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Terapi Komplementer

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Ns. Vesdiana, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.K
Contents of this template
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we used
An assortment of graphic resources that are suitable for use in this
Used and alternative resources

Thanks slide You must keep it so that proper credits for our design are given

Colors All the colors used in this presentation

Icons and infographic resources These can be used in the template, and their size and color can be edited

Editable presentation theme You can edit the master slides easily. For more info, click here

For more info: You can visit our sister projects:

Table of contents
0 0 0
1 2 3
Introduction Resume Cover letter
0 0 0
4 Previous
5 6
My work projects Other
Terapi yang digunakan untuk melengkapi praktik keperawatan kesehatan
konvensional, termasuk cara pengobatan seperti terapi herbal, dan pengobatan
manual seperti refleksi dan akupunktur (CNO, 2014).

Tindakan yang diberikan sebagai bagian dari keperawatan kesehatan, terdiri dari berbagai
macamm bentuk praktik kesehatan selain tindakan konvensional, ditujukan untuk
meningkatkan derajat kesehatan di tahap pencegahan primer, sekunder dan tersier dan
diperoleh melalui pendidikan khusus yang didasari oleh ilmu-ilmu kesehatan.
Memberi perlindungan kepada klien, mempertahankan, dan
meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan serta memberi kepastian
hukum kepada masyarakat dan tenaga pengobatnya (Permenkes RI No.
1109, 2007)
Menurut National Center of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
(NCCAM) tahun 2012, terbagi menjadi lima;
1. Terapi pikiran dan tubuh
Terapi ini mempraktikkan pikiran dan tubuh agar fokus kepada interaksi
antara otak, pikiran dan tubuh agar fokus kepada interaksi antara otak,
pikiran, tubuh, dan kebiasaan dengan tujuan untuk menggunakan
pikiran dalam mempengaruhi fungsi tubuh dan mempromosikan

Contoh; Meditasi, yoga, akupunktur, latihan nafas dalam, guided

iamgery, hipnoterapi, relaksasi otot progresif, qi-gong dan tai chi.
2. Produk Alami
Terapi yang menggunakan zat yang ditemukan pada alam
Contoh: Preparat turunan tumbuhan (herbal dan minyak esensial),
pengaturan diet khusus, pengobatan orthomolecular (nutrisi dan
suplemen makanan), dan produk lainnya. Penggunaan bawang putih

3. Praktik Manipulasi dan Sistem Tubuh

Praktik manipulasi dan dasar tubuh fokus utamanya pada struktur dan
sistem tubuh termasuk tulang dan sendi, jaringan lunak, serta sistem
sirkulasi dan limpa.
Contoh: Manipulasi spinal, chiropractic dan terapi masase seperti rolfing
4. Terapi Energi
Terapi yang fokus pada penggunaan energi dari lingkungan seperti
magnetik dan biofields yang dipercaya sebagai energi yang didaptkan
dari lingkungan sekitar dan dapat diserap tubuh.
Contoh: Healing touch,Reiki energi, Qi-gong dan Magnet

5. Sistem Pemeliharaan Kesehatan

Suatu sistem yang merupakan unit pelayanan yang dibangun
berdasarkan teori dan fakta, telahberkembang dari budaya dab tradisi
spiritual digunakan dalam praktik, seperti pengobatann ayurvedic,
traditional china, folk, homeopathy, dan naturopathy
❊ Perawat penting mengenal terapi komplementer
❊ Perawat yang melakukan tindakan terapi komplementer perlu diintegrasikan kedalam
Asuhan keperawatan klien sebagai pelengkap tindakan keperawatan
❊ Prinsip keperawatann yang perlu diaplikasikan dalam melaksanakan terapi komplementer
alternatif adalah holistik, komprehensif, dan kontinu.
❊ Terapi komplementer apabila diberikan telah sesuai dengan prinsip dan konsep
Peran Perawat
Contents of a
A portfolio is composed of three main
❊ Content - this includes the actual work you
want to showcase and can be anything from
writing samples to photographs or videos
❊ Design - the design should reflect your
personality and style while remaining
professional. It should also make it easy to
navigate the portfolio
❊ Summary - a brief summary at the beginning
of the portfolio will help provide an introduction
to your work and give visitors a better
understanding of yourself and what you have
You should include in your
portfolio… Professional
Work samples Skills narrative
Work samples can be Skills and qualifications are An overview of past project
anything from graphics to the credentials you have successes or other
writing, videos or websites that show employers your accomplishments as well as
that showcase your design, experience and abilities in a summary of relevant
development or the writing various areas related to knowledge and skills gained
skills you have your field over the course of your
Jane Doe “I always strive for excellence. I believe in
the power of collaboration, and I love to
build meaningful relationships with clients
+34 654 321 432 |
throughout the creative process”

Experience Education
Now - 2021 - Marketing Technician - Marketing 2010 - 2014 Marketing Degree

❊Tracking and analyzing data to optimize campaigns ❊Communication

❊Coordinating promotional activities ❊Writing

2021 - 2016 - Content Creator - Creation studio 2016 - 2017 Graphic Design Master

❊Creating videos, podcasts, graphics and ❊Graphic Design

infographics ❊Creativity
❊Developing unique and engaging content ❊Curiosity

2016 - 2014 Team Leader - Creation Studio 2017 - 2019 Content Creation Master

❊Motivating and leading team members in tasks ❊Creativity

❊Setting clear objectives and goals for the team ❊Adaptability
Previous projects
Content creation projects
“I have participated throughout my career in crafting seo-
friendly copy, creating promotional videos, designing
newsletters and brochures and more. My work has been
well received with several pieces being featured in
prominent and important publications”

“I was responsible for managing campaigns across all
major social media platforms; creating, curating and
optimizing content for maximum engagement; analyzing
data to gain insights into customer behavior and
maintaining a strong relationship with customers”
Cover letter +91 620 421 838

Welcome to my portfolio!

I'm [name], a highly creative and motivated individual, with a passion for [field of
expertise]. My portfolio is filled with unique and inspiring content, which showcases
my skills in the field.

Here you will find everything ranging from writing samples, photographs, videos
and more. I strive for excellence in all that i do, and this portfolio serves as a
testament to my capabilities and accomplishments.

Have a look around, get to know me better, and don't hesitate to reach out if you
have any questions or would like to collaborate!


Jane Doe
+91 620 421 838 |
This photo showcase is
a collection of stunning
images, each capturing
a unique moment in
time. Let them inspire
My best work
“As an artist, it's my job to capture the beauty, joy and
emotion of the world around me. I strive to create
something unique in each piece, combining technique
and detail”
"Creativity is the key to
unlocking your true
What people say about me
Employer 1 Employer 2
“I have been impressed by the “Projects and campaigns are always
quality, attention to detail and taken to another level with ideas that
creative approach brought to every come from this person. Digital
project made” marketing and content creation
experience is quite evident”

Employer 3 Employer 4
“This person has a strong technical “Content creation is top-notch, with
understanding in order to develop engaging yet professional writing
successful strategies. Highly style tailored to different audiences
recommended for any kind of project while keeping a steady brand
or task” message”
Numbers of project I have worked on
My skills and qualifications
Leadership Problem-solving s
“I possess leadership “My problem-solving “With excellent verbal and
abilities that have been capabilities have enabled me written skills, I can
sharpened through past to solve difficult issues in the effectively convey complex
roles where I was past, using a variety of messages to a variety of
responsible for teams” creative solutions” audiences”

Organization Technical skill skill
“My proactivity allows me to “I am knowledgeable in “Teamwork is one of the
plan ahead and prioritize several technical areas such essential part of my daily
tasks according to objectives as programming languages job, and due to my
and different deadlines” which support my ambitions experience, I am sensitive
in my field” towards different cultures”
A chart of the areas I work in
Social media
Instagram, Twitter


Illustrations, vectors

Seo copywriting

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
title Skills Date Ref Category
Project 1 Graphic design Jan 2022 [Link or reference] Print

Project 2 Copywriting Feb 2022 [Link or reference] Content

Project 3 Video production Mar 2022 [Link or reference] Motion

Project 4 3D modeling Apr 2022 [Link or reference] 3D

Project 5 UI/UX design May 2022 [Link or reference] Web

Project 6 HTML/CSS Jun 2022 [Link or reference] Web

How did I achieve success?

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Identifying Research and Developing Plans of action
objectives preparation strategies

Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Measuring Continuous Analyzing Focusing on the
progress improvement outcomes future
Roadmap of my future projects
Fe Ma Ap Ma Au Se Oc No De
Initiative Objective Jan Jun Jul
b r r y g p t v c
Developing a Reach potential customers
digital marketing through well-crafted
strategy campaigns
Craft content that engages
and inspires the target
engaging content

Optimizing search Optimize for better and more

rankings visibility with SEO

Leveraging social Connect with customers and

media platforms boost brand awareness

Analyzing user Gather user data to optimize

habits design for more engagement

Executing email Send emails to subscribers to

campaigns convert leads into sales
Do you have any questions?
+34 654 321 432

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik
Please keep this slide for attribution
Alternative resources
Here’s an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits the one of this template:

❊ Watercolor botanical flower chart set

Did you like the resources on this template? get them for free at our other websites:

❊ Hand drawn floral elements pack
❊ Watercolor botanical flower chart set I
❊ Watercolor botanical flower chart set II
❊ Watercolor botanical flower chart set III
❊ Stickytape strips set
❊ Beautiful flowers bouquet with copy space
❊ Medium shot florist holding bouquet
❊ Close up woman holding flowers bouquet
❊ Medium shot woman holding flowers bouquet
❊ Close up woman holding flowers bouquet
❊ Hand holding flowers bouquet close up
❊ Hands tying ribbon close up
Instructions for use
If you have a free account, in order to use this template, you must credit Slidesgo by keeping the Thanks slide. Please
refer to the next slide to read the instructions for premium users.

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As a Premium user, you can use this template without attributing Slidesgo or keeping the Thanks slide.

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Fonts & colors used
This presentation has been made using the following fonts:

Cormorant Garamond

Quattrocento Sans

#191919 #eeebe6 #c5c0bc

#dcc3ab #eed9c4 #aa8e88

Create your Story with our illustrated concepts. Choose the style you like the most, edit its colors, pick the background
and layers you want to show and bring them to life with the animator panel! It will boost your presentation. Check out h
ow it works.

Pana Amico Bro Rafiki Cuate

Use our editable graphic resources...
You can easily resize these resources without losing quality. To change the color, just ungroup the resource and click on
the object you want to change. Then, click on the paint bucket and select the color you want. Group the resource again
when you’re done. You can also look for more infographics on Slidesgo.


Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
...and our sets of editable icons
You can resize these icons without losing quality.
You can change the stroke and fill color; just select the icon and click on the paint bucket/pen.
In Google Slides, you can also use Flaticon’s extension, allowing you to customize and add even more icons.
Educational Icons Medical Icons
Business Icons Teamwork Icons
Help & Support Icons Avatar Icons
Creative Process Icons Performing Arts Icons
Nature Icons
SEO & Marketing Icons

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