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@theboxfort /

Pink | Any pronouns | 23 💥 30 dollar Yinyang plush enjoyer 💥 Art Tag: #pink draws

Yeah I'm in STEM

Somebody once

Told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb In the shape of an "L" on her forehead Well, the years start comin' and they don't stop comin' Fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin' Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the backstreets? You'll never know if you don't go (W-w-wacko) You'll never shine if you don't glow Hey now, you're an all star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid (And all that glitters is gold) Only shootin' stars break the mold It's a cool place, and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now, wait 'til you get older But the meteor men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is gettin' pretty thin The water's gettin' warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire, how 'bout yours? That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored Hey now, you're an all star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid (All that glitters is gold) Only shootin' stars break the mold Hey now, you're an all star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid (And all that glitters is gold) Only shooting stars… Somebody once asked, "Could I spare some change for gas? I need to get myself away from this place" I said, "Yep, what a concept I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change" Well, the years start comin' and they don't stop comin' Fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin' Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the backstreets? You'll never know if you don't go (Go!) You'll never shine if you don't glow Hey now, you're an all star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid (And all that glitters is gols) Only shootin' stars break the mold (And all that glitters is gold) Only shootin' stars break the mold




Appreciation post for all the beginner artists who work hard despite the AI ​​looming over us. You are fabulous. You are precious. Keep up the hard work, you are needed.


ok like kakapo are great and all, i love them dont get me wrong but takahē are by far the best endangered new zealand bird and quite possibly THE Best Bird?

you cant really get any better than this. criminally underrated 


The axe/shotgun: this is still the same tool for chopping firewood, but with a cartridge amplifier.

Item: axe that uses shotgun cartridges to add power to its strikes


"dolphins are completely evil" I actually don't think we should assign human morality to animals with no concept of law or civilisation with an intelligence roughly equating to that of a toddler

bottlenose dolphins use "baby talk" when communicating to their babies and smile at each other like humans do when they play. be nicies to them

"Dolphins are evil" is just a reactionary backlash to years of earnestly believing dolphins were all benevolence and rescuing sailors only to find out they can be dangerous and violent like any other large wild animal.

"Sharks are nice" is a similar phenomenon in the opposite direction. Pop culture portrays sharks as malevolant killing machines who crave human flesh, so when people realize they're just animals who don't attack people any more than other predators, they overcompensate into thinking you can just swim with great whites with no danger.

The reality, of course, is that both dolphins and sharks are large wild animals who should be approached with caution and respect if at all. It's probably best for you and the animal to admire them from a safe distance.

some humans will try to help you if it's not too much trouble for them and some humans will try to bully you or take your shit or kill you if they think they can get away with it and sometimes those two examples of human can be the same person... and it's the same with every other species too.

Sometimes wolf spiders will simply abandon their eggs after laying them, sometimes they will eat their own young, sometimes they'll take an active parenting role -- and sometimes a wolf spider will adopt and raise a batch of baby spiders that are not even her own! And that's just wolf spiders.

Orcas are compassionate and tender and wonderful. Orcas are heartless and cruel and horrifying. And the reason those things seem to contradict is because we are trying to fit orca sized reality into a human sized expectation of how things are. It's the same with most creatures.

Everything on this planet is a complex interplay of situational variation, and we can only see it through the false lens of our own human values and limitations , so animals being "good" or "evil" or whatever is all just nonsense that ignores the strange and wonderful reality of their full existence


Slutshaming women is not ok Slutshaming Alexander Hamilton is totally ok Tumblr logic

he cheated. on his wife.

he’s also been dead for several hundred years this is the funniest post ive ever read in my life

fave things about this post:

  • the idea that thousands of people are calling alexander hamilton a slut
  • calling any founding father a slut
  • the idea that people are SHAMING Alexander Hamilton for being Such A Slut he is being SHAMED for being such a naughty little tart, SPREADING HIS LEGS FOR EVERYONE IN CONGRESS
  • that this was probably prompted by people expression dissaproval for Alexander Hamilton cheating on his wife - that the OP thinks “slut shaming” and “Isnt it gross that he cheated on his wife” are the same thing
  • Alexander Hamilton has been dead for 210
  • 210 slutty, slutty years
  • the way that this is presented in such a CHECKMATE SJWS way when they’re talking about a founding father who cheated on his wife and has been DEAD FOR 210 YEARS
  • the fact that the words “Slutshaming” and “Alexander Hamilton” have been used in the same sentence
  • i mean just apply what we’d traditionally think of as “slut shaming” to Alexander Hamilton.
  • His frock coat is too tight, his breaches are so short, have you SEEN how often he powders his wig??? I heard he gave Thomas Jefferson a handy behind the stables AND that he got fingered by John Hancock
  • i barely know who alexander hamilton is

date of origin: 2014

The Hamilton discourse extends beyond time.


young men are getting radicalised into being misogynistic because society is really misogynistic and misogyny makes men powerful. and also because it's not legal to shoot podcasters for sport

Anonymous asked:

You don’t own fanfics. They’re inherently public domain because they aren’t your IP. Agree or disagree with AI, there are no grounds for “protection” from AI because it isn’t your IP to begin with. That’s what you chose when you chose this medium

Oh dear.

Okay, you get an answer, because at least you took the effort to write your ask out properly, even if you are hiding behind the grey, sunglassed circle.

Do I, or any fanfic author for that matter, have any legal claims to our work? No, not really, no. (Although if someone took a fic, filed off the serial number--deleted the fandom specific elements--, and then had it published for financial gain, yeah, that would be a case.)


Fandoms are built on a social contract that says we respect each others work, the effort people put into their art. We don't steal or disrespect the work of our peers. By feeding people's fanworks to AI you both steal and disprect it, and we need to make people realize that before it's too late--before fandom falls apart, because there will be no more real, actual fanworks.



(i can't believe I have to say this)


Also this is not true. You do in fact have the copyright to the specific writing you did in a fic, because that's not how copyright law works. Like this is not a grey area.

People who write IP content for corporations give up their copyright on a contractual basis--the company wants writing they can sell about characters/settings they own without getting entangled in royalty obligations etc, so they hire people. Who sign contracts saying they don't own what they write as part of that job.

That's why you don't own Star Wars stuff you wrote for Disney; you specifically agreed not to own it.

Writing for IP you don't own leaves you in a position where you can't legally monetize it (without taking out the Owned parts ad rebranding), but it absolutely does not automatically cede or void copyright. That is super not a thing.

SUPER not a thing, I cannot say this enough.

I can't sell my Batman fic, but neither can DC Comics without my duly authorized consent. Because they own Batman, but not the prose I composed about him.

Do not perform that kind of massive corporate overreach for them. Holy shit. Do they not own enough.

It’s fascinating that this misconception of copyright still exists. Haven’t we all seen the posts on here where authors beg fans to please not send them fanfic of their works? They’re not doing that because they feel like it, they do that because fans legally own their words and ideas, and an author who takes them even unintentionally can in fact end up in real legal trouble for taking something that’s not theirs. It doesn’t matter whether they own the canon.

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