A portrait of Nemesis, also known as Waya Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile Photographed by Benjamin Valenzuela Wallis
im mr gay new vegas and youre listening to wasteland grindr
ok so a wild rat just spit poison at me
slay ten of those for my ancient tarnished coin
hell yeah baby
🚀 vidarr-1 Follow
torpdo Tube perfec t size for put homunculus in to l\aunch! inside very Smooth and Slippy homunculus lauch soundly put homunculus in Launch Tube. Put Homunculus In Launch Tube. no problems ever in launcch tube because good Shape and Support for homunculus neck weak of plastic doll head. Alunch Tube yes a place for a homunculus put homonculus in launch tube can trust sayer subversion 8.01 for giveing good love to homunculus. friend sayer
1 Boundless Note
It's time for another
May I humbly add my own artwork to dog saint Monday?
You know what? Let's be bad. Of course. A wonderful DOG SAINT MONDAY to all
link you are so so so welc,me
fuck it i torsioned the opps
3.8 cm ovarian cyst got me feeling like dracula
Yesterday night, I asked my parents to remind me to return The Terror (2018) to the video rental store. This morning I woke up to two — momentarily confusing and concerning — text notifications:
The demand for more f/f fic (written by people who aren't turned on by it) has been going on online for decades. In the LiveJournal days, writing and reading f/f was called "eating your vegetables." You weren't supposed to like it, but it was morally suspect if you didn't do it. Like, callout posts would be made for fic writers who had never written f/f.
Obviously, this strategy worked very well to encourage f/f fics, and everyone was happy forever.
That's hilarious actually. Wildly superficial engagement with text, treated as a solemn duty.
The ask wasn't joking?
Also I love the derogatory slang term for this more general phenomenon, "dutyfic"
bring it back
the way my partner talks about my ocd is so hilariously on point. for context, i experience a lot of verbal compulsions (feeling like i Have to Say a Certain Thing to magically fix another) and he just told me. "most of the time it's easy to spot a compulsion cause literally nobody asked"
i'll tell him that i want to watch a movie and then I'll specify out loud "you do not have to comply with my wish, but it was good to freely express it just as it is good for you to freely refute it" and he will look at me dead in the eye and say "who asked. compulsion". it's just brutal
this is genuinely such good OCD treatment partnership though. acknowledging the compulsion & refusing to participate in the OCD narrative & reassurance loop. we love to see informed support.
The look on my boyfriend's face when I read this to him tells me I'm going to be hearing "Who asked? Compulsion." a LOT.
This post called me out so violently I'm meeting it at dawn with pistols.
Aigana Gali (Kazakh, 1980) - Gateway (2021)