I normally don't get involved in fandom politicking and I normally stay quiet, however I can no longer do that due to the actions of one such M, Mune, Muneca, Pearly, N3na, Nena, Fairium ( bluesky / tumblr / nexusmods ) and her enabling friend Shaundi452 ( bluesky / nexusmods ). This person, whom I shared two renditions of my NPV for Valheri with has not only unbundled and unzipped and STOLE my assets, but she used them, used Valheri's entire preset and secretly role played as her (my OC) predating 2025. When she was caught the first time and spoken to about it, she went dark for 2 weeks and came back as a dupe OC that looks extremely familiar to my brand using mostly Vanilla assets and she is still using a great deal of the stuff she stole from me.
This document details, with evidence of her deceitful and highly concerning behavior and her best friend quite possibly having a hand in assisting her with this.
No one should have to feel violated and terrorized like this.
This has to stop.
Please see below for link:
This is a document to display the lies and unhinged behaviors of M, Mune, Muneca, Pearly, N3na, Nena, Fairium ( bluesky / tumblr / nexusmods