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Nöjd med dessa, skyddar cymbalerna i hålet där de möter stativet. Väldigt billiga för en sån viktig del, dessa kan rädda livet på dina cymbaler. Verkar passa de flesta tillverkares stativ också, så det är bra! Flexibelt!
it is what it does: a Cymbal sleeve to go on the threaded part of the cymbal holder. What was slightly surprising was that they are made of hard plastic, instead of a supple rubber compound. But it does the job fine.
so handy. You could just get some 8mm tubing from a hardware store but this feels more professional. Mine are new so I can't judge the longetivity of them but they feel solid. A think that people overlook too often. I found they could be a bit longer, or maybe have given two long two short...this is where tubing and cutting specific length trumps it.