ALICE Run Manager (2 -15 Sep): Nicolo Valle


Nicolo Valle is a post-doc at Pavia. During his Ph.D., he specialized in analyzing Z bosons decaying into 2 muons with the muon spectrometer. He measured the Z boson production yield and RAA in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with the RUN 2 data.  Since 2019 he has taken care of the development of the new ALICE inner tracking system (ITS), both on the hardware side being in charge of the mechanical aging tests of ITS upgrade and on the software side having developed part of the ITS synchronous QC and being an expert of the ITS calibration. Thanks to this expertise, he ensured the responsibility of the ITS System Run Coordinator role in 2022 and 2023. Nicolo already covered one Run Manager block in 2023 and is returning for one more block this year.

During his mandate, Nicolo will supervise the continuation of the pp physics production at 500 kHz, with particular emphasis on further increasing the data-taking stability in preparation for the proton-proton reference run in October.


More information: Run Coordination

