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St. Angelus of Jerusalem

Born in Jerusalem, within a family of Jewish converts. In the early death of his twin brother, St. Angelus decided to enter the Carmelite Order, and is admitted to the monastery on Mount Caramel in Palestine. In the thirteenth century, the Carmelites went from being a contemplative order to become a mendicant order, remember that it was the century of the spiritual revolution of St. Francis of Assisi and Saint Dominic de Guzman. San Angel is eventually sent to Rome to deliver a message to Pope Honorius III. Then get the commission to go to Sicily to help preach against the heresy of the Cathars, who had taken control of the island. However, shortly after his landing in Sicily, St. Angelus was killed by treachery with five stab wounds in the back, ordered by the leader of heretics. At the site where a church was built died, and his tomb soon became a pilgrimage site. The Carmelite Order St. Angelus venerated as a saint at least since 1456. In 1459 Pope Pius II approved his cult. St. A...