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History of Microbiology 1

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History of Microbiology


 Study of microorganisms
Microbes or Microorganisms
 Commonly referred to as “germs” or “bugs”
 Include bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
 Prions (“infectious proteins”) are recent addition.
Branches of Study

 Bacteriology

 Mycology

 Virology

 Parasitology

 Immunology

• Study of microbes that infect humans, the disease they cause and
their diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

• Microbiologists determine the type of microorganism causing the

disease and find a drug, usually an antibiotic, to inhibit the

• Microorganisms are studied in clinical hospital laboratories,

reference laboratories, and research facilities.

First microbiologist

• He was the first Person, who

invented the microscope and
discovered the microbial world.
• He used to grind lenses and made
microscopes as a hobby.
• Magnify objects about 200-300

• With his microscopes,

Leeuwenhoek observed a variety
of things like rain water, pond
water and scrapings from his own
• He made accurate sketches and
communicated his findings to
“Royal Society of London”.
• He discovered in a field of biology
• Bacteria(1674)
• Cell vacuole(1676)
• Spermatozoa(1677)
Father of Bacteriology and protozoology.
Before AntonieVan Leeuwenhoek
Robert Hooke(1665)
Magnification: 270X

Hans and Zacharias Jansen(1590)

-magnification: 9x with blurred image

Was the first to use a lens to

observe the smallest unit of
tissues called “cells.”
And now:

Transmission Electron Scanning Electron

Microscope Microscopy
Louis Pasteur
 ‘Father of Modern Microbiology’
 Professor of chemistry in France.
 Discovered the principles of
vaccination, microbial fermentation
and pasteurization.
• He had proposed the principles of fermentation for preservation of

• Introduced sterilization techniques and developed steam sterilizer, hot

air oven and autoclave.

• Vaccination against rabies, anthrax and cholera vaccine.

• Postulated “Germ theory of disease”.

 No growth: Swan Neck shaped Tubes because dust and germs had been trapped on
the walls of the curved necks.
 but if the necks were broken off : Microbial growth

 In 1897, Pasteur suggested that mild heating at 63°C for 30 minutes rather than
boiling was enough to destroy the undesirable organisms without ruining the taste
of the product, the process was called Pasteurization.

1885 - Vaccine against Rabie

 RABIES VACCINE: A nine year old boy severely bitten by
a rabid dog.
Given a course of 13 inoculation of infected cord vaccine by
The boy survived.
This dramatic event was a milestone in the development of

Cholera vaccine:
Joseph Lister

 1867 pioneer of Antiseptic Surgery

Joseph Lister

Father of Modern surgery

• Used carbolic acid, a chemical antiseptic to sterilize the surgical
instruments and clean wound.

• Postoperative infections were greatly reduced by using disinfectants such

as diluted carbolic acid during surgery to sterilize the instruments and to
clean the wounds.

• He instructed surgeons under his responsibility to wear clean gloves

and wash their hands before and after operations with 5% carbolic
acid solutions.
Edward Jenner

• 1796 – Father of Immunology

• First vaccine (smallpox)

• In May(1796), Sarah, consulted Jenner about a rash on her hand.

• Diagnosed cowpox rather than smallpox and Sarah confirmed : Gloucester cow called
Blossom, recently had cowpox.

• He made a few scratches on one of James' arms and rubbed into them some material fro
one of the pocks on Sarah's hand. A few days later James became mildly ill with cowpo
• The cowpox would now protect James from smallpox.
Edward Jenner

• Father of Immunology

• Developed the first vaccine of world, the small pox vaccine.

• Used cowpox virus (Variolae vaccinae) to immunize children against

smallpox from which the term ‘vaccine’ was derived
Robert Koch

• 1884: Koch’s Postulates of Disease Transmission

• Founder of modern bacteriology
•Development of Techniques for studying microbial techniques

•Agar (Fannie and Walter Hesse)

•Petri dish( Richard Petri)

•Introduced solid media for culture of bacteria

•Methods of isolation of bacteria in pure culture

•Discovered bacteria like anthrax, cholera and tubercle bacilli

Koch’s Postulates
The causative (etiological) agent must be present in all affected
organisms but absent in healthy individuals.

The agent must be capable of being isolated and cultured in pure form.

When the cultured agent is introduced to a healthy organism, the same

disease must occur.

The same causative agent must be isolated again from the affected host.
Alexander Fleming

• 1929 Discovery of Penicillin (first antibiotic)

• He made accidental discovery that the fungus
penicillium produces a substance that destroys

• Penicillin(antibiotic): in the beginning of antibiotic

Ignaz semmelweis

• Early pionner of antiseptic procedures

• Discovered the incidence of puerpeural sepsis
• Proposed the practice of using chlorinated lime solution of washing
• Awarded Noble prize (1902)
contribution for development of life
cycle of malarial parasite in mosquito
• Ross developed models for the study of
malaria epidemiology
• Established the developmental stages of
malaria parasites in anopheline
Mosquitoes; and they described the
complete life cycles of P. falciparum,
P. vivax and P. malariae
John Tyndall (1820 - 1893)

He discovered highly resistant bacterial structure, later known as


 Prolonged boiling or intermittent heating was necessary to kill

these spores, to make the infusion completely sterilized, a process
known as Tyndallisation.
Father of chemotherapy.

• Discovered synthetic arsenic

• First effective drugs for syphillis
• Called magic bullent(1880)
• Development of antiserum to combact
• Antitoxin and toxins in quantitative terms laid
in foundation of biological
standarisation(Ehrlich phenomenon )
Frederick Griffith
941, British
•Discovers transformation in bacteria and establishes the
foundation of molecular genetics.

• He shows that injecting mice with a mixture of live,

avirulent, rough Streptococcus pneumoniae Type I and heat-
killed, virulent smooth S. pneumoniae Type II, leads to the
death of the mice.

•And Live, virulent, smooth S. pneumoniae Type II are

isolated from the dead mice.
• Karry B Mullis
• He discovered a method to amplify the DNA and develop multiple
copies by using the process of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction).

• James Dewey Watson (1928) and Francis Harry Compton Crick

• They published a brief paper describing the structure of DNA in
• They described that the genetic material – DNA has a double helix
Modern Uses of Microbes
• Newer techniques of bacterial isolation, identification and sterilization.
• Tackling day to day mutation of bacteria, virus etc

 Genetic engineering makes use of molecular biology and recombinant

DNA techniques as new tools for biotechnology.

 Gene therapy replaces missing or defective genes in human cells

through genetic engineering.

• Genetically modified bacteria

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