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Google parent Alphabet's earnings disappoint Wall Street amid stiff AI competition

The Guardian

Shares of Google's parent company Alphabet fell more than 6% after the company reported a slight miss in expected revenue on Tuesday. The company reported 96.5bn, compared with analyst expectations of 96.67 bn. The company surpassed investors' expectations of 2.13 in earnings per share, however, with 2.15 in EPS. "Q4 was a strong quarter driven by our leadership in AI and momentum across the business," Alphabet chief executive Sundar Pichai wrote in a statement. "We are building, testing, and launching products and models faster than ever, and making significant progress in compute and driving efficiencies."

A Comparison to heuristic methods for link prediction

Neural Information Processing Systems

Each number is the average performance for 10 random initialization of the experiments. Bold indicates the second best performance and underline indicates the best performance. To compare our proposed methods with additional popular heuristics methods (Jaccard (Jac.), preferential attachment (PA), Katz, PageRank (PR), and SimRank (SR)) beyond overlapped neighbors-based heuristics, we further conduct extensive experiments on seven traditional link prediction datasets, USAir [1], Power [2], Router [3], E.coli [4], PB [5], Yeast [6], and C.ele [2], used by SEAL [7]. Datasets USAir [1] is a network of US Air lines with 332 nodes and 2,126 edges. PB [5] is a network of US political blogs with 1,222 nodes and 16,714 edges. Yeast [6] is a protein-protein interaction network in yeast with 2,375 nodes and 11,693 edges.

Neo-GNNs: Neighborhood Overlap-aware Graph Neural Networks for Link Prediction

Neural Information Processing Systems

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely applied to various fields for learning over graph-structured data. They have shown significant improvements over traditional heuristic methods in various tasks such as node classification and graph classification. However, since GNNs heavily rely on smoothed node features rather than graph structure, they often show poor performance than simple heuristic methods in link prediction where the structural information, e.g., overlapped neighborhoods, degrees, and shortest paths, is crucial. To address this limitation, we propose Neighborhood Overlap-aware Graph Neural Networks (Neo-GNNs) that learn useful structural features from an adjacency matrix and estimate overlapped neighborhoods for link prediction. Our Neo-GNNs generalize neighborhood overlap-based heuristic methods and handle overlapped multi-hop neighborhoods. Our extensive experiments on Open Graph Benchmark datasets (OGB) demonstrate that Neo-GNNs consistently achieve state-of-the-art performance in link prediction.

Multi-LexSum: Real-World Summaries of Civil Rights Lawsuits at Multiple Granularities

Neural Information Processing Systems

With the advent of large language models, methods for abstractive summarization have made great strides, creating potential for use in applications to aid knowledge workers processing unwieldy document collections.

Learning Substructure Invariance for Out-of-Distribution Molecular Representations

Neural Information Processing Systems

Molecule representation learning (MRL) has been extensively studied and current methods have shown promising power for various tasks, e.g., molecular property prediction and target identification. However, a common hypothesis of existing methods is that either the model development or experimental evaluation is mostly based on i.i.d.

ViSioNS: Visual Search in Natural Scenes Benchmark Gonzalo Ruarte 1* Juan E. Kamienkowski

Neural Information Processing Systems

Visual search is an essential part of almost any everyday human interaction with the visual environment [1, 2]. Nowadays, several algorithms are able to predict gaze positions during simple observation, but few models attempt to simulate human behavior during visual search in natural scenes. Furthermore, these models vary widely in their design and exhibit differences in the datasets and metrics with which they were evaluated. Thus, there is a need for a reference point, on which each model can be tested and from where potential improvements can be derived. In this study, we select publicly available state-of-the-art visual search models and datasets in natural scenes, and provide a common framework for their evaluation. To this end, we apply a unified format and criteria, bridging the gaps between them, and we estimate the models' efficiency and similarity with humans using a specific set of metrics. This integration has allowed us to enhance the Ideal Bayesian Searcher by combining it with a neural network-based visual search model, which enables it to generalize to other datasets. The present work sheds light on the limitations of current models and how integrating different approaches with a unified criteria can lead to better algorithms. Moreover, it moves forward on bringing forth a solution for the urgent need of benchmarking data and metrics to support the development of more general human visual search computational models.

GAL: Gradient Assisted Learning for Decentralized Multi-Organization Collaborations

Neural Information Processing Systems

Collaborations among multiple organizations, such as financial institutions, medical centers, and retail markets in decentralized settings are crucial to providing improved service and performance. However, the underlying organizations may have little interest in sharing their local data, models, and objective functions. These requirements have created new challenges for multi-organization collaboration. In this work, we propose Gradient Assisted Learning (GAL), a new method for multiple organizations to assist each other in supervised learning tasks without sharing local data, models, and objective functions. In this framework, all participants collaboratively optimize the aggregate of local loss functions, and each participant autonomously builds its own model by iteratively fitting the gradients of the overarching objective function. We also provide asymptotic convergence analysis and practical case studies of GAL. Experimental studies demonstrate that GAL can achieve performance close to centralized learning when all data, models, and objective functions are fully disclosed.

Provable Non-linear Inductive Matrix Completion

Neural Information Processing Systems

Consider a standard recommendation/retrieval problem where given a query, the goal is to retrieve the most relevant items. Inductive matrix completion (IMC) method is a standard approach for this problem where the given query as well as the items are embedded in a common low-dimensional space. The inner product between a query embedding and an item embedding reflects relevance of the (query, item) pair. Non-linear IMC (NIMC) uses non-linear networks to embed the query as well as items, and is known to be highly effective for a variety of tasks, such as video recommendations for users, semantic web search, etc. Despite its wide usage, existing literature lacks rigorous understanding of NIMC models.

REASONER: An Explainable Recommendation Dataset with Comprehensive Labeling Ground Truths, Lei Wang

Neural Information Processing Systems

Explainable recommendation has attracted much attention from the industry and academic communities. It has shown great potential to improve the recommendation persuasiveness, informativeness and user satisfaction. In the past few years, while a lot of promising explainable recommender models have been proposed, the datasets used to evaluate them still suffer from several limitations, for example, the explanation ground truths are not labeled by the real users, the explanations are mostly single-modal and around only one aspect. To bridge these gaps, in this paper, we build a new explainable recommendation dataset, which, to our knowledge, is the first contribution that provides a large amount of real user labeled multi-modal and multi-aspect explanation ground truths. In specific, we firstly develop a video recommendation platform, where a series of questions around the recommendation explainability are carefully designed.

Neuro-Symbolic Semantic Code Search, Luis Garcia

Neural Information Processing Systems

Semantic code search is the task of retrieving a code snippet given a textual description of its functionality. Recent work has been focused on using similarity metrics between neural embeddings of text and code. However, current language models are known to struggle with longer, compositional text, and multi-step reasoning. To overcome this limitation, we propose supplementing the query sentence with a layout of its semantic structure. The semantic layout is used to break down the final reasoning decision into a series of lower-level decisions. We use a Neural Module Network architecture to implement this idea.