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Daily Routines

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Do the laundry Hang the clothes Iron the clothes

I need to do the I need to hang the I have to iron the clothes

laundry today before I clothes on the before wearing them to
run out of clean clothesline to dry make them look neat and
clothes. them. wrinkle-free.
Make the bed Vacuum the floor Go to bed

Before leaving the house, I vacuum the floor I usually 通常 go to

I always make the bed so every day to keep my bed around 10 PM to
it looks neat. house clean and free get enough sleep for the
from dust and dirt. next day.
Wake up Brush the teeth Drive to work

I wake up at 6 AM Every morning, I drive

every morning to start After waking up, I to work to start my
my day. brush my teeth to day.
freshen up.
Get home Take a bath Brush your hair

When I get home After a long day, I Before leaving the

from work, I like to like to take a bath house, I always brush
relax and unwind. to relieve 缓解 my hair to look
stress 压力 . presentable. 像样
Surf the net Play with friends Go to school

In my free time, I like I love playing with my Every weekday, I go

to surf the net and friends and having fun to school to learn and
discover 发现 new together. grow.
Go shopping Exercise Put on makeup

Exercise is good for I usually put on

On the weekends, I makeup before
health and helps to keep
like to go shopping going to a party or a
the body fit.
and buy new things. special occasion. 特
Wash the car Get dressed Go out with a friend

I need to wash the car I should get I am planning 规划 to

before going on a dressed before go out with a friend to
long drive. going to work. watch a movie tonight.
Take pictures Play the guitar Water the plant

I love to take Playing the I need to water the

pictures of nature guitar is one of plant every day to
and wildlife. 野生 my favorite keep it healthy.
动物 hobbies.
Go for a walk Work Have breakfast

I usually go for a I have to work on a Having breakfast is

walk in the park in project for my office the most important
the evening. today. meal of the day.
Have lunch Have dinner Make dinner

I usually have lunch at After a long day at work, I I am planning to make

the cafeteria near my like to have dinner with dinner for my family
office. my family and catch up on tonight.
our day.
Fold the laundry Feed the dog Surf the net

I always fold the Every morning, I feed the In my free time, I like to
laundry neatly before dog and make sure he has surf the net and explore
putting it back in the enough food and water. 探索 new websites.
Take a taxi Wait for the bus Paint the picture

When I’m in a hurry, I I usually wait for the I love to paint the
take a taxi to get to my bus at the bus stop and picture and express my
destination 目的地 read a book while I creativity 创造力 on
faster. wait. the canvas 帆布 .
Have a break (U.K) – Take Take out the garbage
Walk the dog
a break (U.S)
Before the garbage truck
Every day, I walk the dog
After working for a few comes, I take out the
around the neighborhood
hours, I like to have/take a garbage and put it in the
邻里 to get some
break and relax 放松 for a bin.
Sweep the floor Read the news Clean the window

To keep the house I like to read the news I need to clean the
clean, I sweep the every morning to stay window in my room
floor and pick up any informed about current because it’s covered in
debris. 碎片 events. dust and looks dirty.
Cut the grass Do the dishes Paint the house

To keep the lawn 草地 After cooking a When the house needs a

looking neat, I cut the meal, I do the fresh coat of paint, I
grass every week with a dishes and clean up paint the house to give it
lawnmower. 割草机 the kitchen. a new look.

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