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EMP Presentation

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Oromia Environmental Forest and climate change of Authority

Training of Environmental & Social Management

Plan (ESMP)

By; Reta Fekadu
Adama city
Content of ESMP
 What is environmental management plan?
 Why environmental management plan?
 Importance of Environmental and Social Management
 When ESMP should be prepared?

 Who should prepare environmental

management plan?
 Should an ESMP reviewed ?
 Possible structure of ESMP
What is environmental social management plan?

 ESMP- is the tool an organization is taking to determine

how it affects the environment, complies with regulation,
keeping track of environmental management activities,
and meet environmental goals and targets
 Environmental social management plan should integrate
in to the over all implementation plan, budget and project
 ESMP also documents key elements of environmental
management including the
 environmental policy
 Responsibilities
 Environmental manual
Why environmental social management plan?

 ESMP offers structure and systemic approach to incorporate

environmental concern in all aspects of development activity and
more natural for every one who are involved in the manufacturing
activity .
 ESMP is important to keep track of environmental management
 ESMP is a valuable tool to define details of whom, what, where
and when environmental management and mitigation measure
are to be implemented .
 Provide government agencies , developers and other stakeholders
better on site environmental .
 management and control over the life of the project
 Allow proponents to ensure their contractor fulfill environmental
obligation .
What is Importance of Environmental and Social
Management plan

 ESMP has several advantages but the central theme

is to enhance environmental and social
• Increases efficiency (productivity)
• Improves employees and community health;
• Reduces liability for environmental and social
• Reduces risk
When ESMP should be prepared?

 ESMP can develop at the same time as the detail

design and related activities are undertaken .
 Each process that is during construction and
operation phase of the project may influence the
other .
 But it is important to note that an ESMP is a living
document that should be focused on continual
improvement and should be updated as necessary.
Who should prepare an ESMP

 Government agencies that have Environmental ,forest

and climate change of commission responsibilities
may need to be consulted as part of am ESMP’s
 During the preparation of an ESMP all relevant parties
should be consulted as early as possible to facilitate a
reasonable response.
 The project proponent is responsible for ensuring the
preparation and implementation of an acceptable
Should an EMP reviewed ?

 An ESMP is not static, it is a working document

that require review and amendment during the life
of the project
 Making a change on ESMP is an important aspect of
improving the project environmental management .
 The ESMP review process is also valuable means of
continually improving the effectiveness of current
and future ESMP’s.
When an ESMP is reviewed ?
1. When there is a change in the scope of the project
2. Following significant environmental incident
3. When there is a need to improve performance in
an area of environmental impact
4. After the completion of environmental audit
5. At the end of project
The review process should include looking at the
environmental control and procedure in use to make
sure they remain effective
Reasons for making changes to the ESMP should be
documented for the project record
EMP of structure
1. Executive summary
2. Back ground
3. Objective
4. Summary of impact
5. Monitory programs and parameters
6. Public consultation activates
7. Responsibilities
8. Preliminary cost estimates
9. Capacity building
10. Work of plan
1.Executive summary

 .Intoduction
 Types of project
 Project location
 Project proponent
 Capital
 summary of negative & positive impact of the

 Summary of proposed mitigation measures
 Physical environment
 Biological environment
 Climate
 Social activity
3. Objective:
 To avoid adverse environmental impact &
enhancemet positive impacts of the development
 To complies with existing regulation,
 To keeping track of environmental social

management activities, and meet environmental

goals and targets.
4. Summary of Impact
4.1 Positive Impact ( Construction , operation,
decommissioning/ Rehabilitation )
 Impact on Physical Environment
 Impact on Biota
 Social Impact
 Impact on Cultural site
4.2 Negative Impact ( Construction ,
operation, decommissioning/ Rehabilitation )
 Impact on Physical Environment
 Impact on Biological Environment
 Social Impact
 Impact on Cultural site
4.3 Enhancement Measures
 How to capitalize the positive impact of the
 Should indicate the arrangement for
enhancing the potential positive impacts on
a sustained basis.
 Should present a strategy and concrete
action plan to go beyond a more fixation of
the adverse impacts
4.4 Proposed Mitigation Measures
 Set out clear and achievable targets, and quantitative
indicators of the level of mitigation required.
 Each measure should be briefly described in relation to
the impact and conditions.
 Should be referred to
 designs,
 development activities,
 equipment descriptions, and
 operating procedures and implementation
5. Monitoring Programs and
 Should outline the specific monitoring
Parameters, and
Expected frequencies.
 Should identify:
Objectives and specify methods,
The type of monitoring required;
Describes parameters as well as
Environmental performance indicators which
provide linkages between impacts and mitigation
measures identified
6. Public Consultation Activities
 During the Initialization, Finalization and
Implementation of the ESMP.
 The degree of consultation will depend on the
project and local situation, but will normally
 . Notification of local communities when project
activities are going to take place;
 . Disclosure of the results of emergency plan or
monitoring programs to local communities and
other stakeholders; and
 . Provision for independent third party
monitoring, where and when
 Projects with potential for significant adverse
impacts may require .
 Public consultation on the design of

mitigation measures and provide for public

participation in environmental monitoring.
 Stakeholder consultation during the

preparation of final monitoring reports.

7 .Responsibilities
 Should specify the institutional arrangements for
implementation -taking into account the local
 Responsibilities for mitigation and monitoring shall
be defined along with arrangements for information
flow, and for coordination between agencies
responsible for mitigation.
 ESMP should specify the organizations and
individuals that will be responsible for undertaking
the mitigating and monitoring measures,
8.Preliminary Cost Estimates

 To ensure that mitigation measures and

monitoring are adequately funded
preliminary cost estimate. A cost estimate
usually prepared when the first layouts of a
project are prepared.
9. Capacity Building

 Results of successful environmental supervision

 Evaluate proponent’s performance
 Problem identification
 Plan for corrective action
 Based on this fact we have to prepare training
10.Work plan
 Should specify staffing chart and proposed
schedules of participation by the project team
members, and activities and inputs of related
government agencies.
 Contractors’ responsibilities and requirements
should be clearly addressed to ensure integration of
ESMP into legal requirements and bidding/contract
Continued ….
Project stage Project Potential Propos Institutional Cost
activity environme ed Responsibili Estimates
ntal MEM ties

Operation /
Minute of public consultation or stake holders
of around project
 letter of agreement
 Site Plan of project area

Revise Manage Do


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