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Hindu Law

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Presented by: Nirav Joshi

Hindu law has the oldest pedigree (history) of any known system of jurisprudence, and even now it shows no sign of decrepitude (decay).- Henry Mayne.
Vijnaneshwar (commentator on the Yajnavalkya Smriti and founder of Mitakshara School) has called it Jnapak Hetu.i.e., the means of knowing law. It is important to study the sources of law because in every personal legal system only that rule is law which has place in its sources. A rule not laid down or not recognized in the sources is not a rule in that legal system.

The word Hindu first appeared in the Old Persian language which was derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, the historic local designation for the Indus River in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. Hindu law is a set of personal laws governing the social conditions of Hindus (such as marriage and divorce, adoption, inheritance, minority and guardianship, family matters, etc.). It is not Hindus alone who must follow Hindu law but there are several other communities and religious denominations that are subject to its dominion such as Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, Brahmo-Samajists, Prarthana-Samajists, the Virashaivas and Lingayats and the Santhals of Chhota Nagpur besides others.

In Sir Dinshah F.Mulla s Principles of Hindu Law, the learned editor has defined Hindu law in the following words: Wherever the laws of India admit operation of a personal law, the rights and obligations of a Hindu are determined by Hindu law, i.e. his traditional law, sometimes called the law of his religion, subject to the exception that any part of that law may be modified or abrogated(cancel) by statute(order). Law as understood by Hindus is a branch of dharma.

Sources of Hindu Law: The sources of Hindu law can be classified under the following two heads: I. Ancient Sources: Under this would come the following: (i) Shruti (ii) Smriti (iii) Digests and Commentaries and (iv) Custom. II. Modern Sources: Under this head would come: (i) Justice, equity and good conscience(ethics) (ii) Precedent(Pattern), and (iii) Legislation.

Ancient Sources:


It literally means that which has been heard. The word is derived from the root shru which means to hear. In theory, it is the primary and paramount source of Hindu law and is believed to be the language of the divine revelation(Exposure) through the sages(is a person of great wisdom and mental clarity).

The synonym of shruti is veda. It is derived from the root vid meaning to know. The term Veda is based on the tradition that they are the repository(storehouse) of all knowledge. There are four Vedas namely, Rig Veda (containing hymns in Sanskrit to be recited(narrates) by the chief priest), Yajurva Veda (containing formulas to be recited by the officiating priest), Sama Veda (containing verses to be chanted(sung) by seers(predicting future) and Atharva Veda (containing a collection of spells and incantations-The act or process of using formulas sung or spoken, with ceremonies, for the purpose of raising spirits, stories, predictions.).

Each Veda has three parts viz. Sanhita (which consists mainly of the hymns, A hymn is a type of song, usually religious), Brahmin (tells us our duties and means of performing them) and Upanishad (containing the essence of these duties). The shrutis include the Vedas along with their components.

(ii)Smritis: The word Smriti is derived from the root meaning to remember . smri

Traditionally, Smritis contain those portions of the Shrutis which the sages forgot in their original form and the idea whereby they wrote in their own language with the help of their memory. Thus, the basis of the Smritis is Shrutis but they are human works.

There are two kinds of Smritis Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras. Their subject matter is almost the same.


The difference is that the Dharmasutras are written in prose (style), in short maxims (Sutras) and the Dharmashastras are composed in poems (Shlokas).

The number of Smriti writers is almost impossible to determine but some of the noted Smriti writers enumerated by Yajnavalkya (sage, navigator, from Mithila and a major figure in the Upanishads) are Manu, Atri, Vishnu, Harita, Yajnavalkya, Yama, Katyayana, Brihaspati, Parashar, Vyas, Shankh, Daksha, Gautama, Shatatapa, Vasishtha, etc.

The rules laid down in Smritis can be divided into three categories viz. Achar (relating to morality), Vyavahar (signifying procedural and substantive rules which the King or the State applied for settling disputes in the adjudication of justice) and Prayaschit (signifying the penal provision for commission of a wrong).

(iii) Digests and Commentaries: After Shrutis came the era of commentators and digests. Commentaries (Tika or Bhashya, Govinda Bhashya: Gaudiya Vaishnava commentary on Vedanta. Govinda-bhasya-siksmatika, Siddhanta-ratna-tika, andStava-mala-tika.) and Digests (Nibandhs) covered a period of more than thousand years from 7th century to 1800 A.D. In the first part of the period most of the commentaries were written on the Smritis but in the later period the works were in the nature of digests containing a synthesis of the various Smritis and explaining and reconciling the various contradictions.

The evolution of the different schools of Hindu law has been possible on account of the different commentaries that were written by various authorities. The original source of Hindu law was the same for all Hindus. But schools of Hindu law arose as the people chose to adhere to one or the other school for different reasons. The Dayabhaga and Mitakshara are the two major schools of Hindu law. The Dayabhaga school of law is based on the commentaries of Jimutvahana (author of Dayabhaga which is the digest of all Codes) and the Mitakshara is based on the commentaries written by Vijnaneswar on the Code of Yajnavalkya.

Custom is regarded as the third source of Hindu law. From the earliest period custom ( achara ) is regarded as the highest dharma. As defined by the Judicial Committee custom signifies a rule which in a particular family or in a particular class or district has from long usage obtained the force of law. Custom is a principle source and its position is next to the Shrutis and Smritis but usage of custom prevails over the Smritis. It is superior to written law.

There are certain characteristics which need to be fulfilled for declaring custom to be a valid one. They are:(i) The custom must be ancient. The particular usage must have been practiced for a long time and accepted by common consent as a governing rule of a particular society. (ii) The custom must be certain and should be free from any sort of ambiguity. It must also be free from technicalities. (iii) The custom must be reasonable and not against any existing law. It must not be immoral or against any public policy and (iv) The custom must have been continuously and uniformly followed for a long time.

Indian Courts recognize three types of customs viz: (a) Local custom these are customs recognized by Courts to have been prevalent in a particular region or locality. (b) Class custom these are customs which are acted upon by a particular class. these are customs which are (c) Family custom binding upon the members of a family. E.g.. There is a custom in families of ancient India that the eldest male member of the family shall inherit the estates.

II. Modern Sources:

(i) Justice, equity and good conscienceOccasionally it might happen that a dispute comes before a Court which cannot be settled by the application of any existing rule in any of the sources available. Such a situation may be rare but it is possible because not every kind of fact situation which arises can have a corresponding law governing it. The Courts cannot refuse to the settle the dispute in the absence of law and they are under an obligation to decide such a case also. For determining such cases, the Courts rely upon the basic values, norms and standards of fairplay and propriety. In terminology, this is known as principles of justice, equity and good conscience. They may also be termed as Natural law.

(ii) LegislationsLegislations are Acts of Parliament which have been playing a profound role in the formation of Hindu law. After India achieved independence, some important aspects of Hindu Law have been codified. Few examples of important Statutes are The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, The Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, The Hindu Succession Act, 1956, The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, etc. After codification, any point dealt with by the codified law is final.

(iii) PrecedentsAfter the establishment of British rule, the hierarchy of Courts was established.

Today, the decisions of Privy Council are binding on all the lower Courts in India except where they have been modified or altered by the Supreme Court whose decisions are binding on all the Courts except for itself.

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