Coffee Waste MGT
Coffee Waste MGT
Coffee Waste MGT
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1*Asrat Gebremariam Woldesenbet, 1Belay Woldeyes and 2Bhagwan Singh Chandravanshi
of Chemical and Bio-Engineering, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University,
P.O. Box 385, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Copyright © 2015 Asrat Gebremariam Woldesenbet et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Table 1. Africa: Coffee production (Average in thousand bags of nature, without any treatment, causes severe environmental
60 kg each) pollution due to putrefaction of organic matter.
Year 1980 - 89 1990 - 99 2000 - 09 2010 -12 Coffee Industry Residues Applications
Total Africa 19888 16078 15372 15712
Ethiopia 3128 2973 4904 6450
Uganda 2724 2811 2924 3002 Nowadays, there is great political and social pressure to reduce
Cote d'ivoire 4338 3448 2692 1291 the pollution arising from industrial activities. Almost all
Cameroon 1771 1022 821 845 developed and underdeveloped countries are trying to adapt to
Tanzania 875 779 796 686 this reality by modifying their processes so that their residues
Congo, D.R. 1610 1019 383 681
Kenya 1726 1377 766 669 can be recycled. Consequently, most major companies no
Madagascar 1092 780 490 566 longer consider residues as waste, but as a raw material for
Others 2625 1868 1597 1522 other processes (Mussatto et al., 2006).
Fig. 1. Percent (%) share of Africa and Ethiopia in World coffee production (International Coffee Organization, 2014)
The wastewater generated from coffee processing plant The presence of organic material and its demand of great
contains organic matter like pectin, proteins, and sugars quantities of oxygen to degrade confer a toxic nature. Despite
(Bello-Mendoza and Castillo-Rivera, 1998). Coffee pulp, one the negative characteristic and the large amounts that they are
of the principal by-products of wet processed coffee generated, there are few studies focusing on their use in
constitutes almost 40% of the wet weight of the coffee berry, different and profitable applications. Besides to add value to
is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, poly-phenols, these unused materials, finding alternative forms to use them
minerals, and appreciable quantities of tannins, caffeine and would be useful to decrease their impact to the environment
potassium. The poly-phenols and caffeine are reported to be (Solange et al., 2011).
the anti-physiological factors on animal feed. Hence, coffee
pulp has to follow a preliminary treatment before it is used Processing of Coffee
(Sebastianos et al., 1998). Coffee pulp is generated to the
extent of 40% in the fermentation of coffee berries poses many There are two ways by which coffee can be processed: wet
problems in the coffee producing countries. Its disposal in (fermented and washed) and dry (natural) processing. In most
1469 Asian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 6, Issue 05, pp. 1467-1471, May, 2015
Wet Method
Dry Method
Coffee pulp/husk contains some amount of caffeine and In addition, the presence of some toxic chemicals – alkaloids,
tannins, which makes it toxic resulting in disposal problem. tannins, and poly-phenolics makes the environment for
However, it is rich in organic matters, which makes it an ideal biological degradation of organic material in the wastewater
substrate for microbial processes for the production of value- more difficult. The main ecological effect of organic pollution
added products. Several solutions and alternative uses of the in a water course (into which effluents have been discharged)
coffee pulp and husk have been attempted. These include is the decrease in oxygen content. The organic substances
fertilizers, livestock feed, compost, etc. diluted in the wastewater break down very slowly by
microbiological processes, using up oxygen from the water.
Management of Coffee Waste Due to the decrease in oxygen content, the demand for oxygen
to break down organic material in the wastewater exceeds the
Having known the problems of coffee waste, several attempts supply, dissolved in the water, thus creating anaerobic
have been made to manage. Coffee pulp solid waste is being conditions.
converted into compost, which was used by the suppliers in
fertilizing their coffee farms. Waste water management The amount of oxygen needed to biologically break down
techniques used by the coffee pulping operators are based on organic wastes diluted in water (BOD) could be as high as
the use of lagoons. 15,000 mg/l, while the amount of dissolved oxygen required to
combine with chemicals in the wastewater (COD), could be
Table 3. Characteristics of effluent wastewater from conventional between 15,000 and 25,000 mg/l. The resulting anaerobic
wet coffee processing plants conditions can be fatal to aquatic creatures and also cause bad
odour; moreover, the bacteria cause health problems if the
Parameter Mean + SD discharge standard (Ethiopia EPA) wastewater seeps into a source of potable water. Another
pH 4.13 + 0.23 6-9 environmental problem is the high requirement of water for
BOD5 mg/L 1697 + 391 80
coffee processing; as much as 15,000 litres per tonne of
COD mg/L 5683+ 304 250
NH3 mg/L 4.51 + 1.62 5 cherries (coffee fruit) can be used, if there is no recycling and
NO3N mg/L 3.39 + 0.65 20 reuse (UNCTAD/WTO, 2002). In Ethiopia at present, there
PO43- mg/L 3.32 + 0.5 5 are more than 1026 wet coffee processing installations
TSS mg/L 1975 + 322 100
processing 1000 tons of coffee cherry daily on average and a
TDS mg/L 1801 + 245 3000
DO mg/L 2.14 + 0.72 - number of industries under construction. About 15 liters of
Source: (Tsigereda et al., 2013) water is required to recover 1 kg of clean green coffee beans.
The effluents from the processing industries are directly
Environmental Issues discharged to the river streams. Waste water from pulping,
fermentation and washing of coffee beans presents series
The coffee process has been causing environmental problems problem on receiving environment especially on water bodies.
at the local level not only due to the consumption of water, but
more due to the discharge of effluents with large volumes of Conclusion
organic waste. Pollutants in coffee wastewater emerge from
the organic matter set free during pulping, especially due to In coffee producing countries, coffee waste constitutes a
the difficulty in degrading the mucilage layer surrounding the source of severe contamination and serious environmental
beans. The organic and acetic acids from the fermentation of problems. For this reason, since the middle of the last century,
the sugars make the wastewater very acidic (with pH as low as efforts have been made to develop methods for coffee waste
3.8), a condition in which higher plants and animals can hardly treatment and management, also its utilization as a raw
survive. Moreover, the total suspended solids in the effluents material for the production of feed, beverages, vinegar, biogas,
are high; in particular, the digested mucilage, when caffeine, pectin, peptic enzyme, protein, and compost. Hence,
precipitated out of the solution, builds a crust on the surface, there is a need to curb these problems through innovative and
clogging up waterways and further contributing to the eco-friendly techniques. So, this documentation may be an eye
anaerobic conditions. opening for the area. Presently, coffee waste management
systems in Ethiopia are not operating. They could reduce on
Table 4. Composition of coffee waste their losses if they employ qualified staff and adopt modern
management techniques. Therefore, unless they improve their
Pulp Mucilllage profitability, they will consider demands to take an additional
Proportion investments, e.g. for environment as a burden. Many by-
(%) (%) products from wet coffee processing offer additional sources
Ether extract 0.48 Water 84.2 of revenue, employment and new enterprises. It is therefore
Crude fiber 21.4 Protein 8.00
Crude protein 10.1 Reducing sugar 2.50 high time that coffee waste started to put a price.
Ash 1.50 Non-reducing sugar 1.60
Nitrogen free extract 31.3 Pectin 1.00 Acknowledgements
Tannins 7.80 Ash 0.70
Pectic substances 6.50
Non-reducing sugars 2.00 The authors are thankful to School of Chemical and Bio-
Reducing sugars 12.4 engineering at Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, AAU for
Chlorogenic acid 2.60 financial, technical support and laboratory facility during the
Caffeine 2.30 research work. Asrat Gebremariam Woldesenbet would like to
Total caffeic acid 1.60
thank Bonga College of Teacher Education for providing
sponsorship for his PhD study.
1471 Asian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 6, Issue 05, pp. 1467-1471, May, 2015