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Public Administration Chapter 2

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Administer is a English word, which is originated from the Latin word ‘ad’ and ‘ministare’.
It means to serve or to manage.
Administration means management of affairs, public or private.

Various definitions of Public Administration are as follows-

Prof. Woodrow Wilson, the pioneer of the social science of Public Administration says in
his book ‘The study of Public Administration’, published in 1887 “Public Administration is
a detailed and systematic application of law.”

According to L. D. White “Public Administration consists of all those operations having for
their purpose the fulfilment of public policy as declared by authority.”

Both above definitions are done from traditional viewpoint and related only to the functions
and actions of Administration.
According to Simon - “By Public Administration is meant the activities of the executive
branches of the national, state, & local governments.”

According to Willough - “Public Administration in broadest sense denotes the work involved in
the actual conduct of governmental affairs, and in narrowest senses denotes the operations of the
administrative branch only.”
According to Gullick - “Public Administration is that part of the science of administration which
has to do with government and thus, concerns itself primarily with the executive branch where
the work of the government is done.”
According to Waldo - “Public Administration is the art and science of management as applied to
the affairs of the state.”

Marshall E. Dimock - “Administration is concerned with ‘what’ and ‘How’ of the government.
The what is the subject matter, the technical knowledge of afield which enables the administrator
to perform his tasks. The ‘How’ is the technique of management according to which co-operative
programmes are carried to success.”

 Introduction :- The views of L.D. White and traditionalist on the one hand and those of
Gullick and the scientific management school on the other hand differ regarding the
nature and scope of Public Administration. Hence, we should understand various
perspectives about the scope of Public Administration.
 Scope :- Following are the three important perspectives about the scope of Public
 1. Narrow perspective or posdcord perspective.
 2. Broad perspective or subject matter view.
 3. Prevailing view.
Narrow perspective or posdcord perspective -
Luther Gullick is the main exponent of this perspective.
According to him the scope of public administration is narrow or limited. It is also regarded as
posdcord view.
It insist that the Public Administration is concerned only with those aspects of administration
which are related with the executive branch and its seven types of administrative functions.
These seven types of functions which shows the scope of Public Administration are as follows
1. ‘P’ stands for planning
2. ‘O’ stands for organization
3. ‘S’ stands for staffing.
4. ‘D’ stands for Directing.
5. ‘Co.’ stands for Co-ordination.
6. ‘R’ stands for Reporting
7. ‘B’ stands for Budgeting
Broad perspective or subject - oriented perspective :-
Prof. Woodrow Wilson, L D While are main exponent of this perspective.
They have taken a very broad approach about the scope of Public Administration.
According to them
(A) Public Administration covers all three branches of the government.
Legislative, Executive and Judicial and their interrelationship.
Legislative organ makes the laws, Executive organ of the government implements the laws. and
Judicial organ of the government interprets the laws. There is interrelationship between these
three organs.
B) Scope of Public Administration is like a cooperative group. It consist of all from class one
officer to class four employees.
C) Public Administration is a part of the political process. It has an important role in the
formulation of public policy at all levels, from national to grass root. It is closely associated
with numerous private groups and individuals in providing services to the community. It has
been influenced in recent years by the human relations approach.
Prevailing view :-
 Prevailing view divides the scope of Public Administration into two parts.-
 1) Administrative theory
 2) Applied administration
 1. Administrative theory - It includes the following aspects.
 a) Organizational Theory - The Structure, organization, functions and methods of all types of
public authority engaged in administration, whether national, regional or local and executive.

 b) Behavior - The functions of administrative authorities and the various methods

appropriate to different types of functions. The various forms of control of administration.
 c) Public Personal Administration - The problems concerning personnel e.g. recruitment,
training, promotion, retirement etc. and the problems relating to planning, research,
information and public relation services.

 Political functions - It includes the executive - legislative relationship, administrative

activities of the cabinet, the minister and permanent official relationship.
 b) Legislative function - It includes delegated legislation and the preparatory work
done by the officials in connection with the drawing up of bills.
 c) Financial functions - It includes total financial administration from the preparation
of the budget to its execution, accounting and audit etc.
 d) Defence - Functions relating to military administration.
 e) Educational function - It includes functions relating to educational administration.
 f) Social welfare administration - It includes the activities of the departments
concerned with food; housing, social security and development activities.
 g) Economic Administration - It is concerned with the production and encouragement
of industries and agriculture.
 h) Foreign administration - It includes the conduct of foreign affairs, diplomacy,
international cooperation etc.
 i) Local administration - It concern with the activities of the local self-governing

 The modern state cannot confine its field of activities to only maintenance of law and
order, dispensation of justice, collection of revenue and taxes. The modern state is
expected to provide more and more services and amenities to the people. This results
in tremendous growth both in the governmental responsivities as well as in the
administrative machinery of the state. Naturally the scope of public administration is

 In todays modern state and in developing countries functions and role of Public Administration
is very important. The role and importance of Public Administration are as follows.
 1. It is the basis of government.
 2. It is the instrument of change in the society.
 3. It plays vital role in the life of the people.
 4. It is an instrument for executing laws, policies, programmes of the state.
 5. It is a stabilizing force in the society as it provides continuity.
 6. It is instrument of national integration in the developing countries which are facing class

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