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rawr--imma kitty cat

@rawrimmakittycat /

ely//asd//transgirl//muslim - arknights/touhou/art and aesthetic/text posts

The casual ableism against schizophrenics on this website is crazy. People will make joke posts about how dating an older girl with schizophrenia will ruin your life and you all laugh.

Sorry a schizophrenic girl hurt you when you're 18 or whatever, it happened to me too but it didn't make me ableist.


i'm gonna be honest i don't get why they say everypony instead of everybody in mlp. it's not like the word everybody is human-specific. the ponies have bodies. the word everypony, however, is pony-specific in a world where ponies are not the only people in their society, which means it would be more accurate and inclusive to use everybody instead of everypony. it all makes no sense to me

maybe they all hate spike..?

oh my god

oh my god

The Brony to alt-right pipeline is starting to make a little more sense now.


it's so funny how often antipsych books that deal with specific regions, time periods, or schools of thought do the whole "as opposed to most of antipsychiatry, this [region/time period/school of thought] did not advocate for the total abolition of psychiatry and institutions, and wanted to work with patients to reform it from the inside instead!" song and dance in the introduction. like the lack of self awareness is kinda funny after the 15th time


yknow i dont actually think age regression is a good term for it. i dont think most age regressors are actually *regressing* into childhood, its rather that they had that childness in them the entire time and just layered on heaps of masking and coping mechanisms on top of it until it got all covered up. but its still there, in just the same form it was originally! you're not making a new child version of yourself, you're dusting off who you were in a new environment, in a place that's safer and more suited to being a kid than where you once were

i think a lot of people who call themselves age regressors would be better off calling themselves something like transage, or agefluid, or just stating the age range they actually feel they are without any disclaimers about what their "real" age is, but they know that makes a lot of people angry, so they cushion it in the label of age regressor.

it's okay. you can just be a kid.

i think this is actually an important social issue tied in with the infantilization and tokenization of autistics. we should really consider why there is such a massive overlap between transage and autistic communities, whereas neurotypicals tend towards headspaces and regression, compartmentalization rather than integration.

in particular, childish autistics are cast as age-regressors or fetishists (as playing-pretend or innately sexual), while sexually-active autistics are cast as too childish for such sex. it's a double-bind. but when those who view that childishness as a performance cordon it off, the regressors and headspacers -- the neurotypicals -- it tokenizes and fetishizes those qualities in others, those who are not frightened to be childish in their daily lives, or who simply have no choice in how they are seen because they are autistic.

youth liberation, sexual liberation, and autistic liberation are all deeply tied together through our social images of what a sexually-healthy young person should act like. that youth and neurodivergence are functionally sexual categories should tell you a lot about how taxonomy functions under patriarchy.


In the mind of the healthcare system I don't have "low estrogen by female standards", I have "gender incongruence".

In the mind of the healthcare system I don't have "unwanted and severe facial hair growth impacting self image", I have "gender incongruence".

In the mind of the healthcare system, procedures that are taken for granted as justified medical interventions when it's a cis woman are reluctantly offered if and only if they can be convinced that my mental health will improve, and I better pay up myself.

That is the systemic difference between a woman assigned male at birth and a woman assigned female at birth.

Failure to understand these mechanisms will inevitably lead you to transmisogyny. Inevitably.

"Healthcare is geared towards AMAB bodies" is a relatively popular take on this site, because I genuinely think the average person here thinks Find+Replacing "Men" with "AMAB" makes a post more Inclusive and Progressive.

That's the charitable interpretation--sheer bullheaded ignorance. Otherwise, the rampant medical misogyny that trans women face has either not made them think twice about their beliefs concerning "AMAB" as a coherent class of people, or they do know we face this kind of treatment and deliberately group us with cis men anyway.

@archivised you are either being willfully ignorant or misread some part of this post, because cis women are never mentioned as having any form of medical privilege in this post, only cis men are. Transfems are absolutely medically neglected and often punished by the medical system for being transfem, the fact that medical neglect can take on a different form for them than it can for cis women, and the fact that the sheer acknowledgement of that makes you want to "become a terf" shows that you are probably well already there and have a lot of self reflection to do on your actual approach to trans support and understanding

Getting upset at the idea that cis people have privilege over trans people of the same gender is pretty ridiculously transphobic already, to be honest.

That was the point of my original post: There is a power structure at play here that sets boundaries on what healthcare is just regular healthcare, and what is gender-affirming care, where the latter operates on stricter rules and offers patients less autonomy.

And yes, that especially means trans women's healthcare, where we encounter significant medical misogyny, while outright transmisogynists like the tagger over here shriek in horror the moment we describe the material reality of trans women, as if the existence of another class of miserably neglected women somehow lessens the misogyny faced by all women.

Cis women are privileged in comparison with trans women. Being offended by that notion is TERF shit already.

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