...yes, there is order in my madness as to the cards I'm selecting to begin the study... basically determining that we are more likely to complete the 78 if the sequence crosses over various suits and works 'downwards' with courts and pips, and upwards with the Atouts 
The King of Coins may come into a reading and indicate (to me at least) that the person needs to take charge and make some decisions, rather than reflect. This may often involve either financial or 'home' (proper 'economic') considerations.
The person needs to also remember that the best outcome needs to take into consideration that in the economic realm, it is to the mutual benefit of all that best decisions are made - the concept of fraternity in the decision making therefore needs to be kept as a beacon to also guide considerations.
This King appears not indoors, but rather on the field. His realms are thus not only open for himself to observe, but for all to see: whatever is being decided will be seen for what it is, and a revealing will take place as to not only his character, but also the impulse working in the unfolding project.
The King of Coins may come into a reading and indicate (to me at least) that the person needs to take charge and make some decisions, rather than reflect. This may often involve either financial or 'home' (proper 'economic') considerations.
The person needs to also remember that the best outcome needs to take into consideration that in the economic realm, it is to the mutual benefit of all that best decisions are made - the concept of fraternity in the decision making therefore needs to be kept as a beacon to also guide considerations.
This King appears not indoors, but rather on the field. His realms are thus not only open for himself to observe, but for all to see: whatever is being decided will be seen for what it is, and a revealing will take place as to not only his character, but also the impulse working in the unfolding project.