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Session - 2

Module – 1 | Topic - 1
Value Education - Definition
• Character oriented education that instills basic
values and ethnic values in one’s psyche is
called ‘Value Based Education’.
• Value education is important to help everyone
in improving the value system that he/she
holds and puts it to use.
• Once, one has understood his/ her values in
life he/she can examine and control the
various choices he/she makes in his/ her life.
Value Education - Definition
• Value education enables us to understand our
needs and visualize our goals correctly and
also helps to remove our confusions and
contradictions and bring harmony at all levels.
• It also helps remove our confusions and
contradictions and enables us to rightly utilize
the technological innovations.
• The subject that enables us to understand
‘what is valuable’ for human happiness is
called value education.
Values and skill complement each
• For example, I want to lead a healthy life. Only wishing
for good health will not help me keep my body fit and
healthy and without having understood the meaning of
health, I will not be able to choose things correctly to
keep my body fit and healthy.

• So I have to learn the skills to achieve the goal of good

health i.e. food to be consumed, the physical workout
to be designed. So without knowing the meaning of
good health, health cannot be achieved and also it is
necessary to make use of the goal to achieve the goal
of the goal.
Basic Guidelines
• In order to qualify for any course on value
education, the following guidelines for the
content of the course are important:

1. Universal: It needs to be applicable to all the

human beings irrespective of cast, creed,
nationalities, religion, etc., for all times and

2. Rational: It has to appeal to human reasoning. It

has to be amenable to reasoning and not based
on dogmas or blind beliefs.
Basic Guidelines
3. Natural and verifiable: It has to be naturally acceptable to the
human being who goes through the course and when we live on
the basis of such values it leads to our happiness.

4. All encompassing: Value education is aimed at transforming our

consciousness and living. Hence, it needs to cover all the
dimensions (thought, behavior, work and realization) and levels
(individual, family, society, nature and existence) of human life and

5. Leading to harmony: The value education ultimately is targeted

to promote harmony within the individual, among human beings
and with nature.
Need for value education
• Correct identification of our aspirations: To
understand our needs and visualize our goals correctly
and also indicate the direction for their fulfillment. It
also helps to remove our confusions and contradictions
and bring harmony at all levels.

• Complementarity of values and skills. To fulfill our

aspirations both values and skills are necessary. When
we identify and set the right goals and produced in
right direction. This is known as value domain, the
domain of wisdom, and when we learn and practices to
actualize this goal to develop the techniques to make
this happen in real life, in various dimensions of human
endeavor (struggle). This is known as domain of skills.
Need for value education
• Evaluation of our beliefs. Each one of us
believes in certain things and we base our
values on these beliefs, be they false or true
which may or may not be true in reality.

• These believes come to us from what we read,

see, hear, what our parents tells us, our
friends talk about, what the magazines talk of,
what we see from TV etc. Value Education
helps us to evaluate our beliefs and assumed
Need for value education
• Technology and human values. The present education
system has become largely skill-based.
• The prime emphasis is on science and technology.
However, science and technology can only help to
provide the means to achieve what is considered
• It is not within the scope of science and technology to
provide the competence of deciding what really is
• Value Education is a crucial missing link in the present
education system. Because of this deficiency, most of
our efforts may prove to be counterproductive and
serious crises at the individual, societal and
environmental level are manifesting.
Module – 1 | Topic - 2
Self exploration
• Self exploration is the process to find out what is
valuable to me by investigating within myself,
what is right for me, true for me, has to be judged
within myself.
• Through self exploration we get the value of our
• We live with different entirety (family, friends, air,
soil, water, trees, etc.) and we want to
understand our relationship with all these.
• For this we need to start observing inside. The
main focus of self-exploration is myself - the
human being.
Content of self – exploration?
• Content of self exploration is just finding answers to the
following fundamental questions of all human beings:

• The Desire/Goal: What is my (human) Desire/ Goal? What

do I really want in life, or what is the goal of human life?

• Program: What is my (human) program for fulfilling the

desire? How to fulfill it? What is the program to actualize
the above?

• In short, the above two questions cover the whole domain

of human aspirations and human endeavor. Thus, they form
the content of self- exploration.
Let’s take the test




Natural acceptance
• Natural acceptance implies unconditional and total
acceptance of the self, people and environment.
• It also refers to the absence of any exceptions (Deviation)
from others. (जैसा मैं वैसा वो; जरूरी नहीीं मेरी पसींद भी उसकी
पसींद हो, और उसकी पसींद मेरी पसींद हो) Ex.: Government Job
• Once we fully and truly commit ourself on the basis of natural
acceptance, we feel a holistic sense of inner harmony,
tranquility and fulfillment.
• Actually natural acceptance is way to accept the good things
naturally. Learn everything that is good from others, but bring
it in, and in our own way absorb it; do not become others.
Ex.: If
have an
have an
Characteristics of natural acceptance
• Natural acceptance does not change with time. It
remains invariant with time. For example our natural
acceptance for trust and respect does not change with
• It does not depend on the place. Whatever we have
accepted, in our life, at any time of our age, does not
change, even if we move from one place to another
• It does not depend on our beliefs or past
conditionings. No matter how deep our belief or past
conditioning, as long as we ask ourselves the question
sincerely, as long as we refer deep within ourselves, the
answer will always be the same.
Characteristics of natural acceptance
• This natural acceptance is ‘constantly there’,
something we can refer to. Natural acceptance is
always there. Whatever we do, this natural acceptance
is within us, it is telling us what is right.
• Natural acceptance is the same for all of us: it is part
and parcel of every human being, it is part of
humanness. Though each one of us, may have
different likes and dislikes and means to live and to
react etc. but if we go deep in our mind the purpose of
our work, behaviour, efforts etc. are based on common
goals like need to be happy, need to be respected,
need to get prosperity. So our basic acceptance
remains the same.
Module 1 | Topic - 3
meaning of prosperity
• The feeling of having or making available more
than required physical facilities is prosperity.
• Almost all of us feel that wealth alone means
prosperity and try to explain this phenomenon on
this nonexistent or half fact.
• We are trying to achieve happiness and
prosperity by maximizing accumulation and
consumption of physical facilities.
• It is becoming anti-ecological and anti-people,
and threatening the human survival itself.
meaning of prosperity
• For prosperity, two things are required-
• 1. Identification of the required quantity of
physical facilities, and
• 2. Ensuring availability / production of more
than required physical facilities.
• We can be prosperous only if there is a limit to
the need for physical facilities. If there is no limit
what so ever be the availability the feeling of
prosperity cannot be assured.
• Secondly, just assessing the need is not enough.
We need to be able to produce or make available
more than the perceived need.
prosperity and wealth
• Prosperity is a feeling of having more than required
physical facilities; it is not just physical facilities.
• Almost all of us feel that wealth alone means
prosperity and try to explain this phenomenon on this
nonexistent or half fact.
• Wealth is a physical thing. It means having money, or
having a lot of physical facilities or both.
• This is a very important distinction. We mostly fail to
make this distinction today.
• We keep working for wealth, without realizing that the
basic desire is for the feeling of prosperity, to have
a feeling of having enough.
prosperity and wealth
• Prosperity is more acceptable to us because wealth is
just a part of prosperity.
• We are trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by
maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical
• It is becoming anti-ecological and anti-people, and
threatening the human survival itself.
• A person has lot of money, but does not want to share
even a bit of it.
• The person ‘has wealth’ but feels ‘deprived’.
• If one felt prosperous he/she would have shared what
one has, since there is lot more than enough wealth
present vision of a happy and
prosperous life
• We are trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by
maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical
facilities. It is becoming anti-ecological and anti-people,
and threatening the human survival itself.
• Some of the consequences of such trend are
summarized below:
• Ø At the level of individual: rising problems of
depression, psychological disorders, suicides, stress,
insecurity, etc.
• Ø At the level of family: breaking of joint families,
mistrust, and conflict between older and younger
generations, insecurity in relationships, divorce, dowry
tortures, etc.
present vision of a happy and
prosperous life
• Ø At the level of society: growing incidence of
terrorism and naxalism, rising communalism,
spreading casteism, racial and ethnic struggle,
wars between nations, etc.
• Ø At the level of nature: global warming, water,
air, soil, noise etc. pollution, resource depletion
of minerals and mineral oils, etc.
• All the problems are a direct outcome of an
incorrect understanding, our wrong notion about
happiness and prosperity and their continuity –
this is an issue for serious exploration.
What do the abbreviations given as
SVDD, SSDD and SSSS signify?
• To achieve our basic aspirations we need to
work for right understanding as the base on
which we can work for relationship and then
physical facilities. Today we are not working
according to this that why we can see that
there are two kind of people in the world:
• 1. Those that do not have physical facilities/
wealth and feel unhappy and deprived. i.e.
SVDD: Sadhan Viheen Dukhi Daridra –
Materially Deficient, Unhappy and Deprived.
What do the abbreviations given as
SVDD, SSDD and SSSS signify?
• 2. Those that have physical facilities/ wealth and feel
unhappy and deprived. i.e. SSDD: Sadhan Sampann
Dukhi Daridra – Materially Affluent, Unhappy and
Deprived. But these are states we don’t want to be in.
We want to move from this to third category i.e.
• 3. Having physical facilities and feeling happy and
prosperous i.e. SSSS: Sadhan Sampann Sukhi
Samriddha – Materially Adequate, Happy and
• Presently, as we look around, we find most of the
people in the above two categories called SVD and
SSDD, while the natural acceptance of all human beings
is to be in the category of SSSS.
14 Central
Beliefs to
change your
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• Unconditionally accept people. People are not their
behaviors, so, while we can reject a person's attitude or
habits, we will never dismiss a person.

• Behavior and change are to be assessed regarding context,

and ecology. All meaning is context dependent. It's very easy
to take something that's been said out of context and
interpret it differently from its original meaning.

• Our thoughts and memories have patterns to them. When

we change the pattern or structure, our experience will
automatically change. We can neutralize unpleasant
memories and enrich memories in ways that will serve us.
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• we experience resistance in a person, this will
stem from a lack of rapport or
misunderstanding. (There are no humans who
are resistant by nature, but rather, only rigid
communicators who are unwilling to change.

• Wise communicators accept and embrace all

forms of communication that are presented to
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• Appreciate other people's interpretation of the world.
If we desire to communicate well, it's important that
we have a grounded appreciation of someone else’s
unique model of the world.

• All people have alternative ways of interpreting and

experiencing life (different beliefs, values, filters, etc.).

• By understanding and respecting these differences

opposed to jumping to assumptions or judging, better
trust based communications will naturally occur.
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• No-one intentionally screws up.

• All people all of the time are doing the very best
they can do, with the extent of the resources that
they have available to them.

• Calibrate on behaviour and don't try to read

peoples minds.

• The only visible information we have about

another person is their behaviour.
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• The map is not the territory. People respond
to their experiences and not to reality itself.

• We don't have access to reality as it is, we do

not know reality.

• We experience reality through our senses, our

filter systems, our beliefs - our own personal
'map' of reality.
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• We each own our minds; therefore we each
must own our life outcomes.
• Thought precedes our every action, behaviour,
reaction, and response.
• It's important we understand that before we
commit to any course of action, the course of
action has first been considered inside of our
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• People have all the resources they need to be
• We all have the resources and ability to
achieve all the things that we want in our own
• If it's possible for other people, it's possible
for us.
• We can use the process of modelling to elicit
the strategies that another person has used to
achieve their desired life outcomes.
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• There is no such thing as failure, only feedback.

• Empowerment comes via responsibility.

• Having a choice is far better than not having a

choice. Always attempt to have a map that
provides you with the widest number of choices.
Always aim to increase choice. The more choice
you have, the more free you are and the greater
influence you have.
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• People work perfectly.
• No one is wrong or broken.
• We're all executing our strategies perfectly.
• However, our strategies may be ineffective
and poorly designed.
• Become aware of how you and other people
operate so that your strategy can be changed
if need be to something more desirable and
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• All actions have a purpose.
• The actions we take are not random; we're
always trying to achieve something, although we
might not be aware of what that actually is.
• You cannot NOT communicate. We are always
communicating, at least nonverbally, and words
are the least important of our communications.
Even our thoughts are communications with ours
14 Central Beliefs to change your life
• The meaning of the communication is not just
what you intend, but also the response that
you get.
• The response might be different from what
you wanted, but there is no such thing as
failure in communication, only responses and
• If you're not getting the results you desire,
change what you're doing.
• Start by taking responsibility for the

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