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Lecture 5

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Contracts, Specifications and Quantity

Bereket Bezabih
Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering Department
Lecture 5
• General
– The specifications are written instruction which
supplement the drawings to set forth the complete
technical requirements of the work is to be done
– They also define the quality of material and workmanship
desired by the owner and serve as the standard and guide
the contractor.
– In general, the drawings show what is to be done where
as the specification state how it is to be accomplished and
the result t be obtained.
– In the case of conflit between the ewo documents the
specification govern
• General cont…
– Specifications are of necessity comprehensive and deal
with many types of materials and constructions.
– Therefore the composition should be logical and
systematic; otherwise there may be repetition, omissions
and conflicting statements which lead to confusion and
disputes during construction
– The clauses of specification are of two groups
• General Provisions which apply to the whole of the
• Technical provisions which describe the technical
provisions of each type of construction
• Purpose of Specifications
– Specifications should describe the type and quality of every
product required for the project.
– The specifications should describe the requirements for
fabrication, erection, application, installation and finishing.
– Specifications should describe the quality of workmanship
necessary for the project. This includes all phases of creation
and installation starting with manufacturing, fabrication, and
application, through installation, finishing and adjustment.
– Specifications should include any necessary codes and
standards applicable to the project.
– The specifications should also include descriptions and
procedures for alternate materials, products or services if
• Principle of Specification writing
• A competent specification writer should have
– A full knowledge of the works
– Definite ideas as the materials and methods which should be
– The ability to express these ideas in specification and drawings
in a manner readily understandable to all concerned
• The technique of specification writing depends on the
application of a few basic principle in grammar, word
usage, and composition
• Specifications are legal documents hence requires great
precision in wording and punctuation
• Principle of Specification writing
• Style
– Specifications should be written in short, concise
sentences, in simplest style possible
– Style and tense should be the same throughout
– Unfamiliar words, words with more than one
meaning and trade expressing should be avoided
– Avoid compound sentences with and replace them
with two sentences
• Principle of Specification writing
• Precision in the use of Words
• Scope of specifications
– the subject matter of specification should be confined
to the information and direction necessary for
construction work after award of the contract
– Amplify information do not repeat what is giveb
elsewhere in the drawings
– No need to give for specification requirements
– Cross references should be kept to the minimum
• Principle of Specification writing
• Balanced composition
– The specification in its entirety as well as its component
parts should be commensurate with the size and
importance of the work.
– Matters of major importance should be covered in detail
while lesser items may warrant only a brief explanation.
– Use of standard specification for works like concrete and
structural steel should be reviewed depending on the
importance and scale of the works
• Principle of Specification writing
• Definite Requirements
– The instructions in specifications should be written in
the form of specific directions and never as suggestions
or explanations.
– Expressions like reasonable, best quality, standard
practice, as directed by the engineer etc should be
– Keep in mind that if more than one meaning can be read
from the specification the contractor is entitiled to take
the one most favorable to him
• Principle of Specification writing
• Accuracy
– When information is given in a specification it must be correct
and complete.
– Unless special provison is made in the contract the owner will
be held accountable for the accuracy of the specifications and
misleading information.
– Avoid repetition is a common source of errors
– Revision of drawings should always be followed by subsequent
revision of specifications
– Incorrect spelling and punctuation marks and typological errors
may have serious consequences
• Principle of Specification writing
• Variation and Tolerance
– The engineer must specify the degree of pression and
uniformity needed to obtain the service and results
– He must also establish allowable limits of tolerance in light
of the added cost which result from increased precision in
• Principle of Specification writing
• Practicability
– Construction sites are not laboratories hence insistence on
scientific research level procedures is prohibitive in time
and cost
– More over the added improvements on standard practices
are not warranted
– Insofar as practicable construction requirements should be
adapted to standard sizes and patterns
• Principle of Specification writing
• Conflicting Requirements
– Conflict between various clauses of the specification should be
– Conflict between procedural and performance requirements
should be avoided
• Fairness
– Specifications shall set forth the desired standards of quality and
workmanship without imposing unfair condition on the contractor
• Fairness
– Specification should be written as concisely as posiible without
sacrificing clarity
– Unless the provisions are brief and to the point with all
nonessential words eliminated
• Specification Types
• There are four methods of specifying. There is no
defined rule for using one method over another or
about combining methods, but care should be taken
to avoid redundancy or contradictions. The four
methods are:
– Descriptive Specifications
– Performance Specifications
– Reference Standard Specifications
– Proprietary Specifications
• Selecting a Method of Specifying
• The following questions are helpful to consider
when trying to decide which method of specifying is
most appropriate.
– What does the Owner require?
– What method best describes the design intent?
– What method is most appropriate for the project size
and complexity?
– What method will result in the best quality of work?
– What method will result in the best price for the work?
• Organization of Specifications
– Part 1 – General:
• This section describes administrative, procedural and
temporary requirements specific to this section of
– Part 2 – Products:
• This section describes, in detail, the materials, products,
equipment, systems or assemblies to be used in the project.
– Part 3 – Execution:
• This section describes, in detail, any preparatory actions and
how the products shall be incorporated into the project.
• Page Format
PART 1 – GENERAL LEVEL (First Level)
1.01 ARTICLE (Second Level)
A. Paragraph (Third Level)
1. Subparagraph (Fourth Level)
a. Subparagraph (Fifth Level)
1) Subparagraph (Sixth Level)

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