Well, well....
The people have spoken. More people demand to see more dragonslayer's content. I'm sorry Ruby.
Jaune Midsummer Yang.
Yang: Hey Vomit boy. There's something I need to tell you?
Jaune: What is it Yang?
Yang: It's actually quite funny actually. Did you know there's people shipping us together. It's crazy right?
Jaune: Yeah it is crazy alright.
Yang: Oh. Crazy how exactly?
Jaune: I mean it's crazy that someone like me is being shipped with someone as beautiful as you.
Yang: ...I'm beautiful?
Jaune: Not only beautiful, smart, reliable, strong and not only that but you are incredibly kind.
I mean there's no way someone like you going out with someone like me. That's just crazy.
You deserve the best Yang. No. You deserve the world. You deserve to have someone that can give you everything. Someone who loves you for who you are and will never stop loving you no matter what.
Sadly it can't be me.
Yang: Oh Jaune... Let's continue this somewhere more "private."
Jaune: I see...
Multiple non-stop "private sessions" over the years later
Slaying the Dragon, Slaying the Depression 🐉
Jaune: Boo-hoo. I am so sad. Woe is me. The young male depression epidemic is real. Why aren't more people talking about this. Does society hate me because I'm a man. Is there truly no cure for such a malaise?
Slaying the Dragon.
How Yang usually flirts:
Yang: 'Sup vomit boy? ❤️
How about you and me go and do it like they do on the discovery channel?
Jaune: Oh gawrsh... (I'm in danger)
How Jaune flirts with Yang:
Jaune: Here you go Yang. I saw them growing by the hill and immediately thought of you. I hope you like it?
Yang: Oh Vomit boy~ it's so beautiful... *Holds tears*
This is the best gift anyone has ever given me.
Jaune: That's kinda sad.
(And then as a reward Yang took him to a motel and proceeded to "ride" him till morning... It was partly consensual.)
Jaune Finally Snapped...
Now, Finally at what seems to be the final moments of the world. Two figures stands in stark opposition to each other's. One is an all powerful malevolence witch that goes by the name of Salem, while the others is merely a humble knight named Jaune Arc. Armed with his trusty sword and shield, Jaune must now face off against the witch for the fate of the world.
*one epic fight scene later*
Salem: Ahhh!!!!
Well done. You may have defeated me hero, but you forget that I am immortal and I can't be killed. Nya, ha, ha, ha, ha....
*lop Salem limbs's off*
What the fuck is the matter with you?! You already defeated me.
Jaune: I might not be able to finish you for good. But I can stop you from hurting anyone else.
Salem: Nye, he, he. But you forget hero my body can simply regenerate...
*starts to slowly regenerate*
Jaune: Which is why at the start of each day I'll cut off your limbs again.
Salem: Uhmmm....
Jaune: And I uh... I'll sharpen a pole. Stick it up inside you out through your mouth...
*starts sharpening pole*
And wear you on my back. Wriggling trophy for all to see...
Salem: What the fuck dude?!
You're a monster!
Weiss: S-should we stop him?
Blake: Why? I mean we can't destroy Salem so we might as well do everything possible to stop her.
Yang: ... Is it wrong that I find this kinda hot?
Ruby: take a number Sis. I'mma gonna tap that ass first!
Nice to Mate You Jaune
Mama Arc: Honey, look. My friend Summer and her daughters is coming over to visit. Say hi to them.
Jaune: Oh hi. Mrs. Summers nice to meet you.
Summer: Well hi to you too. (He is so handsome 😍) You must be the famous Jaune Arc I keep hearing about. I want to introduce you to my two daughter.
The blonde is the oldest. Her name is Yang.
Yang: What's up, and nice to meet a fellow Blondie. *shakes hand*
Jaune: Nice to meet you too... (Don't look down at her chest.)
Yang: You know it's okay to stare...
Summer: And my youngest and definitely the cutest. Ruby!
Ruby: 👀 Staring silently at Jaune 👀
Summer: I'm sorry. She's a bit shy and as you clearly see she takes after her mother. She's a wolf faunus like me.
Jaune: I can see that. Nice to meet you Ruby and your mother is right you really are cute...
Ruby: (He thinks I'm cute🥰)
*wags her fluffy bushy tail*
Summer: *sniff around* (Oh Ruby, you're so adorable. First time meeting a cute boy and you're already thinking about mating with him. You're letting out so much pheromone if any wolf faunus around they will tackle you to the ground and forcibly mate with you.)
Jaune, now that we fully introduced ourselves. How about you show us where your father is?
Jaune: Oh, of course he is usually at his study. Come on I'll show you around.
Ruby: *hugs Jaune's arm* I-I'm sorry... *blush*
Jaune: I-it's okay. *blush*
Yang: Looks like someone like you. 🤭
Summer: I'm sorry Jaune, but can you let Ruby hold you like that for a while?
Jaune: Yes! O-of course. Ruby you can hold me as much as you want.
Summer: See. I told you that my Ruby will be perfect for your Jaune.
Mama Arc: Oh my Oum. You're right sum-sum they're so cute together. Hey, you think she's okay with giving us grandchildren?
Summer: *sniffs again* Oh, I don't think it would be a problem. (Damn Ruby, you're practically signaling to the whole town you want to mate... And you swaying your hip like you want to be violently bred doesn't help. At this rate you going to end up giving me grandchildren before the night is over.)
Arc Family's Study
Mama Arc: Honey. I brought Summer and the rest of her family.
Papa Arc: Ah so nice to meet you again Summer. To bad your husband can't join us.
Summer: Oh you know how Tai is. He's just overprotective when it's comes to Ruby.
Papa Arc: Then how did he take it. This arrangement of ours?
Summer: Eh.... 😬
Papa Arc: That Bad?
Summer: He threatened to kill the entire Arc family's bloodline if we go through with this.
Papa Arc: Ha, ha. Oh. I say let him try not the first time anyone tried to kill us. But seeing all of you are here. So how did you managed to convince him?
Summer: Let's just say I had help from a little bird.
Rose-Xiaolong's house. 🏠
Tai: Let me out of here!!! My beautiful daughter is about to be stolen from me!
Qrow: Melodramatic much? Ruby just going to a matchmaking date with the Arc's family brat. It's not like she's going to get hitched right away.
Tai: Shut up traitor! You don't know that. My daughter is so incredibly cute and beautiful. Any boy would immediately propose to her on sight. Heck I would if she wasn't mine!
Qrow: Okay... I didn't need to know that. *takes a swig* Oh I should have brought something stronger.
Back to the Arc's family residence
Papa Arc: No doubt it must be hard to convince him. And I believe we haven't been introduced yet, little lady.
Yang: Yang's the name and puntification is my game. Nice to meet you Mr. Arc and thank you for letting us inside your lovely home. Don't mind me I'm just chaperoning my cute little sister. But I guess she doesn't need me now with you around, right Blondie?*poke*
Jaune: *clear throat* I'm not sure how I supposed to feel about that. But Dad I want to introduce you to Ruby.
Ruby: ..... *hugs Jaune tighter*
Papa Arc: So this cute lil cub is Ruby I keep hearing about? Nice to meet you little girl.
Ruby: .....
Summer: *psst* Ruby say something.... Oh my Oum...
Ruby: ....
Summer: (Oh no she's gone into heat. I gotta do something before she pounced on Jaune. But what to do? Oh darn it. Desperate times call for desperate measure.) Hey Jaune, try calling her a good girl.
Jaune: Calling her what?
Summer: Good girl. Now do it. It's what I do to "calm" her down. And don't forget to rub her head while you do it.
Jaune: Uh, okay... *rubs her head* Good girl, Ruby you're such a good girl.
Ruby: 🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇 *fell down on the floor*
Jaune: Oh no, Ruby are you okay?!
Ruby: *glomp Jaune*
Jaune: *blush* Wow. I guess you're okay now...
Ruby: I am, when I'm with you... *rest on Jaune's chest*
Jaune: Take as much time as you want Ruby. I'm not going anywhere....
Ruby: *rubs her scent all over Jaune*
Jaune: Ruby. Did you smell something?
Ruby: (It's my musk. It means I'm ready to mate with you.) No Jaune I didn't smell anything.
Jaune: I see. It smells nice though.
Mama Arc: Aww... See Honey. I told you that Ruby girl is perfect for our boy.
Papa Arc: Well there is no doubt that Ruby is perfect for Jaune, but I have to reject Ruby's engagement with Jaune.
*record scratch*
Mama Arc: Honey... Please tell me the reason why you don't want Ruby for our son? *twitchy eyes*
Papa Arc: Well, just look at her hips. *grabs Ruby her hips and shake her around*
She can maybe give around 2-3 children Max. Not to mention her small hips means pregnancy can be especially difficult.
Ruby: *pained howl*
Jaune: Stop it dad, you're hurting her!
Summer: You reject my darling Ruby just because she has a small hips *resisting the urge to kill*
Papa Arc: I'm afraid so. But it's not that I don't like Ruby. Not at all. But she's not the right fit for my Jaune. (in more ways than one)
Summer: I'll kill you!!!
Mama Arc: Wait stop sum-sum he's my husband!
Summer: Let me at 'im! He dare make up an obvious lie just because he doesn't want his son to be with Ruby.
Mama Arc: It's not a lie Sum. It's the truth. An Arc especially a male heir are expected to have as many children as he can. For that they make sure to pair him up with the most suitable woman.
Summer: Wait, doesn't that mean you too?
Mama Arc: Yes I'm afraid so. Me and my husband's marriage were arranged. by our own parents. That's why I wanted Jaune to at least have a choice in choosing his own partner. And why I want it to be the daughter of my best friend. That's why I made that promise with you all those years ago.
Jaune: Wait, Mom what promise are you guys talking about?
Mama Arc: *sigh* It's going to be a surprise but I guess the wolf is out of the bag now... It's a promise your mom and Ruby's mom make that if we have both have children we're going to set them up with each other. To you know. To deepen our friendship and our family's bond.
Jaune: *gasp* Ruby! Did you know about this?!
Ruby: N-no. My mom told that I would meet a boy and if I like him. I can ask him to be my mate...
Jaune: Do you want me to be your mate?
Ruby: *nods*
Jaune: I'm honored, thank you for choosing me. *rubs her head*
Ruby: *purr*
Summer: OMG OTP. Arc! You better let my Ruby have your boy!
Papa Arc: Sorry Summer but the answer is no. And an Arc never go back on their promise... But how about your other daughter?
Summer: You mean Yang?
Papa Arc: She's perfect to be an Arc's Bride don't you think?
*pick up and shakes Yang around*
This the golden ratio of Birthing Hips. Just look at her, she can pump out a dozen or more kids without any difficulty. (Not to mention she can probably take Jaune's full length, Sorry Sum, but I'm doing this for Ruby's sake too.)
Yang: What?
Summer: You have got to be kidding. I wanted Ruby x Jaune. Just look at them they're clearly perfect with each other.
Papa Arc: I can't deny that. They do look rather good with each other. But remember I had an arranged marriage. And I love my wife very much. Maybe Yang and Jaune can come to love one another too. Look at it this way you both can still keep your promise together by marrying Jaune to Yang. (And this way I won't be responsible if Jaune split Ruby in half.)
Summer: But my ship?...
Yang: Uh look. It's not that I think that Jaune isn't good looking at all. But I don't want to steal Jaune away from my sister... (And I don't like the way she is looking at me right now.)
Ruby: *growl* (Mate about to be stolen. Must kill potential rival.)
Jaune: Ruby why are you growling like that. You're not thinking about killing your own sister so you can have me all for yourself right? Because I will be very cross with you if you do.
No of course not Jaune, what makes you think that. (Note to self. Make sure it looks like an accident.)
Yang: Wow relax sis. I'm not gonna steal yo' man.
Ruby: (You better not😠)
Yang: Besides we are not "pearfect"🍐 for each other.
Jaune: You could say we're not "meat" 🥩 to be...
Yang: Gods I want you inside me right now, so you can put your babies inside me... Oh crap.
To celebrate my mother day's Fic for reaching 100 likes and reblog. I can finally show y'all what the Arc kids are supposed to look like and who they are for the sequel:
Dusk Belladonna
Age: 10.
Semblance: Invisibility (she can made her self invisible for few seconds.)
Weapon: N/A. (She doesn't have or want one.)
Favorite foods: Anything with fish but prefers Tuna.
Likes: Mommy, Daddy, Being alone.
Dislikes: Dogs, crowds, stranger.
Character Desc:
Dusk Belladonna is the daughter Blake and Jaune which means she is also the daughter of both human and Faunus. In her timeline Human and Faunus achieved true equality and mutual respect with one another. It was not easy and although Dusk herself does not know the sacrifice needed to achieve it, even she knows that it's something to be cherished and protected. Quiet, reserved and preferring the company of close associates. She is still expected to one day lead Menagerie and all of Faunuskind. A decision that she is also unaware of. But her parents are against it. Instead wanting her to enjoy her childhood for as long as she can before the fated day.
Scarlett Rose-Arc.
Gender: ♀️
Age: 17.
Semblance: Petal Storm. (An upgraded form of Ruby's Semblance.)
Weapon: Crescent Rose MK. 20. (A.K.A. the Geneva Violator.)
Favorite foods: Strawberry Shortcake.
Likes: Spending time with family, weapons, fighting.
Dislikes: Bully, Bugs, Rainy day.
Character Desc:
Scarlett like Ruby is both a powerful fighter and a genius weapon inventor. Her weapon is the Crescent Rose MK. 20. A Scythe, Voulge, grenade launcher, assault riffle and sniper rifle combination weapon. In practice such a weapon should not be able to work but she and Ruby managed to made it work. This essentially turns her into a one woman army. But even though she’s a formidable warrior she still not yet able to beat her older brother Vermillion in a fight. Something which annoys her.
Victor Arc (formerly a Schnee)
Gender: ♂️
Age: 20.
Semblance: Glyph. (Has been shown able to summon a small army worth of Grimm.)
Weapon: Myrtenaster,
Favorite Foods: Sushi.
Likes: Seeing her mother dead, his little sister, cute things. (In that order.)
Dislikes: His mother, Atlas, Incompetent people. (himself)
Character Desc:
Victor Schnee or now known as Victor Arc was once a former Scion of the Schnee Household. Is the son of Jaune Arc and although he hates to admit it, he is also the son of Weiss Schnee. In his timeline the world is broken in every sense of the word. In his world. War has engulfed Remnant. And the scale of destruction is beyond comprehension. Continents shattered, sea boiled over, even the very air turned against you, All courtesy of the Superweapon created by the SDC. Of course many tried to stop the war from happening and all failed, Even Jaune Schnee died trying to stop it. His dead however is proven to be the catalyst for the tragedy. After his death something broke inside of Weiss. Despaired and Enraged by her husband’s death. Weiss reorganized the Kingdom of Atlas into the Atlesian Empire and declared war on everyone. With Victor serving as her right hand man. Working under her Victor is responsible for many of the Empire’s victory and her atrocity. He himself is directly responsible for numerous warcrimes and even genocide against the Faunus. Victor is also credited for killing Ruby Rose and for capturing Blake. Back home in Atlas he was hailed as hero for this feats. It’s only until much later that he regretted his action. And came to hate his own mother so far as to wanting her dead. While she's the one that broke the world, he still blame himself for helping her doing it.
Aurum Arc
Gender: ♂️
Age: 30-40.
Semblance: Ignite. (He is able to heat up the surface of any object he touch. If you seen the hot knife video on YouTube it’s pretty much like that.)
Weapon: Prominence Flame. (A Greatsword of the big-ass variety.)
Favorite foods: Homecooked meal. (he ain’t picky.)
Likes: Justice, protecting innocents, helping people.
Dislikes: Injustice, Villain, Laziness.
Character Desc:
As the oldest of the 12 sibling, Aurum is also born the weakest among his siblings. Born prematurely many did not expect him to survive childhood. But he refused to give up. Motivated by stories of warriors of old and the story of his father. He continues pushing his limit. And to the surprise of everyone he not only survive past childhood but he actually starts growing taller and stronger compared to other children his age. So strong in fact that in the age of 15 he managed to kill a Dragon Grimm. By the age of 17 he joined the Arc Knights. And in the age 20 rose through the rank and become the youngest captain of the group. A rank that he still hold to this day. Despite his achievement however he still found himself lacking behind his father and he made a promise that he will surpass the Grandmaster, Jaune Arc himself.
Vermillion Rose-Arc.
Scarlett's older brother will finally make his true debut in the next fic. So till then just wait my lovely readers. You will be mildly surprised.
And if there's anything you want to ask just leave a message, I'll try to answer it as best as I can.
And do tell me which one is your favorite?