TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence
To address skill shortages in priority areas, TAFE NSW is establishing Centres of Excellence in Manufacturing, connecting industry and education partners to deliver innovative Microskills, Microcredentials, and Higher Apprenticeships. The Centres of Excellence in Manufacturing is a joint initiative between the Australian Government and NSW Government under the National Skills Agreement.
TAFE NSW Advanced Manufacturing Centre of Excellence
Western Sydney
Based at our Wetherill Park campus, the Centre will offer industry-focused education and training in advanced manufacturing.
TAFE NSW Net Zero Manufacturing Centre of Excellence
Based at our Newcastle campus (Tighes Hill), the Centre will offer education and training to support net zero and sustainable manufacturing.
Fast-track training in manufacturing skills
Courses align with existing TAFE NSW pathways and provide industry-relevant skills to train, re-train and upskill diverse talent.
Partner with us
The TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence invite expressions of interest for partnerships, connecting industry and education to foster training pathways between schools, TAFE NSW and universities. Together, we’ll create innovative education models and co-design training to expand and uplift core manufacturing skills.
Join us in shaping the future of manufacturing education for the greater benefit of the NSW and Australian manufacturing workforce.
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Frequently asked questions
Through the National Skills Agreement, the Federal Government is partnering with states and territories to establish TAFE Centres of Excellence. The Australian Government is investing up to $325 million over five years across Australia, with matched funding from states and territories, to establish nationally networked TAFE Centres of Excellence.
TAFE Centres of Excellence aim to deliver a skilled workforce for strategically important industries to meet national challenges. They will connect industry and education partners to foster seamless training pathways between high schools, TAFE NSW and universities.
The NSW Government has committed to revitalising the manufacturing sector, recognising its role in driving economic growth and job creation across the state. TAFE NSW is collaborating with industry and universities to establish TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence.
We’ll forge partnerships with industry and universities to create innovative education models and co-design training programs. The aim is to expand core skills in manufacturing and uplift skills in advanced manufacturing.
TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence will deliver on the NSW Government priority to rebuild and grow the NSW manufacturing industry, starting in Western Sydney and Newcastle / Hunter. The centres will deliver on Commonwealth Government priorities to develop greater collaboration between TAFE, industry and universities, critical skills that support national priority areas, as well as creating and innovative approaches to education and learning to support increased engagement and student retention, including learners from key equity groups.
TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence aren’t physical buildings, but a flagship education model under the new National Skills Agreement.
This model will support a collective effort from TAFE NSW, universities and industry to develop training programs that generate a skilled manufacturing workforce. NSW Government and Commonwealth Government funding will support the refurbishment of existing training facilities at TAFE NSW, starting with TAFE NSW campuses at Wetherill Park (Western Sydney) and Newcastle.
The TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence will deploy mobile training units to reach regional and remote learners.
Three Manufacturing Centres of Excellence will be established at existing TAFE NSW campuses, starting with TAFE NSW Advanced Manufacturing Centre of Excellence – Western Sydney (Wetherill Park campus) and TAFE NSW Net Zero Manufacturing Centre of Excellence – Newcastle / Hunter (Newcastle campus, Tighes Hill).
The TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence will offer additional education and training through new Higher Apprenticeships, Microskills and Microcredentials to fast-track training provision in manufacturing skills.
Microskills will be available for any learner, school student, current apprentice, existing qualified or unqualified worker.
Microcredentials would be available for any learner, with a focus on existing apprentices, and existing workers, including transitioning workers.
Higher apprenticeships would be available for high-potential apprentices, higher education candidates, and qualified tradespeople.
All new educational offerings will be developed in consideration of the existing, critical core education pathways currently delivered through TAFE NSW. The TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence education and training won’t duplicate these offerings.
The TAFE NSW Centres of Excellence Education Model is designed to:
- Attract students into existing pathways.
- Provide opportunities for students to progress into a higher education pathway within an apprenticeship model (the Higher Apprenticeship).
- Upskill existing students and qualified workers in areas not currently available in existing qualifications.
Supported by extensive consultation and applied research, the TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence will focus on attraction and retention of talent in the manufacturing sector, including underrepresented groups, such as women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The Commonwealth and New South Wales Governments are providing matched funding of $78.6 million ($157.2 million total over four years) to establish the TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence.
The investment will support:
- The development of new courses including two Higher Apprenticeships, Microcredentials and Microskills.
- Fee-free training to more than 10,000 learners over four years in new training and qualifications, including Higher Apprenticeships, Microskills and Microcredentials.
The TAFE NSW Manufacturing Centres of Excellence will work collaboratively to bring together expertise with universities and industry, to respond to critical skills needs in manufacturing.
We’ll forge partnerships with industry and universities to create innovative education models and co-design training programs to expand and uplift core skills in manufacturing.
University partnerships will be announced from early 2025.
The TAFE NSW Manufacturing CoEs course delivery will start in 2025.
For any enquiries, please contact manufacturingcoe@tafensw.edu.au
All media enquiries to be directed to MediaRelease@tafensw.edu.au