About Ara

Ara is a registered charity formed in 1987 by an enthusiastic group of volunteers. It is estimated that Ara has helped over 40,000 people with alcohol, drug, gambling and mental health issues and has saved an estimated £50 million in costs to the community.

Over many years Ara has provided structured treatment, counselling, housing support, education, training and employment guidance as well as many other interventions to promote recovery and a healthier life.

Today Ara is a major provider of supported housing services in Bristol as a partner in the Recovery Orientated Alcohol and Drugs Service (ROADS). Ara has an extensive and expanding service providing counselling and support for problem gamblers.

Ara Timeline
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Ara is committed to a policy of equality, diversity and inclusion both in the workplace and when recruiting employees. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy document sets out how we will make every effort to ensure our services, workforce and governing body reflect the diversity of our local communities, and that all are aware of our commitment to diversity and inclusion.