*quietly updates*
A few more panels from my comic
I'd love to say that this is the dumbest thing I've ever made, but we both know that's a lie
burnout be like
turns out all the people who added notes like “this is so adhd” were correct
had a real life "and everybody clapped" moment and im still reeling. spent the rest of the ride comparing butterfly pics with the old lady next to me trying to identify it
This is will be the last time you will be able to get the books!
what happened to a Study in Black and Blue, the venom storyline for your Spider-Man comics?
It's currently a WIP, but I cannot do anything with it while I work for my current employer. :)
There's more:
Whenever I accidentally drop something on the floor I say "ow" in solidarity.
On this day in 1971, "Amazing Spider-Man #96" was released by Marvel without the approval of the Comics Code Authority (after they had refused to allow the issue's anti-drug storyline). This eventually led to the end of the heavy-handed rules that had been enforced by the Authority since the 50s.
I drew the first picture as a joke but now I guess I have 2 new OCs….. their names are Knives and Yes Ma’am
What the Pirates vs. Ninjas internet debates in back in the 2000s should have been all along.
so, um, funny you mention that
So, about Knives………….
I drew the first picture as a joke but now I guess I have 2 new OCs….. their names are Knives and Yes Ma’am
Meg made an NB ninja and a cool pirate lady and showed them to twitter. This was how I imagined their meeting.
Alli’s the heckin best and is right about everything all the time. Also she’s the one who came up with their names.
I am the stupidest person alive.
Middle School VS Middle Aged