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Roy de Deniers (King Coins) - how may it be read?


...yes, there is order in my madness as to the cards I'm selecting to begin the study... basically determining that we are more likely to complete the 78 if the sequence crosses over various suits and works 'downwards' with courts and pips, and upwards with the Atouts :)

The King of Coins may come into a reading and indicate (to me at least) that the person needs to take charge and make some decisions, rather than reflect. This may often involve either financial or 'home' (proper 'economic') considerations.

The person needs to also remember that the best outcome needs to take into consideration that in the economic realm, it is to the mutual benefit of all that best decisions are made - the concept of fraternity in the decision making therefore needs to be kept as a beacon to also guide considerations.

This King appears not indoors, but rather on the field. His realms are thus not only open for himself to observe, but for all to see: whatever is being decided will be seen for what it is, and a revealing will take place as to not only his character, but also the impulse working in the unfolding project.


Perhaps not only advice, but as a warning, that perhaps someone is TOO Roy de Deniers (materially focused), and should seek balance.

OR, and this may be bit too fortune-tellingish for some, but perhaps it represents someone in the Querant's life?


This is the only Roy without a crown somewhere. I’ve always seen him as representing new money, the commercial classes. His costume seems a little less ornate as well. And possibly because of the Reyne de Deniers, I have always wondered whether he did not have a little non-Caucasian blood in him. All the other Kings hold quite large symbols of their suits in a somewhat authoritative manner. This Roy seems quite understated about his.

I have always liked him. He knows his role, is good at it and has reaped the benefits. Any man as successful as this one would have to know how to use relationships and power.

If he came in to a reading, I would interpret him in relation to the other cards. Alone, however, he says: Pay attention to the material realm. It is important. But you don’t need a huge Denier to be successful – just enough to live on – it depends on what you want. To achieve economic security you do have to be connected to others – so pay attention to relationships that may assist your success in the material world. Above all, when you have what you need and are grounded, you don’t need a crown. But be captain of your soul or the present moment - which is all we really have. That is important.


Practical Stability

"I Have"

Perseverance, Consolidation, and Endurance;
Ownership, Dependability, and Sensuality.

Safeguarding the material foundations of life.


I see this King as very firm but kindly, and down to earth - approachable. He has an open nature and won't necessarily follow tradition, which is why he looks to the future, he's a new thinker and considers everything and everyone involved before making a decision - which he then will not budge from. He is practical and not melodramatic, and therefore is well trusted, respected and loved, and he is most certainly the most relaxed looking of the four Kings.

The fact that he is outside whereas the other Kings are inside emphasises that he is not starchy and wants to be amongst the people. He not just concerned about his own wealth but makes decisions or gives advise to other on theirs.


This wise king reminds us to not let the material things of this world rule our minds or our hearts. Keep the things of this world in perspective. Yet, do not store them in a purse. The things of this world are meant to be used to advance community.
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Love this guy!

Looks relaxed, at ease, casual, but has his "eye on the money."

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush...

Large hat, or what??


I feel this King loves nature. He seems to be detached from the material aspects of what money can buy.

Practical, intelligent, good powers of deduction, stable, solid, will back others in their dreams.

Reversed, perhaps a bit intolerant of those who think other than he, perhaps a bit too conservative, a bit of an egotist?
