Tsugumomo (manga, 2007) is like a simplified, coarser sibling of Monogatari Series (light novel, 2006) with more conventional art and writing. I wouldn't call it a clone both have source material of similar age, both actively publishing still. The similarities in world, characters and premise are stunning nevertheless and run down to small details.
This is particularly true for the supernatural partner of MC. Both Kiriha and Shinobu are females bound with a master-servant pact and nearly one with their partners. Both change age appearance according to power level, and are in loli form most of the time. Both shows have harems made of humans and supernatural entities, including multiple lolis. Tsugumomo has dumber sexualization with a episodic bed and bath ecchi (and penis jokes) segments where Monogatari more refined ecchi moments.
Overall, Tsugumomo is a much lighter and easier watch, at popcorn level. Both shows are different enough to enjoy both universes nevertheless.
Explanation by danter on Tuesday, 19.02.2019 03:38