Pretty cute, fun light watch. But something really gone bad towards the end.
I found it rather fun having folklores and fairy tales being personified into grimoire that grants mahou shoujo magic powers based on the story. Overall its a pretty light and easy watch. Decent amount of action balanced with some personal struggle of the ML, coupled with light heart warming moments.
Though, its a tragedy towards the end - when the production quality dropped when an internal turmoil happened with the studio. And just too bad the last 2 ep was just dropped. It's a shame actually - I really like the premise and plot so far, and the ML character is really adorable.
All in, it ain't a bad light watch. Give it a try - for the fans of Mahou Shoujo mainly. Rating it at 6/10.
20190706: 2 special ep released almost a year later, and added a complete and neat ending to the whole plot. Still cute and all with some yuri-ish stuff going on.
Explanation by greenninja on Thursday, 18.01.2018 20:17