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Perpetual licence including support plan and all upgrades for 12 months
Latest Pro Tools Studio version
Up to 64 inputs and outputs simultaneously
512 Audio, 128 auxiliary, 128 VCA and 64 master tracks
1024 MIDI and 512 instrument tracks
Unlimited number of buses and one video track
Enables mixing in surround, atmos and ambisonics formats
Pro Tools Sketch enables non-linear, clip-based work in Pro Tools, independent of the timeline
Advanced automation options with Punch, Capture, Write on stop, Write to all enabled, Automatch, Preview etc.
Editable clip FX and multi-stem bounce in one file
Numerous features such as Offline Bounce, automatic delay compensation, Multitrack beat detective, Elastic time and pitch, Clip gain, Real-Time fades, advanced metering with gain reduction display etc.
Includes Complete Bundle with over 115 virtual instruments and effects, Groove Cell and Synth Cell, HEAT and Inner Circle when Updates & Support Plan is active.
Avid Cloud collaboration with 1 GB of memory
Integration of hardware controllers via EUCON and Mackie HUI protocol
AVID Carbon, S6L as well as ASIO and Core Audio support for the integration of audio hardware
I've been using Protools since the early nineties, alongside Logic and some other DAWs along the way. PT is an industry standard and so the main reason I use it nowadays is so I can exchange files easily when working in a team. It is more precise and robust in the way it deals with detail and sync compared to Logic which is more for creativity and can be a bit fluffy around the edges on a technical level. My main gripe with Protools is its inflexibility - you can't reassign the keyboard shortcuts for example and the way you have to lay the screen out is sometimes not ideal. But apart from that it is a fully mature program that you can do whatever you want to with and it works very well.
Not much to say to be honest, it's pro tools but perpetual. You either like it or you don't. In my case it suits me pretty well since I used it for school for a year and I couldn't bother learning another DAW so I got this. It of course isn't without its flaws, crashes every now and then as most people know for example
che si puó dire di pro tools se non che è il miglior programma per il musicista ? c'è tutto uello che puó servire per chi compone , per chi è dietro una postazione di mastering o per chi si interfaccia per la prima volta a questo mondo.
software per eccellenza !