
Once again, I thought that fairy was super annoying, serving absolutely no purpose or importance in this season or series. There were times I wish a character could have gotten a baseball bat and hit that fairy out of the series. Yet, we are stuck with a fairy that constantly says "beru" after everything she says.
One thing I did like about what happened to Jin (Tina's boyfriend) is that he eventually leaves the party, because just like the fairy is an annoyance.
This is bad, terrible, horrible, no matter how you look at the 2nd season. You would think comedy would be thrown into the 2nd season, which it wasn't... you would think ecchi would be added for fan service, which it wasn't . Instead, what we did get was a horrible story and bad characters.
The only good thing about the 2nd season is that it was only 13 episodes, other than that, there is noting to be happy about.
From the start to the end of this 2nd season, I was bored and disliked what I was watching for the reasons I mentioned above. Eventually, I skipped through the episodes.
Do yourself a favor and DO NOT WATCH THIS!!! If there are viewers that saw season 1 and thought it was slow or boring, well then season 2 is 4 times worse, because I actually thought season 1 was good/decent, but season 2 is horrible.
DO NOT WATCH due do its stupidity!!