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Archive of My Works


That Song:

Miss You:


Like You:

Hurt Again:




Fan Fiction:

Short Stories:

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lösungsstrategien (2)

ich muss ruhig bleiben. geduldig bleiben. ich muss die emotion aus den dingen rausnehmen. "neutraler" werden. kantenloser. so wie spongebob in dieser einen folge, wo er alle seine löcher verloren hat.

ich muss mich anpassen.

wenigstens nach außen hin.

monologe (1)

ich hätte heute früh zur uni gehen sollen. bin dann aber "spontan" zu hause geblieben, obwohl ich pünktlich aufgewacht bin, schon geduscht hatte und eigentlich schon halb fertig war. dann hab ich mich aber "nicht so danach gefühlt".

kurz saß ich da und hab überlegt, ob ich wirklich den tag in die tonne schmeißen soll und um so mehr ich darüber nachgedacht hab, um ssoomehr bin ich auf den schluss gekommen: "ja. scheiß einfach drauf. bleib zu hause."

mir sind zwar auch gründe eingefallen, wieso ich ebenso gut zur uni gehen könnte, die haben aber emotional nicht so schwer gewogen. ich vermutete aber schon, dass ich mich, sollte ich zu hause bleiben, dafür schämen, mich wertlos, einsam und isoliert fühlen würde.

dann hab ich vor lauter überforderung (und umes meiner beschissenen existenz "leicht zu machen") einen joint geraucht.

und ja: was soll ich halt sagen..

auch wenn ich dieses gefühl versuche zu bekämpfen, fühl ich mich halt wie dreck.


deshalb, jetzt: ein monolog über die absolute beschissenheit des seins. und wie ich da wieder hinauszukommen gedenke.

Things weren’t as they seemed.-A monologue.

You saw someone, but you didn't see me.

You saw someone dirty, who didnt shower daily. I saw someone who wasn't allowed to use the shower, only baths and NOT everyday, not even weekly... someone who would get grounded or beaten for doing so. Thats not me today.

You saw someone who was too stuck up to talk to anyone, a bitch perhaps. I saw someone who was conditioned to feel unworthy of your time, attention.. someone that saw no value in their own life, someone who went ahead and assumed you didnt like them, so she didnt have to face the day that you'd make it obvious. Thats not me today.

You saw someone lazy, that never did their homework, their projects or attended afterschool activities. I saw someone that didnt have a computer, internet, a printer, nor a ride to go to school before classes or to stay afterwards. Thats not me today.

You saw someone who rarely spoke when spoken to, as if you were unworthy of her breath. I saw someone conditioned to be seen and not heard. Thats not me today.

You saw a ''slut'' who hung out with too many guys. I saw someone who took interest in similar things as them, and found them to be more welcoming and less judging than you. Thats not me today. Today I have a great love and respect for fellow women.

You saw a loner, uncool. I saw someone alone and lost. Thats not me today.

You saw someone with no fashion sense or style of their own, ping ponging through styles. a ''Poser'' I saw someone who only received handme downs, value village finds, only anything new at christmas time from other family members who like her, had no idea what her style was.. someone who used what they had, whether or not it`s what they liked, personally. Thats not me today.

You saw someone that 'copied' something silly like shoes. I saw someone who went out and bought them with her father on the weekend, wasnt allowed to take them to her moms.. went to school the next week and saw you sporting them.. and when I could bring them home, wore them to school with terror in my heart..and a social lashing when they were noticed. That's not me today.

You saw someone, but you didn't see me.

And now years later, you still see someone, but you don't see me.

Highschool/public school is maddening, you're thrown into a sea of 700-1000+ local people who are going to automatically have an opinion of you, and if it's an unfavorable one they will NEVER take the time to get to know you.. as an adult, there will always be that 1000 people.. Who see someone, but they don't see you.

I wish I could get to know them, YOU, I wish I had that chance. I want nothing more to embrace people for who they are, not what I see.

There are many that I admired so much, and desperately wanted to be friends with, but I knew how I was seen, and that there was no way around it.

Ein kleines bisschen Vollkommenheit

Ein kleines bisschen Vollkommenheit

Es war seltsam in diese Welt hineinzuwachsen. Alles schien seinen Platz zu kennen. Nur man selbst wusste noch nicht so recht, wo man eigentlich hingehört. Jeder sagte einem was man werden sollte, doch wann findet man eigentlich Zeit um zu sein? Dafür dass diese Welt so vieles weiß, von dem man sagt dass man es lernen sollte, scheint sie verdammt viel vergessen zu haben. Irgendetwas von dem Sein…

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