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Values & Ethics

(Unit I A)

The subject that enables us to understand ‘What is

valuable’ for human happiness is called value education.
Understanding the need, basic
guidelines, content, process for
Value Education
Correct identification of our aspirations: All human
beings have aspirations. You may aspire to become a
doctor or engineer or a lawyer or a film star or
something else.
Short term VS Long term: Before you invest your
energies to actualize your plans, it is important that
you find out what you basically aspire for.
Understanding universal human values to fulfil our
aspirations in continuity:
We also need to understand the universality of
various human values, because only then we can
have a definite and common program for value
education. Then only we can be assured of a happy
and harmonious human society.
Need for Value Education
• All the human beings continuously aspire for a happy life, a
fulfilling and successful life, and the purpose of education is
to provide adequate competence to actualize this aspiration
• For this, first of all it is essential to understand – what is
really VALUBALE for human being, and what is really
conducive to a happy and fulfilling life? This is VALUE
• This it is essential to know- How to actualize it? How to
make it happen? This is domain of SKILL.

Technology and Human values:

Technology is only a means to achieve what is
considered “valuable” for a human beings in an
effective and efficient manner. It thus becomes
primarily important to know correctly what is
‘valuable’. Without this decision, technology can be
put to any use, either constructive or destructive.
• The subject that decides on ‘what is valuable?’, ‘what is value
for human being?’ is Value Education.

• This subject focuses on what a human being is, what is

purposeful and meaningful for him, what is the aim of human
being and his life and how he can meet this aim, this purpose.
• With clarity and the satisfaction obtained out of the fulfilment of
this purpose, he gains self confidence . The student needs to
have this confidence in order to be able to proactively set his
own goals, and the rest follows in terms of his commitment,
untiring effort leading to harmony within self and rest of nature
• Universal- with respect to time, space & individual.
• Rational- means something based on logic or reason in the sense
that it appeals to human reasoning.
• Secular- it is not dependent on any cast or creed or religion or sect.
• All-encompassing- VE is aimed at transforming our consciousness
& living. Hence it covers all dimensions (thought, behaviour, work &
realization) & levels (individuals, family, society, nature &
existence) of human living.
• Natural & Verifiable for Human Being & the rest of Nature – it is
naturally acceptable to every human being and there is every
provision in nature for its fulfilment.
• Leading to Harmony- Must ensure harmony with human being and
Rest of Nature.
• Value education can not be a set of sermons or Do’s and Don’ts.
Content of Value Education
As mentioned above, it must include

• All dimensions- thought, behavior, work & realization.

• All levels- individual, family, society, nature & existence of

human being.

That is, it must have a clear understanding of each of these

and their interrelationships i.e. harmony underling all of them.

Similarly, the content of value education will be;

• To Understand Myself
• My aspirations.
• My happiness.
• Understand the goal of human life.
• Understand the existence in the nature.
• Basic role of Human being in the nature.
Human Values vs Moral Values
• Moral values regard matters of right and wrong whereas
Human Values help a person to distinguish between right
and wrong.
• Moral values are constant and unchanging whereas Human
values change from person to person and from time to time
• Moral values are for self development and self discipline
whereas Human values is about how we treat others in
• Moral values can be taught whereas Human values are
inherited values and are intact in all of us.
Core Human Values



• LOVE: Unconditional and unselfish care
• PEACE: Control the mind
• TRUTH: Indispensable ethical discipline
• NON-Violence: means respect for life and
recognition of rights of others.
• Right Conduct: Truth in action is right conduct.
• Thinking with Love is Truth, feeling with Love is
Peace, acting with Love is right conduct,
understanding with love is non-violence
Life Values
Acceptance Freedom Accomplishment
Adventure Authenticity Balance Challenge Joy
Collaboration Community Courage Creativity Humour
Dignity Diversity Ethics Home
Excitement Fairness Faith Family
Fitness Flexibility Forgiveness Fun Generosity
Humanity Honesty Independence Integrity
Intimacy Justice Kindness Learning Love
Loyalty Mindfulness Open-mindedness Patience
Peace Personal development Power
Respect Responsibility Safety Self- care Status
Travel Self -discipline Spirituality Tradition
Trustworthiness Usefulness Vision Well-being
Wholeheartedness Wisdom Order
Gratitude Service Skilfulness
The Process of Value Education
• The process of Value Education has to be that of SELF
EXPLORATION and not of giving sermons or telling do’s and don’ts.
What ever is found as truth or reality may be stated as proposal and
has to be verified at the own right.
• It is process of dialogue between ‘WHAT YOU ARE’ and ‘WHAT YOU
• It is a process of knowing oneself and through that knowing entire
• It is a process of recognizing one’s relation with every unit of
existence and fulfilling it.
• This process of Self Exploration helps you be in Harmony within
yourself and in harmony with everything around.
Unit – I B
Exploration= observing outside
Self- exploration= Observing Inside

Self exploration is the process to find out what is valuable to me

by investigating within myself, what is valuable to me, true for me,
has to be judged within myself. Through self exploration we get
the value of our self. We live with different entirety(family, friends,
air, soil, water, trees etc.) and we want to understand our
relationship with all these. For this we need to start observing
inside. The main focus of self-exploration is just finding answers to
the following fundamental questions of all human beings.

Desire: What is my basic Aspiration?

What do I actually want to Achieve?
Aim, Objective, Purpose
Program: What Is the process to fulfil this basic
• This is what any human being would like to know and
• Work towards its actualisation in life.
• Process of achieving the Desire.
• How do I achieve it .
It is self exploration into the conscience, science & sense of living which implies;
1. It is the process of dialogue b/n what I am and what I really want to be.
2. It is a process of self evaluation through self investigation.
3. It is the process of knowing oneself and through that knowing the entire
4. It is the process of recognizing one’s relationship with every unit in existence
and fulfilling it.
5. It is the process of knowing human conduct, human character and living
6. It is the process of being harmony in oneself and in harmony with entire
7. It is the process of identifying our Innateness
8. it is a process of identifying our Innateness (Swatva) and moving towards Self-
Organisation (Swatantrata) and Self-Expression (Swaraja).

• Svatva means Innateness of self- when we identify

our innateness, we realise the difference b/w what
we are and we really want to be.
• Swatantrata: being self-organized- being in
harmony with oneself.
• Swarajya: self- expression, self- extension-
living in harmony with others.
• SE will be done on the basis of whether the proposals are acceptable to us in a
natural manner- i.e. they need to be naturally accepted to us and not just
imposed externally. This process is expected to initiate a transformation in our
understanding in our consciousness and our living.

• Proposal

Whatever is stated is a proposal.

Don’t start by assuming it to be true or false

Don’t accept or reject:
- On the basis of Scriptures what is written
- On the basis of reading from Instruments
- On the basis of others.
- For example- A proposal- Respect is a basic of human relation.
If it is readily acceptable to you, it is true, otherwise It is Untrue
The answer after REALIZATION &
• Assuring: I am assured of the understanding in myself.
• Satisfying: I am satisfied that the answers are fulfilling
for me.
• Universal: same for everyone, invariant w.r.t. Time,
Space, Individual.
• Time: Answers are same at all time; Past, Present & Future.
• Space: Same at all places or locations.
• Individual: The answers are the same for every human being

If any one of the criteria is not fulfilled then it is not from natural
Process Of Self Exploration
Being the keen observer

Focusing on solutions rather problems

Chasing strong emotions

Identifying core values and beliefs

Knowing line of demarcation and responsibility

Mechanism Of Self Exploration


• Actually natural acceptance is way to accept the good things

naturally, for example our natural acceptance for trust and respect
does not change with age. It does not depend on the place.
Whatever we have accepted, in our life, at any time of our age,
does not change, even if we move from one place to another one.

• Natural acceptance does not change with time.

• Natural acceptance implies unconditional and total acceptance of

the self, people and environment.

• It also refers to the absence of any exception from others.


• Once we fully and truly commit ourselves on the basis of

natural acceptance. We feel a holistic sense of inner
harmony, tranquility and fulfillment.
• It does not depend on our beliefs or past conditionings. No
matter how deep our belief or past conditioning, as long as
we ask ourselves the question sincerely, as long as we ask
ourselves the question sincerely, as long as we refer deep
within ourselves, the answer will always be the same.
• This NA is ‘constantly there’ something we can refer to. NA
is always there. Whatever we do, this NA is within us, it is
telling us what is right.
• Natural acceptance is the same for all of us; it is part and
parcel of every human being, it is part of humanness.
• Though each one of us, may have different likes and
dislikes and means to live and to react etc.
• But if we go deep in our mind the purpose of our work,
behaviour, efforts etc, are based on common goals like
need to be happy, need to be respected, need to get
• So our basic acceptance remain the same
• Experimental validation is a process that infuses direct
experience with the learning environment and content.

• It may be regarded as a philosophy and methodology

in which the direct experience and focused reflection
of the individual helps to increase knowledge, develop
skill and clarify values.

• When what we already believe to be true of us is

validated by some situation, phenomena or outcomes.
• DESIRE- Happiness, prosperity in continuous.

• Happiness:
• “To be in a state of liking is happiness.”
• The state/situation in witch I live, if there is harmony/synergy in it,
then I like to be in that state or situation.
• “To be in a state of harmony is happiness.”
• Unhappiness:
• To be in state of disliking is unhappiness.
• To be in a state of disharmony or contradiction is unhappiness
• I don’t like to be in that state.
Basic Human Aspirations
• We, desire for many things in this world, say materialistic
needs, respect, recognition, love, trust etc, but in the form of
all these we aspire for true and continuous happiness and
• Happiness “ To be in state of liking is happiness.” “To be in a
state of harmony is happiness.”
• Prosperity: Feeling of having more than required physical
For prosperity two things are required-
1. Identification of the quantity required for physical needs &
2. Ensuring availability/production.
• To understand & to live - in harmony at all levels of our
living existence.
• There are six levels of our Living/Being/ Existence-
1. In the self
2. With the Body
3. In Family
4. In Society
5. Inn Nature
6. In existence
• Happiness is a mental state of wellbeing characterized by
positive emotions of intense joy, sentiment & good life.
• Happiness is the positive nature of the self, happiness & the
self are not different.
• There is no happiness in any objects of the world.
• According to Martin Seligman:- Happiness is not just external
momentary pleasure.
• Human seems happiest when they have-
• Pleasure (tasty foods)
• Engagement
• Relationships
• Meaning
• Accomplishments
What is Prosperity

• It is the feeling of having more physical facilities

than required. Prosperity creates a desire to share
what one possesses. However, since the need for
physical facilities is limitless, the feeling of
prosperity cannot be assured
Basic requirement for fulfillment of
Human aspiration
Is needed in myself, I need to
1.Right study myself, the human
Understanding being & the entire existence
of which I am a part.


Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity

We are in relationship with The things we use, come from

people, other human being what we call as nature
Presently, as we look around, we find most of the
people in the following two categories
• SVDD- Sadhan Viheen Dukhi Daridra
• SSDD- Sadhan Sampan Dukhi Daridra
• SSSS- Sadhan Sampan Sukhi Samridha
Before we explain these we should have clear understanding of
‘Desire’. Desires are of
1. Materialistic; Food, shelter, clothes and physical facilities
which are quantifiable
2. Non- materialistic; It is qualitative in nature like respect,
trust, happiness, recognition, peace etc.
Where do we stand today
• At the level of Individual: rising problems of
depression, insecurity, health problem.
• At the level of Family: Breaking of joint family,
mistrust and insecurity in relationship, divorce, legal
• At the level of Society: Terrorism, casteism, wars
between nations, fear of nuclear and genetic welfare
• At the level of Nature: Global warming, water, soil,
noise pollution, resource depletion of minerals and
oil, loss of fertility of soil.
• To live with continuous happiness and prosperity, the
program is ‘to understand & to live in harmony at all
levels of our living/ existence.
• There are four levels of our living
• 1 Self
• 2. Family
• 3. Society
• 4. Nature
Continuous happiness is being in harmony within one
self, being in harmony with others and being
harmony with nature.

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