Recent Recap
Since the last recap we’ve covered everything from experimental combat shotguns of the 1980s to the history of French semi-automatic service pistols. There have also been posts covering the FN P90′s unusual prototypes, the High Standard T3 - developed to replace the M1911A1 in the late 1940s, the M1E5: Folding Stock Garand Carbine and a review of the fascinating 1930s war movie 'Stoßtrupp 1917′ check out the links below.
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Thanks guys, ~Matt
High Standard T3
AAI Close Assault Weapon System
M60 Unveiled
Heckler & Koch Close Assault Weapon System
Stoßtrupp 1917
FN P90 Prototypes
In Action: Thompson M1928
French Semi-Automatic Service Pistols
MAB Modèle D Pistol
The Sten Gun
M1E5: Folding Stock Garand Carbine
For more content check out the Historical Firearms facebook page which has some additional pictures and other content.