Jetnipit is a Ph.D. Student from Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. He is working on characterizing MLR1 prototype chips for the ITS3 upgrade by testing them with electrons and protons at a beam test facility in Thailand. He has participated in two important test beam campaigns at SPS and DESY. He also participated in the on-surface commissioning of ITS2. Last year Jetnipit was the first collaborator that followed the RM package in 2023, covering several central shifts for all roles (QC, DCS, ECS and Shift Leader) and finally ensuring one Run Manager mandate in June 2023. Jetnipit is back for one more Run Manager mandate this year, profiting from the experience he gathered in 2023.
During his mandate, Jetnipit will supervise the continuation of the p-p physics production at 500 kHz.
More information: Run Coordination