· 编制每天及每周的工作计划,并确保是根据当日的生意状况和重要绩效指标进行合理安排。
Prepares daily and weekly work schedules, making sure that they reflect business needs and other key performance indicators.
· 分配客房部宾客服务员的工作职责。
Assigns duties and responsibilities to Hosts-Housekeeping
· 检查客房部宾客服务员已完成的工作。
Conducts checks on works done by Hosts-Housekeeping
· 报告宾客的建设性地反馈意见。
Reports adverse guest comments.
· 报告和记录丢失和损坏项目。
Reports and logs lost and damaged items.
· 报告和跟踪每天和每季度对所有客房实施的深度清洁和预防性维护工作。
Reports and follows up on daily and quarterly deep cleaning and preventive maintenance work for all guest rooms.
· 检查所有公共区域。
Conducts checks on all Public Areas.
· 检查承包商实施的工作。
Conducts checks on works carried out by Contractors.
· 与外包公司的主管一起协调和检查所其实施的工作,例如洗衣处理等。
Coordinates and inspects with Contractor’s Supervisor on work carried out for example laundry handling etc.
· 确保所有会议场地和洗手间在使用前、中和后都保持干净。
Ensures Events space and toilets are clean before, during and after a function.
· 计划和确定定期工作的时间表,如地毯清洗、深度清洁。
Plans and schedules periodic works such as, carpet shampooing, and high dusting.
· 确保所规定的定期工作的实施。
Ensures scheduled periodic works are carried out.
· 为VIP客户的到达提供预先客房布置和准备的服务。
Performs pre-setup for V.I.P. arrivals.
· 确保酒店最基本的品牌标准都被贯彻执行,适用时还要贯彻执行可选的品牌标准。
Ensures all company minimum brand standards have been implemented, and that optional brand standards have been implemented where appropriate.
· 确保宾客服务员能以支持和灵活的态度及“团队协作”的精神与其他部门紧密合作。
Ensures Hosts work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”.