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  • 烟台 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-03
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    工作职责: 1.确保熟悉希尔顿采购政策和流程; 2.监督并协调采购员工的工作; 3.跟进供应商保险覆盖并符合全球希尔顿保单要求,确保保险豁免已获风险管理部门批准; 4.更新采购订单的程序并向团队说明,以使所有团队成员知道限制,批准和购买流程; 5.确保有恰当的采购程序,在管理层批准后只有采购部才能下达采购订单; 6.确保根据政策获得的有竞争力的报价; 7.审查经下属提交的所有采购请求和采购订单; 8.与成本经理和行政总厨定期协作进行市场价格调查; 9.确保定期与其他酒店进行价格对比; 10.确保以最大努力获得最佳报价; 11.与所有酒店部门和供应商保持良好关系; 12.确保所有不匹配的/未收货的采购定单被审查并定期采取合理行动; JobDescription : 1.Be familiar with Hilton purchasing policies andprocedures. 2.Supervise and co-ordinate the work of thepurchasing team members. 3.Follow up on supplier insurance coverage andcompliance with global Hilton policy requirements to ensure insurance exemptionis approved by risk management. 4.Update the purchase order procedure and brief theteam accordingly so that all team members are aware of the limits, approvalsand purchase flow. 5.Ensure that proper purchasing procedures are inplace, with purchase orders placed only by the Purchasing Department after dueauthorisation by management. 6.Ensure that competitive quotes are obtained as perpolicy. 7.Review all purchase requests and purchase ordersprocessed by subordinates. 8.Conduct market price surveys in coordination withthe Cost Controller and Executive Chef on a regular basis. 9.Ensure that price comparisons amongst other hotelsis done on a regular basis and all efforts are exhausted in obtaining the bestpossible quotations. 10.Maintain good relations with all hotel departmentsand suppliers. 11.Ensure that all unmatched/open Purchase Orders areinvestigated and proper actions proposed and taken on a regular basis. 12.Have strong knowledge of Excel, Microsoft Word andthe hotel inventory/purchasing software.
  • 全国 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 全球80家
    • 度假村酒店
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    • 大中华区3家
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    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-25
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    【岗位职责】 1. 严格执行总部制定的采购方针、策略、程序文件,保障各项工作的合规有序进行。 2. 审批所有采购申请单、定货单。 3  协助总部同业主方签署采购合同 4. 负责审查和监督供应商符合签署合同的业务条款 5. 负责组织市场调查研究,及时向度假村提供市场信息,指导下属按计划完成度假村的各类采购任务,并在预算内尽量做到降低成本、节省开支。 6. 负责检验商品符合检疫检验及食品安全等法律法规要求,及时处理发现的问题。 【岗位要求】 1. 具有大专以上学历。 2. 具有3年以上国际五星连锁酒店各项物品的采购经验。 3. 具有较好的英语基础 。 4. 对采购程序,采购合同的订立比较精通。 5. 具有较强的组织能力和沟通能力及管理能力。 6. 该岗位需每周工作6天   【G.O福利】: 免费住宿; 一日三餐国际自助餐厅; 吧台饮料畅饮; 度假村内所有娱乐活动及场地设施免费使用; 机场接送服务; 工作满一年往返度假村和住址机票; 完善的工作意外伤害保险及社会保险; 国际化G.O团队; 拥有登台演出的机会; 每年轮换海外及大中华区度假村工作机会; Club Med海外度假村免费房间; 快速晋升通道。
  • 全国 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 全球80家
    • 度假村酒店
    • 一价全包
    • 海外工作机会
    • 每年轮换酒店
    • 大中华区3家
    • 多元化团队
    • 员工全球免费
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    PURPOSE OF JOB  He guarantees and monitors the stock and the deliveries of the village. He is responsible for managing storage warehouses and deliveries to maximize efficiency and secure the business qualitatively and quantitatively. GENERAL MISSIONS PROCUREMENT PROCESS Order : v  He defines the forecasted product needs and give purchasing orders to the Procurement Manager  as close as possible to needs to ensure a continuous and regular service    Reception : v  He controls deliveries: qualitative and quantitative control of the products received (weighing of bulk foodstuffs, etc.)  v  He controls the respect of suppliers' deadlines  v  He deals with non-conformities on a day-to-day basis and communicates it to the Procurement Manager   Stocks : v  He analyses, consolidates and communicates consumption to better adapt stock levels  v  He is responsible for the proper implementation of inventories and expressions of needs  v  He advises managers on the expression of their needs, ensures that they are anticipated  v  He adapts inventory levels to the reliability of customer needs and the supplier context, aiming for the best full cost / customer service ratio  v  He secures stocks and exhaustively guarantees that the physical stock is equal to the stock recorded in Ecomat IT system v  He organizes storage of the reserves and the quay of the Economat v  He arranges reserves, implements necessary signage to identify the products.   Reporting : v  He evaluates the performance of suppliers   v  He contributes to the respect of objectives set for variable costs, he researches and identifies new products and services to optimize/reduce costs v  He improves productivity by optimizing the flow of information and goods flows   v  He participates in the monitoring of self-checks of his department   v  He establishes and informs a dashboard of the service's performance   QUALITY / HEALTH AND SAFETY: v  He is the guarantor of compliance with H&S standards in collaboration with other managers, alerts his managers (hierarchical and functional) in case of risk   v  He participates in the Health and Safety Unit v  He keeps all records in a way that they can be checked at any time for information or audit purposes Team management v   He ensures the reception, implementation and integration of GO/GEs in his department v   He defines personal objectives and support his team or its affiliates, and evaluates them v   He supervises and leads in a transversal logic v   He implements and complies with HR procedures v   Manager by proximity: show, train and enforce v   He shows exemplarity through his visibility among teams and customers v   He ensures good social climate in his department v   He ensures all staff is properly trained and have the tools and equipment needed to effectively carry out their job functions KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI) CLIENT ·      Customer satisfaction data  ·      Compliance with standards and SOP   Business  ·      Respect of budgets (result versus budget) ·      Rate of loss, theft or damage of goods ·      Stock function to meet internal audit scores   PEOPLE ·      Development of his team skills, Turn Over and absenteeism ·      End of month inventory variance
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