An observation about ff14. In wow the fact you usually have to have so many characters coupled with the fast leveling means one can kind of go through toons like they're changing clothes. of course this isn't true for everyone but it is for me. And the ff14 job system + leveling is so abysmally slow that you're smoking crack if you manually level two characters because it takes hundreds of hours. But this means you kind of get an emotional attachment to your character after spending so long staring at their back and it's kind of funny as an ex altoholic. I've probably spent more hours thinking about and playing barbie dolls with my cat girl in the few months I've been playing than like any one of my dudes from wow except for maybe my hunter I've had since 2005 and even then probably not. She's not even my character to me anymore she's real and I'm drawing her in ms paint every day and she has a dedicated fanclub of like 6 people most of whom don't even play the game