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Protein Database Overview

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Protein Database Overview

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ROLL NO: BCS/21/23
Protein Sequence Databases

 The protein sequence database contains amino acid

sequences of proteins and related information. The
amino acid sequence of a protein is important
because it determines the protein’s three-dimensional
structure and function, as well as its identity.
 The some Protein Sequence Databases are:
1) PIR
3)Uni Prot
1) PIR[Protein Information Resource]

 PIR (Protein Information Resource) is a popular

protein sequence database that provides information
on functionally annotated protein sequences.
 PIR maintains three databases, the Protein Sequence
Database (PSD), the Non-redundant Reference
(NREF) sequence database, and the integrated
Protein Classification (iProClass) database, which
contains annotated protein sequences, classification
information, and protein family, function, and
structure information.
• Link for

 SWISS-PROT is a protein sequence database that provides high

levels of annotations, including information on the protein’s
function, domain structure, post-translational modifications, and
 Swiss-Prot is jointly managed by the SIB (Swiss Institute of
Bioinformatics) and the EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute).
 The database distinguishes itself from other protein sequence
databases by three criteria:
(i) annotations, which cover a broad range of information,
(ii) minimal redundancy, which ensures that each sequence is
represented only once
(iii) integration with other databases, which enables cross-referencing
and retrieval of information from related databases.
 Link for SWISS-PLOT:-
3) Uni Prot

 The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) is a comprehensive resource for protein sequence and annotation
data. The UniProt databases are the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB), the UniProt Reference Clusters (
UniRef), and the UniProt Archive (UniParc). The UniProt consortium and host institutions EMBL-EBI, SIB
and PIR are committed to the long-term preservation of the UniProt databases.
 Link for Uni Prot:-
Protein Structure Databases

 Protein structure databases are collections of information related to the three-dimensional structure and
secondary structure of proteins.
 Some of the Protein Structure Database:

 PDB (Protein Data Bank) is a worldwide repository of

3D structure data on large molecules such as proteins,
nucleic acids, and other biological macromolecules.
 It stores three-dimensional structural models of
macromolecules obtained through three frequently used
experimental methods: X-ray crystallography, nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and electron
microscopy (3DEM).
 Link for PDB:-

 SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) is a

protein structure database that organizes proteins based
on their secondary structure properties.
 SCOP categorizes proteins into different levels based
on their evolutionary relationships and structural
 Proteins with high sequence identity or similar
structure and function are grouped into families, and
families with similar structures but low sequence
identity are placed into superfamilies.
 Proteins with the same major secondary structures in
the same arrangement are placed into the same fold
category, and folds are further grouped into five
structural classes.
 THE Link for SCOP :-

 CATH is a database that categorizes protein

domains into hierarchical levels based on
their folding patterns.
 Protein domains are classified into the CATH
hierarchy, which consists of four levels of
increasing specificity: Class, Architecture,
Topology, and Homologous Superfamily.
Domains that have similar folding patterns
are grouped together at higher levels of the
 Link for CATH :-
Protein Pattern and Profile Databases

 Protein pattern and profile databases contain information on motifs

found in sequences. Sequence motifs correspond to structural or
functional features in proteins. So, the use of protein sequence patterns
or profiles is a valuable tool in determining the function of proteins.
 Some Protein Pattern and Profile Databases are:
1) InterPro
1) InterPro

 InterPro is a database that contains

information on protein families, domains,
and functional sites.
 It was created by combining several
major protein signature databases,
including PROSITE, Pfam, PRINTS,
ProDom, and SMART into a single
comprehensive resource.
 Link for InterPro:-

 PROSITE is a collection of signatures that

identify patterns or profiles in proteins,
which can provide information on their
biological functions.
 The signatures in the database are linked
to annotation documents that provide
information on the protein family or
domain detected, including its name,
function, 3D structure, and references.
 Link for PROSITE :-
Applications of protein databases

Protein databases have numerous applications. Some of the applications are:

 Protein databases can be used in sequence analysis to identify homologous sequences and predict protein functions based on
sequence similarity.
 Protein databases can also be used for predicting protein structure by comparing the amino acid sequence of a protein with
known structures in the database.
 Protein databases also include tools to study protein-protein interactions.
 Protein pattern and profile databases can be used for protein family identification by identifying conserved motifs.
 Protein databases such as metabolic pathway databases can be used in drug discovery and disease research by studying the
metabolic pathways involved in diseases.

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