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📛🪼📛🪼📛🪼 wauwa is so fricking small its actually crazy. it/her.

CURRENT WAUWA WIKIPEDIA STATS (4 those keepign score) good articles: 83 good article nominations: 3 featured articles: 11 featured article candidates: 2 featured lists: 10

four awards: 7


in 200 years townsends will make a video about my meal

thumbnail: townsends in a pleated skirt + oversized t-shirt holding up a paper plate

video title: the poor girl's feast


how does one get more plural. i dont mean "get more headmates", i mean "no longer be the one that fronts 99% of the time"


gonna become the first little with its shit together


my dad kinda sucks but props to him for marrying someone with the same name as his sister


its all 'be gay do crime' until a black person starts making allusions to drugs or sex or god forbid VIOLENCE and then it turns out nobody can handle anything more hardcore than downloading illegal torrents of hamilton


so many people on my post literally saying "come on, you can't possibly expect usamericans to understand that something is bad unless they think that it's like something foreign!" how are you not embarassed

like i generally think it is a bit tacky when other communists are like "the usa is a nation of treatbabies" or whatever, but, like, usamericans are out here aggressively infantilizing themselves to defend their right to be chauvinists so like i see where they're coming from tbh!


we're gonna make the satanic panic real but only for littles


i want u to know that i got a blood draw today and even tho it was very scary i didnt cry or faint at all and the nurse said i did a really good job!!!!


if you wanna understand why transmisogyny is so horrifying you have to understand the sorts of social and cultural patterns it takes to abuse someone until they will happily fulfill the role of the fetishized tokenized tranny bc any other option means isolation and death.

patriarchal society needs its sacrificial hypersexualized disgusting living sex-objects, and transmisogyny is how it tries to turn a human into that. i keep thinking abt this 4chan thread i read ~2013 shortly after i came out, in which a chaser talked about how he specifically liked dating trans women because “they have such low self-esteem that you can make them do anything”. he went on to talk about how he specifically looks for trans women with “dead, lifeless eyes” (aka dissociated from ptsd) because “they’re like a doll you can mold into whatever you want, then discard when you’re done, and there will always be more desperate for love”

that’s what transmisogyny is: a systematic pattern of abuse applied to a small sacrificial portion of the population to create a class of women with no claim to community or personhood, who will never be defended or avenged, who can be safely sunk into the attrition of patriarchy’s darker desires to protect the cis women, who after all could one day be mothers or some other kind of person. we are the class sacrificed to men’s violence and cis women’s violence. the socially unimportant. the weird and ugly. the punching bag. the blowup doll that talks. the mad artist that produces something great and then must burn out cause who could support that eccentric through life? the activist who makes huge steps for the better but stumbles on a community that would rather rape and abandon her than admit that it needs her. the queen of the dance who gets beaten with sticks as she’s leaving it and no one helps.

and its easy to do this, by painting the class as predatory, by making us hate and fear our own genitals, by indoctrinating us with an absurd amount of self-hatred, by giving us no out, no safe community, no one we can ever turn to. every cis person becomes a beartrap just waiting to swing shut and take out a chunk of flesh. and with fear and trauma we start to disappear from the world. we commit suicide, we overdose on heroin, we starve quitely in rooms playing videogames, or we become the tranny they want, deadeyed and always compliant and always ready to soak up blame. but whatever happens its the same: over time, we cease to exist. the person we are withdraws from the world until there is little to nothing left.

i don’t know how to stop it, but this has to stop. this is not something anyone ever should have to go through.


I'm not entirely convinced copyright is "good in theory" either to be entirely frank. that just seems like a way of slithering out of acknowledging your vested interests in property ownership


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