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Disaster Risk Management Flood and Earthquake

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Our mission is to provide reliable information,
resources, and tools to help individuals, communities,
and organizations mitigate the risks and impacts of
earthquakes and floods. We aim to empower people with
the knowledge and skills they need to prepare for
disasters, respond effectively in times of crisis, and build
more resilient communities over time. Our website will
serve as a hub for disaster risk management to inform
and inspire action to foster the safety of the people.
page 18
Our vision is to create a world where communities are
resilient in the face of natural disasters. We envision a
future where people have the knowledge and tools to
prepare for and respond to earthquakes and floods,
reducing the devastating impact these events can have
on lives and livelihoods.

page 18
According to National Geographic, flood is an overflow
of water that soaks a land that is usually dry. A flood
develops when an area is inundated with water or due to
human factors. This are the river flooding, drain and
sewer flooding, coastal flooding, groundwater flooding,
and flash flooding. River flooding occurs when a body of
water exceeds its capacity, typically happens when a river
burst its banks. On the other hand, drain and sewer
flooding occurs due to a blockage or failure within the
drainage system while coastal flooding is when dry and
low-lying land is submerged by seawater.

page 2
According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology (PHILVOLCS), The earthquakes are caused
by tectonic plate boundaries. The focus is point inside the
earth where the earthquake started, sometimes called the
hypocenter, and the point on the surface of the earth
directly above the focus is called the epicenter. There are
two ways in measuring the strength of an earthquake:
magnitude and intensity.

page 2
The first earthquake for which we have descriptive data
happened in 1177 B.C. in China. Earthquakes have been
reported in Europe as early as 580 B.C.,

The first known earthquakes in the Americas occurred in

Mexico in the late 14th century and in Peru in 1471,
although records of the effects were insufficient.

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake was one of the most

severe in North American recorded history, killing 700
people and destroying the city.
page 4
The flood at Saint Marcellus, also known as the "Great
Drowning of Mankind," killed at least 25,000 people and
was triggered by a severe extratropical hurricane.

The Johnstown Flood, also known as the Great Flood of

1889, occurred on May 31, 1889, following the tragic fall
of the South Fork Dam on the Little Conemaugh River.

The Yellow River flood in September 1887 in Qing

China killed at least 930,000 people.

page 4
Tectonic Earthquakes- Tectonic earthquakes occur at plate
tectonic boundaries due to friction between plates locking
Induced Earthquakes- Human activity can cause quakes due to
geothermal or fracking operations.

Volcanic Earthquakes- Volcanic tectonic earthquakes are caused by

magma movement under the Earth's surface, which can be
Collapse Earthquakes- Collapse earthquakes are caused by
seismic waves in underground caves.
page 5
Heavy Rainfall- Heavy rainfall can lead to a rapid increase in
surface runoff and the potential for a flash flood.

Overflowing Rivers- Riverine flood is caused by overflow of a

river due to excessive rainfall, resulting in a river exceeding its

Collapsed Dams- Dam collapses or levee breaches can cause

flash floods, causing property damage and loss of life.

page 6

Snowmelt- Snowmelt floods are caused by melting snow, which

holds water until it melts, delaying the delivery of water for
days, weeks, or even months.

Climate Change- Uncontrolled human activities can lead to

climate changes, leading to flooding and increased carbon
dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

page 7
Ground Shaking- Ground shaking is the vibration of the ground
caused by an earthquake, which increases with magnitude and
decreases with distance from the fault.

Ground Rupture- Ground rupture is a significant effect of

earthquakes, causing destruction or serious damage to

Landslide- Earthquakes can cause landslides of various forms,

such as rock falls, shallow debris slides, soil and rock slumps,
and block slides.
page 8
Tsunami- Tsunamis are water waves created by an underwater
earthquake, with a height of 1 foot and a distance between wave
crests of up to 60 miles. Their speed decreases as the depth of the
ocean drops.

Liquification- The liquefaction syndrome occurs during

earthquakes, causing clay-free soil layers to become viscous
fluids and seismic shear waves to move through a saturated
granular soil layer, leading to deformations.
Fires- Earthquakes can cause power lines to fall, spark fires,
rupture gas lines, and cause explosions and flames.
page 9
Floods Carry Contamination- Floodwaters can be contaminated
by pollutants such as agricultural pesticides, industrial
chemicals, rubbish, and sewage, leading to a negative
environmental impact.
Floods Cause Sedimentation and Erosion- Flooding has a
negative impact on the environment by causing sedimentation
and erosion, which can lead to lake quality issues and algal

Floods Can Harm Wildlife- Flooding can be harmful to animals,

causing drowning, disease spread, and habitat destruction.
page 10
Dislodges Accumulated Debris- Floods can dislodge debris and
objects from rivers and estuaries, which can lead to downstream
droughts due to obstruction of water flow.
Floods Recharge Groundwater- Floods can restore subsurface
water supplies by percolating through soil and rock, providing
pure freshwater to ecosystems, improving soil health and
resulting in more productive agricultural and grazing fields.

Renewal of Wetlands- Floods can replenishing wetlands,

purifying water, and contributing to the health of ecologically
significant wetlands, water sources, and air quality.
page 11
DO'S & Marceline Anderson - 2024
DON'TSDo's Don'ts
Before Earthquake: Before Earthquake:
• Practice First Aid • Spread rumors or fake news.
• Practice the basic (drop, cover,
• Not practicing the basics
and hold)
• List of emergency phone (drop, cover, and hold)
numbers • Place heavy objects on higher
• Repair defective electrical shelves
wiring and leaky gas
• Don’t be unprepared in terms
connections. These are potential
fire risks. of first aid kit.
• Repair deep plaster cracks in • Don’t place flammable liquids
ceilings and foundations. Get on higher shelves.
expert advice if there are signs
page 12 of structural defects.
DO'S & Marceline Anderson - 2024
DON'TSDo's Don'ts
During Earthquake: During Earthquake:
• Drop, Cover, and Hold • Move around while the shaking
• Stay away from objects that is still going.
could fall during an earthquake • Don’t go near to a heavy object
such as glass or anything that that could fall during the
would harm you. shaking
• Don’t move/walk if the • Don’t be too confident that the
shaking is still going. earthquake wouldn’t harm or
• If you are in a crowded place, cause damage to your place.
cover in a place where you • (Avoid/Go near) to a doorway
won't be trampled. as it would slam hard and
• If you're in a vehicle, avoid cause injuries.
bridges or anything that could • Don’t panic, just secure
page 13
collapse. yourself to the safest possible
DO'S & Marceline Anderson - 2024
DON'TSDo's Don'ts
After Earthquake: After Earthquake:
• Check other family member/s • Leave any member/s behind,
if they are harmed or injured. especially those who are
• Beware (of/from) secondary harmed or injured.
effects, particularly landslide. • Stay to damage
• Turn on radio for further areas/buildings.
notice/announcements. • Don’t forget the aftershock.
• Look for any defects in the
• Avoid using vehicles right
water supply lines or electrical
wiring in your home or area. after the shaking stops.
• Follow the public safety • Immediately get out of your
instructions to maintain safety. house

page 14
DO'S & Marceline Anderson - 2024
DON'TSDo's Don'ts
Before Flood: Before Flood:
• If you live in an area with a • Don't keep your important
high risk of flooding, elevate papers in the basement. Keep
your home's furnace, water them up higher so they are
heater, and electrical panel. safe from flood damage.
• Prepare first aid kit and make • Don’t be too over confident
family communication plan. that the flood will not cause
• Build barriers to keep heavy damage in your area.
floodwater from entering your • Avoid building in a flood
area, and waterproof basement prone area unless you elevate
walls if it's possible. and reinforce your home.

page 15
DO'S & Marceline Anderson - 2024
DON'TSDo's Don'ts
During Flood: During Flood:
• Secure your house. Bring • Don’t drive unless it’s for
outside stuff inside if you rescue purposes.
have the time. Place your • Don’t go to already flooded
essentials on a higher floor. areas and don’t attempt to
• Be alert, monitor your cross flowing water.
surroundings. Turn on radio • Don’t go near to electric
for further notice in terms of wires and power lines as this
rescue. may put you in danger.
• Get to the high grounds,
secure yourself. and your
family as well.

page 17
DO'S & Marceline Anderson - 2024
DON'TSDo's Don'ts
After Flood: After Flood:
• Turn on radio for safety • Don’t enter areas that is still
notice/announcements if it’s surrounded by floodwaters,
safe to go outside. secondary effects may harm
• Check for possible damages in you.
your area. • Avoid areas with damage
• Wait until it is safe to go electric wires and power
outside or wait until there is lines.
no more flood occurring. • Don’t visit damaged areas
after a flood. Your presence
might delay rescuers in
rescuing people.

page 17
Disaster risk reduction is an important aspect of
mitigating the impact of earthquakes and floods. It
requires both top-down and bottom-up approaches. The
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
(NEHRP) leads the federal government's efforts to
reduce fatalities, injuries, and property damage caused
by earthquakes. Tornadoes, flash floods, and other
natural hazards can also be mitigated through disaster
risk reduction measures.
page 18
Identifying hazards, building safer structures, and
providing education on earthquake safety can
significantly mitigate the effects of natural earthquakes.
The California Earthquake Authority provides seven
steps to earthquake safety which includes practicing
Drop, Cover, and Hold On during an earthquake.

page 18
Increased Awareness: By providing information about the risks,
causes, and consequences of floods and earthquakes, a disaster
risk management website can help increase public awareness of
these threats. This can encourage individuals and communities
to take proactive steps to prepare for potential disasters.

Timely Information: A well-maintained disaster risk

management website can provide up-to-date information about
current weather patterns, seismic activity, and disaster alerts in
real-time. This can help people prepare for potential disasters
and take the necessary precautions before it's too late.
page 20
Effective Communication: By providing a centralized platform
for sharing resources, best practices, and other useful
information, a disaster risk management website can help
facilitate effective communication and collaboration among
various stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs,
and local community groups.
Preventative Measures: By offering advice about how to
mitigate risks and minimize damage from floods and
earthquakes, a disaster risk management website can help
individuals and communities take proactive measures to prevent
or reduce potential hazards. This can include strategies like
retrofitting homes and buildings, building flood defenses, or
page 21 developing evacuation plans.

Access Limitations: Not everyone has access to the internet or

may have difficulties navigating websites. This means that not
all members of the population may be able to access
information provided on the disaster risk management website.

Overreliance: It's possible that some individuals could become

over-reliant on the information provided on the website,
potentially causing them to overlook other important factors or
preparations that should be considered for disaster risk

page 22

Language Barriers: If the website is only offered in a specific

language, this could create a language barrier for some
individuals or communities, potentially restricting their ability
to fully utilize the website's resources.

Inadequate Maintenance: If the website is not maintained

regularly or is not updated with current information, it could
prove to be less effective in providing helpful resources for risk

page 23
ES Design- We can provide visitors with both a mobile and
desktop way of accessing our website, allowing them to view the
website properly on a smaller screen.
·Live Chat- WIX Chat will allow us to communicate with visitors of
our website more easily and answer their questions or suggestions. It
will also be used to improve our website.
·Images- Most importantly, images are used to effectively
communicate information and ideas that cannot be communicated
solely through text. Besides that, images make the website visually
appealing and engaging.
·Suggestion/Comments- it is a feature on the majority of news
websites, blogs, and other websites that allows viewers to comment or
make a suggetions on the content that has been posted.
page 24
The study on Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
focusing on Flood and Earthquake examines the
causes, effects, and impacts of these two disasters. It
will explore strategies and measures to reduce the
risks and impacts of floods and earthquakes on
communities and their infrastructure. It will conclude
with recommendations for improving DRM for
floods and earthquakes, including the development of
effective early warning systems, resilient
infrastructure planning and design, robust
communication channels, and increased community
involvement in disaster preparedness and risk
page 25
The focal point of this study is to examine the
effectiveness of promoting awareness and
implementing mindfulness techniques in handling
earthquake and flood disaster risk management. It
does not purport to present an exhaustive analysis of
all conceivable natural disasters. Furthermore, the
study limits its effectiveness and information to the
two natural disasters, earthquake and flood.

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