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El Nasr Automotive Company Marketing Plan - Final

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El Nasr Automotive Company

Marketing Plan
Omneya Salah Beshier
Hesham Mohamed Metwally
Rana Mohamed Ehab
Ahmed Mohsen Allam
Saher Saeed
Rahma Tarek Fahmy
Menna El Abrak
 External Analysis (Macro-environment Analysis).

 External Analysis (Microenvironment Analysis).

 Internal Analysis,4 Ps Strategy Model,

Agenda VRIO Model.
 SWAT Analysis, Tows matrix.

 STP, Objectives, BSC.

 Marketing Strategies.

 Marketing Tactics.

I stand before you today to present the comprehensive marketing plan for
El Nasr Automotive Company, an esteemed organization poised to
revolutionize the automotive landscape. Over the years, El Nasr
Automotive has established itself as a formidable player in the industry,
driven by its unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and
customer satisfaction. With our sights set firmly on the future, this
marketing plan outlines our strategic roadmap to propel El Nasr
Automotive to new heights of success.
PESTEL Analysis
Situational Analysis.
External analysis
Macroenvironment Analysis
o Egypt's automotive sector depends on political stability since it fosters investment,
facilitates the execution of policies, and maintains a strong supply chain.

o An integrated policy framework is provided by the National Automotive Industry

Development Program (AIDP) and the Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI)
Policy. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is drawn to stable political environments,
which in turn draws industry and research facilities. Furthermore, it enhances the
resilience of the supply chain by reducing the likelihood of interruptions.

o Political stability ensures bilateral agreements and alliances and has a favorable impact
on trade relations and export potential.
Situational Analysis.
External analysis
Macroenvironment Analysis

o Despite obstacles, the automobile sector in Egypt, Africa's second biggest market, has
experienced notable expansion.
o Exports are encouraged and foreign direct investment is drawn to the industry. 2018 had
an 18% Yearly increase in local auto sales, totaling LE34 billion.
o Egypt is a desirable destination for industrial investments due to its advantageous
location and export potential.
o Geographical advantages and labor availability also support the industry's expansion.
o Technological developments, such as automation, electric and hybrid cars, and driverless
cars, are boosting the worldwide auto industry and drawing in new customers.
o With sixteen assembly factories and more than five hundred businesses, Egypt has one
of the largest local automotive sectors in the area.
o The National Automotive Industry Development Program seeks to revitalize El-Nasr
Automotive Manufacturing Company and boost local component manufacturing.
Situational Analysis.
External analysis
Macroenvironment Analysis

o Egypt is among the pioneers in the promotion of environmentally friendly cars and
domestic manufacturing.
o Environmentally friendly automobiles and emission regulations are supported by the
Environmentally Friendly Automotive Industry Funds. The nation's youth are
embracing electric cars (EVs) at a growing rate, since they may lessen reliance on fossil
fuels and promote environmental sustainability.
o Through legislative frameworks like the Supreme Council for Automotive Industry,
the National Automotive Industry Development Program (AIDP), and encouraging
local component manufacture, Egypt is developing its automotive sectors. For long-term
development, the AIDP seeks to establish a stable framework, promote private sector
involvement, and connect Egypt's automobile manufacturing and commerce with
international networks.




• Engines and Transmissions:

• Standardized Parts:

• Raw Materials.
•Price Increases:.
•Quality Issues:.

RISKS OF • Supply Disruptions:



Diversify Supplier Base.
Long-Term Contracts:
• Develop Supplier Relationships
• Invest in Local Suppliers:
• Monitor Industry Trends:
1. Individual Consumers:

2. Fleet Buyers:
3. Government Agencies:
•For fleet buyers: El Nasr could emphasize bulk
discounts, service packages, and total cost of
ownership benefits.
POWER OF BUYERS •For government agencies: The company could
focus on safety certifications, compliance with
regulations, and its commitment to domestic
•An evaluation of El Nasr Automotive Company's
Pricing Strategies and Customer Service Initiatives
must be applied with following criteria
•El Nasr can leverage cost-plus pricing to offer competitive prices
compared to foreign automakers. offering discounts, incentives,
or financing options to attract buyers. El Nasr’s need flexible
pricing compared to competitors . The prices reflect the value
proposition (heritage, reliability) for individual buyers.

•Customer Service Initiatives:

•El Nasr have a well-established associated partner Nile Company

for Automotive Industry and Repair
‫ شركه النيل لصناعه واصالح السيارات‬- MIH with trained personnel. Can
offer efficient after-sales service, warranty repairs, and readily
available spare parts. El Nasr Co. Need to establish customer
support online platforms for easy communication.
•Addressing Buyer Needs and Competitive Advantage:

•El Nasr's current project is to build an electrical vehicle, which

could make selling affordable electrical vehicles difficult. Due to
the target market's continued requirement for time for acceptance,
electrical cars. They need to develop partnerships with local
agency as Ghabour and Mansour.
The similarities and differences between these substitute products and the
companies can be shown in the following table
1. Changes in Consumer Preferences:

 Environmental Concerns:

 Shifting Priorities:

Substituve 

Lifestyle Changes:

Technological Advancements:

products 

Electric Vehicles:
Autonomous Driving.
Connected Car Technology.

1. Regulatory Requirements:

 Emission Standards:

 Fuel Efficiency Standards:

Product Differentiation Strategies:

•Focus on Reliability and Quality:

•Embrace New Technologies:

•Cater to Specific Segments:

•Local Production and Customization

Service •Enhanced Customer Service:

Differentiation •Proactive Maintenance Programs:

Strategies: •Community Engagement:

•Financing and Ownership Options:

CUSTOMER •Used Car Trade-In Programs:

RETENTION o Offer fair trade-in deals on used cars to

incentivize customers to upgrade to new NAMCO

•Continued Customer Engagement:


 High Capital Investment

 Brand Recognition and Reputation

 Distribution Network
THREAT OF  Government Regulation


ENTRANTS  Global Automakers.

 Chinese Automakers:
 Monitor industry news and
HOW TO announcements
 Conduct competitor analysis:.
EVALUATE  Track government policies: Monitor
government initiatives related to the
NEW automotive industry, such as incentives for
foreign investment or electric vehicle
ENTRANTS production, which could benefit potential
new entrants.


•The automotive industry in Egypt faces high

intensity competition. Here's why:

 Multiple Players.
 Price Sensitivity
 Focus on Features.
 Brand Recognition

•Established Foreign Automakers (e.g., Toyota,

Nissan, Hyundai, Kia):

 Regional Players (North African or Middle

Eastern Manufacturers):


 Pricing Pressure:.
 Product Differentiation:

Advertising Spending:
Market Share Distribution:
AND THEIR  Pricing Strategies:

STRATEGIES: Product Launches: Track competitor product announcements
and the features they emphasize to understand their focus areas.
 Marketing Campaigns: Analyze competitor marketing
messages, target audiences, and channels used to reach potential
 Distribution Networks: Evaluate the reach and effectiveness of
competitor dealership networks and their after-sales service
Internal Analysis
Involves processes from raw materials sourcing to after-
sales services.

Primary Activities

a. Inbound Logistics
• The sourcing, transportation, and storage of raw materials
• Electronics are sourced from suppliers globally
Internal • The holding company of metal industries which is the
Value Chain • The warehouse is available in the factories in Helwan

b. Operations
• This encompasses the actual assembly and production of
• It involves processes such as stamping, welding, painting,
and final assembly
Primary Activities

c. Outbound Logistics
• This involves logistics planning, transportation, and
delivery management to ensure timely and cost-
effective distribution

d. Marketing and Sales

Internal • all activities related to promoting and selling vehicles
to customers.
Value Chain • Marketing efforts involve advertising, branding, and
market research, while sales activities involve

e. Services
• This includes vehicle maintenance, repairs, warranty
services, and spare parts distribution. Providing
excellent service enhances customer satisfaction
Secondary activities

a. Procurement
• Procuring high-quality raw materials, components,
and services at competitive prices

b. Human Resource Management

• Skilled labour is essential for manufacturing high-
quality vehicles
c. Infrastructure
Value Chain • Access to efficient transportation networks,
manufacturing facilities, and distribution channels is
essential for the smooth functioning of the
automotive value chain

d. Technological Development
• Research and development (R&D) efforts are vital for
innovation and product differentiation
a. Structure
• Established organizational structure with experience
in the Egyptian market.
• Potential for a strong dealership network across the

b. Strategy
• Long history and brand recognition in Egypt.
• Potential for economies of scale due to domestic
Mackenzie • Focus on reliability and quality (as suggested in
previous discussions).
7S Model
c. Systems
• Established production processes and quality control
• Existing supplier relationships for parts and

d. Skills
• Experienced workforce with knowledge of car
manufacturing processes.
• Potential for skilled engineers and technicians.
e. Style
• Hierarchical leadership structure might provide
stability and clear direction.
• Potential for strong relationships between
management and employees

f. Staff
Mackenzie • Large workforce with a long history with the
7S Model • Potential for a loyal and dedicated employee base.

g. Shared Values
• Emphasis on national pride and supporting the
Egyptian economy.
• Commitment to providing reliable and safe vehicles
to customers
a. Product
• Their product lineup includes various models, such as
the NASR Sahin, NASR Dogan, NASR 128 GL, NASR
124 Sportage

b. Price
• influenced by including production costs, market
demand, and competition.

4Ps Strategy c. Promotion

• They can utilize advertising, public relations, and
Model digital marketing to promote.

d. Place
• NASR’s physical location is in Wadi Hof, south of
Cairo, Egypt.
• They have a long-standing history, having produced
vehicles since 1964.
• They can expand their distribution channels to reach
a wider audience.
a. Value
• Long-standing presence and brand reputation
• Offering a range of vehicles that cater to different
market segments
• Efficient manufacturing facilities contribute to cost-

b. Rarity
• Local market expertise
• Strategic partnerships

VRIO Model • Unique technological capabilities

c. Imitability
• Complex or highly efficient manufacturing processes
may be difficult for competitors to replicate quickly
• customer preferences, and strong relationships with
stakeholders are harder to imitate

d. Organization
• Production efficiency, R&D capabilities, adapt to
market changes, regulatory requirements
Swot analysis

Weakness Threats
Strength Opportunity
Increased investments in The factors contributing to
The company boasts The company is expanding
new technologies, the growth of the industry
high buyer power, a its services, including
sensitivity to economic include rising competition,
strong dealer, high financial and insurance
cycles, and reliance on fluctuating fuel prices,
customer satisfaction, products, through digital
manufacturer reputation currency fluctuations, and
and good returns. sales and marketing
and quality are crucial for advancements in technology.

• (S1-i) + (O2-v): Automotive firms can utilize internal resources and innovation
potential to meet the demand for electric vehicle products and services, while
ensuring resource accessibility and sustainability.
• (S2-c) + (O1-v): Automotive companies' sustainability and connectivity strengths
are positively impacting the luxury transportation market. They should explore
partnerships with public organizations, city authorities, or governments to enter new
markets and reduce vulnerability in mobility behavior.
• (S2-c) + (O2-v) : Automotive companies entering the electric vehicle
market must incorporate advanced technology and sustainability trends
into their products or services to effectively compete.
• (S1-i) + (O1-v): Automotive corporations should innovate their products
and invest in challenging sectors to establish a distinct position and form
lasting partnerships with technology companies in the new ecosystem.
• (S1-i) + (T1-p): Car companies must constantly innovate to stay
TOWS Matrix competitive. Partnering with innovative organizations or new entrants can
provide benefits like better budget allocation, human resource
accessibility, increased patents, and increased innovation adoption rate.
• (S3-d) + (T3-c) & (T4-d): Automakers and suppliers should utilize
various standards and guidelines to mitigate risks, address sustainability,
technological advancements, security, data privacy, and meet growing
security protocols.
• (O3-d) + (W1-v) & (W2-v): Advanced analytics and AI offer automotive
firms a chance to mitigate geopolitical tensions, protectionism, and
semiconductor shortages by rethinking supply chains and accessing real-
time data.
• (O3-d) + (W3-i): Automakers should reconsider real-time data access
and advanced analytics to improve research and development efficiency
by promptly transmitting data from road vehicles to research institutions.
• (O4-v) + (W4-d) : Automotive companies should capitalize on new
supplier roles to adapt to the shift from regional to urban settings, focusing
on collecting data from unpaved roads, creating models, and developing
features suitable for these roads, incorporating algorithms, software, and
• (T1-p) + (W2-p): Increased geopolitical tensions and protectionism
pose threats to automotive businesses, potentially leading to disruptions in
value creation and restrictions on industry expansion, and customers
choosing domestic vendors over overseas alternatives.

TOWS Matrix
Value Chain
(STP, Objectives SMART
Analysis & Balance Scorecard)
STP Analysis
Demographic: Young adults (18-35) in urban areas,
entry to mid-level income.
Behavioral: Loyal customers with positive service
Market Segmentation feedback.
Market Needs: Mid-range sedan buyers prioritizing
Tailoring offerings to diverse quality and features .
consumer needs Geographic: Expanding reach to rural areas and
optimizing dealership locations

Young Car Buyers: Engaging through digital media

and resonating with their aspirations .
Selecting Target Loyal Customers: Enhancing satisfaction with
loyalty programs .
Market Mid-range Sedan Segment: Showcasing ENAC's
Crafting messages for specific value proposition .
consumer groups Rural Market Expansion: Partnering locally for
better accessibility

Youthful & Innovative: Aligning with modern

consumer values .
Customer-Centric: Prioritizing satisfaction and trust .
Product Positioning Best Value Mid-range Sedans: Emphasizing
affordability and quality .
Establishing ENAC's brand identity
Community-Focused: Commitment to underserved
Objectives SMART Analysis
Objectives S M A R T
Increase Elevate
Achieve a 15%
Brand awareness Utilize social Vital for
Awareness among young media and capturing the Within 1 year
measured by
and Customer adults in SEO. youth market.
Consideration urban Egypt

Customer Target a 5% Implement Essential for
Satisfaction increase via CRM and staff customer Within 1 year
and Loyalty surveys training. retention

Market Share Grow share in Conduct
Aim for a 10%
in a Specific the mid-range targeted Increases Within 2
increase in years
Segment sedan marketing and profitability.
sales data.
segment promotions.
Objectives SMART Analysis
Objectives S M A R T
Increase Increase Enhance
Target a 10% Ensures
Revenue and annual marketing Within 3
growth in financial years.
Profitability revenue and optimize
sales figures health.
significantly production

Product Launch a new Track R&D Meets
Invest in R&D
Development electric progress and evolving Within 5
and years
and vehicle market market
Innovation partnerships.
model adoption. demands.

Expand Develop
Market Reach Expand
Increase expansion Accesses new
and dealership Within 2
Distribution dealerships strategy and customer years.
presence in
Network by 20%. local segments.
rural areas.
Objectives SMART Analysis

Objectives S M A R T
Operational Reduce Apply lean Reduces costs
Cut waste by Within 1
Efficiency production manufacturin and enhances year.
and waste. g practices. sustainability.

Foster a
Culture of Builds a
Improve Raise engagement
Employee skilled and Within 1
employee satisfaction and year.
Engagement motivated
satisfaction. scores by 7%. development
and Skill workforce.


Increase Brand Awareness:

Increase Revenue and Profitability:
Target a 10% revenue growth, 3% increase in
Achieve a 15% increase in brand
gross profit margin, 10% increase in average recall, 20% more social media
transaction value, and 15% ROI. engagement, 25% more website
Expand Market Share: Aim for a 10% market traffic, and 30% higher influencer
share increase, 15% sales growth rate, acquire impact.
500 new customers, and surpass competitors Enhance Customer Satisfaction:
by 5%.
Reach an 85% CSAT score, improve
Expand Market Reach:*Open 15 new
dealerships, ensure new dealership
NPS by 10 points, maintain an 80%
profitability, cover 90% of the target market, customer retention rate, and reduce
and expand to five additional governorates. complaint resolution time by 20%.

PROCESSES Learning and Growth

Enhance Product Development:

Launch a new electric vehicle in five Foster Employee Engagement:
years, achieve a 10% market adoption Increase employee
rate, introduce two new features
satisfaction to 85%, provide 30
annually, and maintain high customer
hours of training per
Improve Efficiency
employee, reduce turnover
Reduce production waste by 15%, lower rate to 10%, and improve
energy consumption by 10%, cut employee performance by
manufacturing cycle time by 20%, and 10%.
decrease production costs by 5%.
Marketing •Includes •Corporate Strategies
•Business Strategies
strategies •Functional Strategies
•Corporate Strategies
•Growth Strategies
•Intensive Growth
•Integrative Growth
Marketing strategies •Diversification Growt
•Downsizing and Dives
ting Older Businesses
•Growth strategies

Marketing • THE Ansoff Matrix

strategies can be applied to
formulate growth
Market product
THE Ansoff penetration development

Matrix S a. .


Market diversification
• Vertical

• horizontal
Vertical  Backward Integration:

 Forward Integration:
 acquiring or merging with other Egyptian
automotive companies or related businesses
within the industry value chain.
 involve consolidating with local
manufacturers, distributors, or service
providers to achieve economies of scale,
expand market share, and enhance

Horizontal 
involve diversifying into adjacent industries
or services that complement Nasr's core

Integration: business, such as auto parts manufacturing,

vehicle leasing, aftermarket services, or
mobility solutions. By offering a broader
range of products and services, Nasr can
strengthen customer relationships and
capture more value from the automotive
• Product
• Market
GROWTH • Service
• Technology


Service Diversification:

 Vehicle Leasing and Rental Services:

 by offering vehicle leasing, rental, and fleet
management services to corporate clients,
government agencies, and individual customers.
This could include short-term rentals, long-term
leases, and leasing solutions tailored to specific
industries or sectors.
 Automotive Maintenance and Repair:
 offerings to include automotive maintenance, repair,
and servicing through branded service centers or
authorized dealerships. By providing high-quality
service, using genuine parts, and leveraging trained
technicians, Nast can enhance customer loyalty and
generate recurring revenue.
Technology Diversification:

 Connected Car Solutions

 such as telematics, IoT connectivity, and vehicle
tracking systems, to offer value-added services to
customers. This could include remote diagnostics,
real-time vehicle monitoring, and predictive
maintenance alerts, enhancing the overall ownership
 Autonomous Vehicle Technologies:
 Nasr Automotive can explore partnerships or joint
ventures to develop and commercialize autonomous
vehicle technologies for specific applications, such
as autonomous shuttles for urban mobility or self-
driving vehicles for logistics and transportation
Business Strategies

 Product Differentiation: focus on creating unique features or

designs that set their vehicles apart from competitors.
 Cost Leadership: aim to produce vehicles at a lower cost than
 Market Segmentation: target specific customer segments based on
factors like demographics, lifestyle, or preferences.
 Innovation and Research & Development (R&D): invest in
R&D to develop new technologies, improve fuel efficiency,
enhance safety features, and create innovative designs.
 Supply Chain Management: Efficient supply chain practices
ensure timely delivery of components and reduce production costs.
 Quality Control and Assurance: Ensuring high-quality vehicles
is crucial for customer satisfaction and brand reputation.
 Marketing and Branding: use marketing strategies to build brand
awareness, promote their vehicles, and create a positive image.
 Environmental Sustainability: adopt sustainable practices, such
as using eco-friendly materials, reducing emissions, and promoting
electric vehicles
Functional Strategies
Marketing strategies: involve
Financial Strategy: For the finance
identifying target audiences,
department, an example of a functional
understanding market dynamics,
strategy could be “reduce operational
creating value propositions, and
expenses by 7% over the next financial
developing effective marketing
year by implementing a new budgeting
campaigns to reach customers. In the
system and process.” Financial
marketing department, the functional
strategies focus on budgeting, cost
strategy could be something like
control, cash flow management, risk
“increase market share by 5% over the
management, and investment
next 12 months through a targeted
digital marketing campaign.”
Human Resource Strategy: In human
resources, a functional strategy might
Operational Strategy: Operational
be “improve staff retention by 10%
strategies aim to improve efficiency
over the next two years by
and effectiveness in producing and
implementing a comprehensive staff
delivering products or services. Within
training and development program.”
a car factory, operational strategies
HR strategies involve decisions related
include supply chain management,
to recruitment, selection, training,
production planning, quality control,
performance management,
logistics, and inventory management.
compensation, and employee

Information Technology Strategy: IT

strategies focus on planning for and Sales Strategy: Sales strategies involve
managing the organization’s setting sales targets, deciding on sales
technology resources. tactics, managing the sales force, and
Decisions related to systems, data customer relationship management.
management, cybersecurity, Within a car factory, sales strategies
technology infrastructure, and digital ensure effective selling of products and
innovation fall under IT functional services.
• Performance.
• Features.
• Reliability.
• Conformance.
• Durability.
Product • Serviceability.
• Aesthetics.
• Perceived Quality.
• Selecting the price objective.
Price • Determine the demand.
• Estimating the cost.
• Build Trust with Customer Review.
• Search Engine Optimization.
• Competent Market Selling.
• Target Segmentation.
Promotion • Exceptional offers.
• Make Use of calling Features.
• Social Media Marketing.
• Managing Negative Language.
• Target Market.
• Channels.
Place • Locations.
• Service.
• Show rooms.

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