It’s here the new year denial note challenge
I want to ask the ghosts , few people who follow along, and anyone who stumbles in here to help me make start the brew year with a bang and possibly make me more needy, desperate, humiliated, etc
For every note this post relieves pushes me further down the path of denial degradation humiliation. Like, reblog, pass on
I’m setting high goals to see what can happen (if you have suggestions, thoughts, commentary -do share!)
Not counts ends at January 15th (unless Sir extends it)
5 notes: dress no panties
10 notes: dress no panties and plug
25 notes: plug and Ben wa balls to work
50 notes: tack bra, plug and Ben wa balls to work
75 notes: short outing with my largest plug
100 notes: clamp on cunt lips 1 hour, edge
125 notes: Every person that tells me my blog got them off, or that i help get off is a write up and a day without panties
150 notes: sleep with vibe and plug
200 notes: day out with my lush
225 notes: gym no panties
250 notes: lush link posted
300 notes: day of tasks from tumblr completed in a week
325 notes: tiger balm edge then on plug for the day
350 notes: edge with panties on. edge with panties as a gag
400 notes: write a fantasy while edging, edge while reading it with clothespin on tongue-recorded audio
425 notes: outing without a bra
450 notes: blow job video no face
500 notes: add another 100 days to denial or ask to go all of 2027 without orgasmm - whichever sir prefers
Current countdown timer to the end of my denial