St. Jean de Brébeuf
He is the patron of the Jesuits in Canada and one of the most notable missionaries of the Society of Jesus. Home birth John was born on March 25, 1593, in Condé sur Vire, in Normandy eastern France. Belongs to a family of landowners and farmers. His parents are rich, and well regarded within its class, and throughout the region. Catholics are committed, despite the prevailing Calvinism of Normandy. Its formation The school teacher, or perhaps the priest of the parish of Condé sur Vire, taught to read and write. Due to the position of the family, John is studying at the Academy after the nearby town of Saint Lô. Later starts the humanistic studies at the University of Caen. With the Jesuits Jean de Brébeuf is 16 years old when the Jesuits opened a college in the city of Caen. The falls there to the study of philosophy. The school is closed the following year, in 1610, but the Jesuits maintained a residence in the city. John continues under the spiritual guidance of his former teachers. ...