Fox McCloud finds her in the beginning of the Star Fox Adventures, trapped in ThornTail Hollow by the SharpClaws. She will give Fox information about the planet, Prince Tricky, and The King Earthwalker, although her conversation was for the most part one-sided because Fox's translator was still being worked on by Slippy Toad, resulting in Slippy giving the translation to Fox via communications link. She is very ill when Fox first finds her, and he must locate six White Grubtub Fungi in order to save her. She then advises Fox to find Garunda Te, the SpellStoneGateKeeper of the DarkIce Mines. She was originally planned to be voiced by Natalie Cox, but that was scrapped late in development.
After Fox protects the Mother ThornTail's eggs from the egg thieves, the Queen sends for them, and tells them about the King EarthWalker being trapped within the Walled City. Fox inquires where the Gate Keeper is, but the Queen surprises them with the fact that the King is the GateKeeper But the King was wise; he knew General Scales and the SharpClaws would come for him, and hid his Gate Keeper powers behind a seal that only Krystal's Staff can unlock.
When Fox places all the SpellStones in the Force Point Temples, only to find that Sauria's Planetary Chunks have not returned into place, the Queen explains that all six Krazoa Spirits are required to put the planet back into place.