Dental Implant Costs | Milton Keynes | Great Value for Money
Dental Implant Costs Milton Keynes
Dental Implant Costs are the overriding consideration of most patients. Unfortunately many are tempted to go abroad for the cheapest option. They only realise when it all goes wrong, that they have no right and no warranty. Many of these patients have borrowed money with they have still got to pay back. A double whammy.
We offer great value for money and whilst we are not the cheapest patients need to be careful of choosing cheap implant treatments.
To be fair we do see implant treatments done abroad which are of a very high standard. It is also true that even in the UK treatments can have complications.
The cheapest options usually
involve plane journeys
End in countries where dental regulation is virtually non-existent and where there is no effective way to deal with complaints.
involve materials and techniques that are certainly not the best available
mean no follow up care
ignore other problems in the mouth like gum disease
involve treatments by dentists who do not meet the requirements to work in the UK
mean that if there is a problem the patients then has to go back and that can involve large transport costs.
involve having treatment form dentists with no insurance (Indemnity is rightly mandatory in the UK)
We are the largest Private Dental Practice in the UK, we place more than 600 implants a year, and have been providing dental care for over 40 years. For complicated and expensive treatment there is no substitute for experience and long term commitment.
Our Dental Implant Costs
We offer an affordable way to have Dental Implants
Implant TypeFee FromFee AverageSingle Implant without restoration£1000£1250Single Implant with Ceramic restoration£1950£2000Two single implants (Pricing assumes same day procedures and same arch)£3700£3800Three single implants (Pricing assumes same day procedures)£5100£5200One implant supporting small bridge (2 teeth)£3000£3250Two implants supporting small bridge (3 teeth)£4000£4250Three implants supporting a large bridge (5 teeth)£5500£6000Complete arch five or six implants + 10 unit bridge)7000£75002 implants and a full lower denture£2000 + Denture cost£2400 + Denture cost4 implants and a full lower denture£4400 + Denture cost£4400 + Denture cost6 implants and a full arch restoration£11000£11500Sinus Lift (Small)£700£775Sinus Lift (Medium)£950£975Sinus Lift (Large/Extensive)£1200£1275Bone Grafting/Augmentation at time of placing implant£300£350Bone Grafting/Augmentation as a separate procedure£300£350Collagen Membrane£100£100
Dental Implant Consultation at The Hub Dental Practice
This first visit is a consultation and full dental examination including cancer screen. We always encourage patients to bring a family member or friend along.
At the end of this visit we will give you a written treatment plan for
1. The proposed implants including options and choices
2. Any other dental treatment that is required prior to having the implants.
We will also give you copies of any X-ray that have been taken
The implantologist will go through the treatment plans with you and answer any questions you may have.
We then encourage you to go home and have a good think and perhaps do some online research.
We usually give patients some extra literature to take home and read, including a consent form.
Charges for Implant Consultation
For patients seeing Dr Jaime DE Castro Torres Dr Alvaro (George) DE Castro Torres. Dr Ezgi Cilingir
Free Examination for any of our patients who have had a Full Dental examination in the previous 12 months.
Otherwise £25 for the examination + the cost of any X-ray
Contact us now or call us on 01908 690326 (A real person always answers the phone).
What our Clients are Saying
Jennifer Balek ★★★★★ 3 months ago I just finished my orthodontic treatment and I must say I am 100% happy with the results and everything was very quick compared to what I’ve thought that it was going to take around 2 years. Thank you Dr. Aurela Doru and Daniel, you have made me journey incredible and the results are amazing, you are very professional and passionate about what you do. I recommend them with all my heart.
Micuci Sebastian
★★★★★ 2 months ago I’ve previously been there for an emergency examination after a filling came out and now I am about to start my orthodontic treatment with Dr. Aurela Doru and Daniel. From what I’ve heard they are the best which makes me very excited and I am looking forward to having my teeth straight , will look into whitening as well. This practice has it all.
Read more reviews here
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Created by marunes
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