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@chemsexholmes /

everybody knows that beer ain't drinkin

Gosh I hate grind culture. My little sister just started medical school and all of her orientation leaders are like “you absolutely cannot have a life WHATsoever you WILL have to give up EVERYTHING besides this program say GOODBYE to your hobbies and relationships” and now she’s calling me feeling guilty for running and going to the grocery store and that’s just WRONG! And that is exactly what I was told starting law school as well, and rejecting that mentality was the best thing I ever did but it was so hard not to buy into. Anyway if any of you are in an intense academic program PLEASE take time to sleep and eat and exercise and maintain your relationships and keep up your hobbies! you are not a robot who exists solely to study and I promise that living a life and staying physically and mentally healthy is not going to make you fail

Workaholism is not just a “millennial quirk”, it’s a very real psychological problem that should not be normalized and praised. Diligence and self-realization? Awesome!!! Working so much you forget to eat, sleep and socialize? Not okay under any circumstances.


Remember barely even a week ago when the New York Times editorial staff put out an article calling Trump's erasure of trans people abhorrent, but took no responsibility for their role in it?

Yeah. About that


At the risk of sounding anti-intellectual, I think that college should be free and also not a requirement for employment outside of highly specialized career fields

At the risk of sounding like an effete intellectual, I do actually think you should be allowed to just take college courses indefinitely

technically you can, if you don't care about degrees.

For paid, there's The Great Courses+/Wonderium. 20$ a month for unlimited courses.

When searching, the phrases you're looking for are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), or you can do a general search of say, "free online college courses." Oh, and so you don't get surprised like I did, have an avoid: Hillsdale College is a conservative Christian site and not a valid MOOC place. Sign up with them and you will get things like THIS IS WHY THE LEFT IS TURNING YOUR KIDS TRANS AND GAY in your inbox.

@yourunderwaterskies I wanted to say thank you so much for adding these links, seriously, they've been life-changingly helpful to me-

And I also wanted to mention that humanitarian organisations have free courses too, like the Red Cross on international humanitarian law.


When u are on your period and it's fine but then u sit down on the toilet and it feels like some1 is prying ur pussy open with the dead ringers tools


you guys all know i'm in the panopticon too right? just because i'm in the tower doesn't mean i should be treated any differently. all of you can see me just as well as i can see you. my position is worse actually because you're all looking at me at once while i can only point the spotlight at one of you at a time. have some compassion. we're all in the panopticon here. we're all in the same boat


every time i say doing drugs is morally acceptable or whatever on here the notes/tags instantly fill up with people trying to agree with me by being like "you're not better than a methhead just because your drug of choice is a joint or a beer" and it's like well yeah as a factual observation correct but why do i get the feeling you still actually don't really respect either of the people you've just conjured up lol

now personally i would also add to this list when people see such posts and feel the need to go in the comments and say things like "have some compassion because people getting high all the time probably have miserable lives" i don't know how to convey more forcefully to you people that i am actually actively uninterested in stigmatising drug use, across the board, point blank, regardless of substance and regardless of life circumstances. i do not care. i do not think it is bad to enjoy getting high. and moralising it is actively detrimental to the people you claim to care about when you talk this way.

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