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Cape Claw

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Cape Claw
A view of Cape Claw
Game(s) Star Fox Adventures
Inhabitant(s) HighTop
Planet Dinosaur Planet
On other wikis

Cape Claw is a peninsula with beaches, waterfalls and Krazoa ruins located on Dinosaur Planet in Star Fox Adventures. It serves as a passing between the LightFoot Village and the Ocean Force Point Temple. Fox and Tricky can access Cape Claw after returning the second Krazoa Spirit to Krazoa Palace.


In Cape Claw, Fox must locate four Gold Bars that were hidden by a HighTop. However, there is a BribeClaw is blocking the path on the wooden pier to the HighTop, and Fox must pay him 25 Scarabs to be given access to the path. Once Fox returns the Gold Bars to the HighTop, he opens up a path for Fox to take. By taking the path, Fox finds himself accidentally trapped in the Gas Trap, where he must push four stone blocks onto their respective vent to reopen the door to the Gas Trap as well as free the Queen CloudRunner from her jail cell. Fox also obtains the Fire Gem in this location.

Later on, after obtaining the Portal Opener upgrade, Fox can use a SharpClaw Cannon to blast open a rock leading to a Magic Cave with the third Staff Energy Meter upgrade. He can also use the cannon to blast some platforms, of which a Scarab Well is hiding behind.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ケープビーチ
Cape Beach
French Cap Claw Cape Claw
Spanish Cabo Claw Cape Claw