Marseilles Individual Card discussions (Major Arcana):
Major Arcana details or sequences:
Court Cards - please note that some cards do not yet have athread:
Also of interest are the threads in the Study Group Forum working on non-scenic pips from various decks (link is to list of threads).
Other Marseilles specific discussions:
- I - Le Basteleur;
- II - La Papesse;
- III - L'Imperatris;
- IIII - L'Empereur;
- V - Le Pape;
- VI - L'Amoureux;
- VII - Le Chariot;
- VIII - Justice;
- VIIII - L'Ermite;
- X - La Roue de Fortune;
- XI - La Force;
- XII - Le Pendu;
- XIIII - Temperance;
- XV - Le Diable;
- XVI - La Maison-Diev;
- XVII - L'Estoille;
- XVIII - La Lune;
- XVIIII - Le Soleil;
- XX - Le Jujement;
- XXI - Le Monde;
- Le Mat/Fov.
Major Arcana details or sequences:
- The Fool & the Magician;
- Card Sequence: Star, Moon, Sun;
- Card Sequence: XX Judgement & XXI the World;
- The Bateleur's/Magician's Lemniscate;
- Pances/Papess's crown: double vs triple;
- La Papesse's [phallic-looking strap];
- Intégrisme II: Meeting the Empress's gaze (Essay);
- Tonsured Acolytes & Funny Hats;
- Le Pape - two pillars or throne?;
- Le Pape's crozier and all that;
- A Jewish Pope?;
- The Hanged Man... death of a Jew in Christian lands?;
- Le Pendu: epaulettes or fingers?;
- Card XV - the Devil - face on the belly;
- Marseille Moon ~ Phoenix Rising!;
- The Fool & his Spoon;
- Le Fou and Zephaniah 3.
- Titles on the Camoin (Marseille);
- Le Basteleur;
- La Pances;
- L'Imperatrice;
- Le Basteleur;
- Le Pape;
- La Maison-Diev;
- Le Mat;
Court Cards - please note that some cards do not yet have athread:
- General Comments;
- Bastons & the Courts (& the Ace);
- 2 Coins on Valet & Roy (Camoin);
- The Kings and the 4 Quarters;
- Valet (Page) of Coins;
- Cavalier (Knight) of Coins;
- Reyne (Queen) of Coins;
- Roy (King) of Coins;
- Valet (Page) of Battons;
- Cavalier (Knight) of Battons;
- Reyne (Queen) of Battons;
- Roy (King) of Battons;
- Valet (Page) of Coupe's bib;
- Cavalier (Knight) of Coupe;
- Reyne (Queen) of Coupe;
- Roy (King) of Coupe;
- Valet (Page) of Espees (Swords);
- Cavalier (Knight) of Espees (Swords);
- Reyne (Queen) of Espees (Swords);
- Roy (King) of Espees (Swords)
Also of interest are the threads in the Study Group Forum working on non-scenic pips from various decks (link is to list of threads).
- Marseilles Pips meanings?
- Coins;
- Tarot de Marseille Denier Patterns;
- Swords & Colours (Grimaud);
- Swords up, swords down;
- When did Discs/Coins become Pentacles?;
- Upright vs. Reversed for Hadar, Camoin and Grimaud;
- The Left and The Right Hand [Batons and Sword Aces];
- Ace of Cups;
- As de Coupe;
- the Twos;
- the Twos: general observations;
- 2 Batons (summary);
- 2 Coins (summary);
- 2 Cups (summary);
- 2 Swords (summary);
- the Threes;
- the Fours;
- Shield on 4 Coins;
- the Fives;
- Six de Coupe;
- the Sevens;
- 9 Bastons;
- 9 Swords;
- Q re: 10 Swords;
- Dix d'Épées :: Broken Blade
Other Marseilles specific discussions:
- Tips for reading with the Marseilles;
- Comparative exercise;
- English translation of Hadar's LWB;
- Deriving Divinatory Meanings for Pip Cards of the Tarot de Marseille;
- Camoin Marseilles - 2 "coins" on Valet and Roy;
- Role of the Marseilles Bateleur in an alchemical tarot perspective;
- Why Kris Hadar put the date 1181 on his Two of Deniers (Coins);
- A text to share with you all, on the Marseilles Tarot;
- Difference between Wirth and Marseilles?
- Favorite Marseilles based styles?;
- Marseillese Spanish Tarot Courses;
- Accessing books & decks in French (Canada/USA);
- Marseilles as doomsday machine;
- Marseilles Tarot Research;
- The Sword: Marseilles Justice and Queen of Swords cards juxtaposed;
- Interpreting Minors in Marseilles Decks;
- The Visconti - and the Marseilles;
- Grimaud Marseilles LWB [Booklet] in English!;
- Unadulterated Marseilles?;
- Major Arcana pairs;
- The Origin of the World : a theory of creation in the Tarot de Marseille;