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Chapter 1 Process Integration and Optimization: 1.1 What Optimization Is All About

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Chapter 1 Process Integration and

of two evils, always choose the lesser
1. The field of statistics treats various principles termed
"maximum likelihood,“ "minimum loss," and
"least squares," and
2. business makes use of "maximum profit," "minimum
cost," "maximum use of resources," "minimum effort,"
in its efforts to increase profits.
A typical engineering problem can be posed as
• A process can be represented by some
equations or perhaps solely by experimental
• a single performance criterion in mind such as
minimum cost.
• The goal of optimization is to find the values
of the variables in the process that yield the
best value of the performance criterion.
• The described factors-process or model and
the performance criterion-constitute the
optimization "problem.“
• Typical problems in chemical engineering
process design or plant operation have many
(possibly an infinite number) solutions.
• Optimization is concerned with selecting the
best among the entire set by efficient
quantitative methods.
1. Introduction
• OPTIMIZATION is the use of specific methods to determine
the most cost effective and efficient solution to a problem or
design for a process or
• Optimization is the act of obtaining the best result under given
• optimization can be defined as the process of finding the
conditions that give the maximum or minimum value of a
• There is no single method available for solving all
optimization problems efficiently.
What optimization is all about?
• Engineers work to improve the initial design of equipment
and strive to enhance the operation of that equipment once
it is installed so as to realize the largest production, the
greatest profit, the minimum cost, the least energy usage,
and so on
• Optimization can also lead to reduced maintenance costs, less
equipment wear, and better staff utilization
• It is extremely helpful to systematically identify the objective,
constraints, and degrees of freedom in a process or a plant,
leading to such benefits as improved quality of design, faster
and more reliable troubleshooting, and faster decision
• Optimization can take place at many levels in a
company, ranging from a complex combination of
plants and distribution facilities down through
individual plants, combinations of units, individual
pieces of equipment, subsystems in a piece of
equipment, or even smaller entities
• the scope of an optimization problem can be the entire
company, a plant, a process, a single unit operation, a
single piece of equipment in that operation, or any
intermediate system between these.
• In a typical industrial company optimization
can be used in three areas (levels):
(2) process design and equipment specification,
(3) plant operations
Hierarchy of levels of optimization
Attributes of processes affecting
costs or profits make them attractive
for the application of optimization:
1. Sales limited by production
2. Sales limited by market:
3. Large unit throughputs
4. High raw material or energy consumption:
5. Product quality exceeds product specfications
6. Losses of valuable components through waste
7. High labor costs:
• Two valuable sources of data for identifying
opportunities for optimization include
(1) profit and loss statements for the plant or the
unit and
(2) the periodic operating records for the plant.

• Optimization can be applied in numerous ways

to chemical processes and plants.
• Typical projects in which optimization has
been used include
1. Determining the best sites for plant location.
2. Routing tankers for the distribution of crude
and refined products.
3. Sizing and layout of a pipeline.
4. Designing equipment and an entire plant.
5. Scheduling maintenance and equipment
6. Operating equipment, such as tubular
reactors, columns, and absorbers.
7. Evaluating plant data to construct a model of
a process.
8. Minimizing inventory charges.
9. Allocating resources or services among
several processes.
10. Planning and scheduling construction.
• Every optimization problem contains three
essential categories:
1. At least one objective function to be optimized
(profit function, cost function,etc.).
2. Equality constraints (equations).
3. Inequality constraints (inequalities).
• Categories 2 and 3 constitute the model of the
process or equipment; category 1 is sometimes
called the economic model.
In this text the following notation will be used
for each category of the optimization problem:
• An optimal solution is a set of values of the
variables that satisfy the components of
categories 2 and 3;
• this solution also provides an optimal value
for the function in category 1. In most cases
the optimal solution is a unique one
• (Multiple solutions may exist when models in
categories 2 and 3 are composed of nonlinear
• if more process variables whose values are
unknown exist in category 2 than there are
independent equations, the process model is
called underdetermined;

• The degrees of freedom in a model is the number of variables

that can be specified independently and is defined as follows:

A degrees-of-freedom analysis separates modeling problems

into three categories:
1. NF = 0: The problem is exactly determined. If NF = 0,
then the number of independent equations is equal to the
number of process variables and the set of equations may have
a unique solution, in which case the problem is not an
optimization problem.
• For a set of linear independent equations, a unique solution
exists. If the equations are nonlinear, there may be no real
solution or there may be multiple solutions.
2. NF > 0: The problem is underdetermined. If NF > 0, then
more process variables exist in the problem than independent
equations. The process model is said to be underdetermined, so at
least one variable can be optimized.
3. NF < 0: The problem is overdetermined. If NF < 0, fewer
process variables exist in the problem than independent
equations, and consequently the set of equations has no solutions.
The process model is said to be overdetermined, and least
squares optimization or some similar criterion can be used to
obtain values of the unknown variables

• No single method or algorithm of optimization can

be applied efficiently to all problems.
• The method chosen for any particular case
depends primarily on
(1) the character of the objective function and
whether it is known explicitly,
(2) the nature of the constraints, and
(3) the number of independent and dependent
• the general objective in optimization is to choose a
set of values of the variables subject to the various
constraints that produce the desired optimum
response for the chosen objective function.

• Eykhoff (1974) defined a mathematical model as "a

representation of the essential aspects of an existing system (or
a system to be constructed) which presents knowledge of that
system in a usable form.“
• Because a model is an abstraction, modeling allows us to
avoid repetitive experimentation and measurements.
• In the development of a model, consider the following
1. Should the process be modeled on a fundamental or empirical
level, and what level of effort (time, expenses, manpower) is
required for either approach?
2. Can the process be described adequately using physical
3. What is the desired accuracy of the model, and how does its
accuracy influence its ultimate use?
4. What measurements are available, and what data are available
for model verification?
5. Is the process actually composed of smaller, simpler
subsystems that can be more easily analyzed?
• As the model of the process becomes more complex,
optimization usually becomes more difficult.

• Two general categories of models exist:

1. Those based on physical theory.
2. Those based on strictly empirical descriptions (so-called black
box models).
• Mathematical models based on physical and chemical laws
(e.g., mass and energy balances, thermodynamics, chemical
reaction kinetics) are frequently employed in optimization
• Empirical models, on the other hand, are attractive when a
physical model cannot be developed due to limited time or
• Input-output data are necessary in order to fit unknown
coefficients in either type of the model.
We can generally group models according to the following types:
• Linear versus nonlinear.
• Steady state versus unsteady state.
• Lumped parameter versus distributed parameter.
• Continuous versus discrete variables.
Linear versus nonlinear
• Linear models exhibit the important property of superposition;
nonlinear ones do not. Equations (and hence models) are linear
if the dependent variables or their derivatives appear only to
the first power: otherwise they are nonlinear.
• In practice the ability to use linear models is of great
significance because they are an order of magnitude easier to
manipulate and solve than nonlinear ones.
Steady state versus unsteady state
• steady state are time-invariant, static, or stationary. These
terms refer to a process in which the values of the dependent
variables remain constant with respect to time.
• Unsteady state processes are also called non steady state,
transient, or dynamic and represent the situation when the
process-dependent variables change with time. A typical
example of an unsteady state process is the operation of a
batch distillation column, which would exhibit a time-varying
product composition.
• A transient model reduces to a steady state model when
Distributed versus lumped parameters
• a lumped parameter representation means that spatial
variations are ignored and that the various properties and the
state of the system can be considered homogeneous
throughout the entire volume.
• A distributed parameter representation, on the other hand,
takes into account detailed variations in behavior from point to
point throughout the system.
• well-stirred reactor and a tubular reactor with axial flow. In the
first case, a lumped parameter mathematical model would be
• In the tubular reactor a distributed parameter model would be

For convenience of presentation, model building can be divided

into four phases:
(1)problem definition and formulation,
(2) preliminary and detailed analysis,
(3) evaluation, and
(4) interpretation application. Keep in mind that model building
is an iterative procedure.
Problem definition and formulation phase

In this phase the problem is defined and the important elements

that pertain to the problem and its solution are identified.
The degree of accuracy needed in the model and the model's
potential uses must be determined.
To evaluate the structure and complexity of the model, ascertain
1. The number of independent variables to be included in the
2. The number of independent equations required to describe the
system (sometimes called the "order" of the model).
3. The number of unknown parameters in the model.
Design phase

• The design phase includes specification of the information

content, general description of the programming logic and
algorithms necessary to develop and employ a useful model,
formulation of the mathematical description of such a model,
and simulation of the model.
• First, define the input and output variables, and determine
what the "system" and the "environment" are.
• Also, select the specific mathematical representation(s) to be
used in the model, as well as the assumptions and limitations
of the model resulting from its translation into computer code.
Evaluation phase

• This phase is intended as a final check of the model as a

• Evaluation of the model is carried out according to the
evaluation criteria and test plan established in the problem
definition phase.
• This step is also referred to as diagnostic checking
• No single validation procedure is appropriate for all models.

• A model relates the output (the dependent variable or

variables) to the independent variable(s).
• Each equation in the model usually includes one or more
coefficients that are presumed constant.
• The term parameter as used here means coefficient and
possibly input or initial condition.
2.3.1 How to Determine the Form of a Model

• Models can be written in a variety of mathematical forms.

• Selection of the form of an empirical model requires judgment
as well as some skill in recognizing how response patterns
match possible algebraic functions.
• Optimization methods can help in the selection of the model
structure as well as in the estimation of the unknown
• When the model is linear in the coefficients, they can be
estimated by a procedure called linear regression.
• If the model is nonlinear in the coefficients, estimating them is
referred to as nonlinear regression.
2.3.2 Fitting Models by Least Squares

• used to calculate the values of the coefficients in a model from

experimental data.
• In estimating the values of coefficients for either an empirical
or theoretically based model, the number of data sets must be
equal to or greater than the number of coefficients in the
• Least squares means the sum of the squares of the errors
between the predicted and the experimental values of the
dependent variable y for each data point x is minimized.
• Consider a general algebraic model that is linear in the coefficients.
Nonlinear least squares
• If a model is nonlinear with respect to the model parameters,
then nonlinear least squares rather than linear least squares has
to be used to estimate the model coefficients
For example, suppose that experimental data is to be fit by a
reaction rate expression of the form , is the reaction
rate of component A, CA is the reactant concentration, and k and
n are model parameters.
This model is linear with respect to rate constant k but is
nonlinear with respect to reaction order n.
A general nonlinear model can be written as
• a sum-of-squares error criterion (to be minimized) by selecting
the parameter set so as to
General formulation
Optimization model formulation
Optimization model formulation
Decision variables, x
Decision variables, x
Decision variables, x

• THE FORMULATION OF objective functions is one of the

crucial steps in the application of optimization to a practical
two major components of economic objective functions: capital
costs and operating costs
the chemical plant with three products (E, F, G) and three raw
materials (A, B, C) in limited supply. Each of the three products is
produced in a separate process (1,2, 3);

A GOOD TECHNIQUE for the optimization of a function of just

one variable is essential for two reasons:
1. Some unconstrained problems inherently involve only one
2. Techniques for unconstrained and constrained optimization
problems generally involve repeated use of a one-dimensional
Three basic procedures for finding an extremum of a function of
one variable have evolved from applying the necessary
optimality conditions to the function:
1. Newton's method
2. Finite difference approximation of Newton's method
3. Quasi-Newton methods
• Rates of convergence can be expressed in various ways, but a
common classification is as follows
Newton's Method

• the first-order necessary condition for a local minimum is f

'(x) = 0. solve the equation f '(x) = 0 by Newton's method to
The advantages of Newton's method are
1. The procedure is locally quadratically convergent to the
extremum as long as f"(x) # 0.
2. For a quadratic function, the minimum is obtained in one
The disadvantages of the method are
1. You have to calculate both f'(x) and f "(x).
2. If f "(x) 0, the method converges slowly.
3. If the initial point is not close enough to the minimum,
the method as described earlier will not converge.


f(xi) B

f(xi-1) C

xi+1 xi-1 xi

Figure 2 Geometrical representation of

the Secant method.
Finite Difference Approximations to Derivatives

• If f(x) is not given by a formula, or the formula is so

complicated that analytical derivatives cannot be formulated

Quasi-Newton (secant)Method
• In the quasi-Newton method (secant method) the approximate
model to be solved is
• where m is the slope of the line connecting the point and a
second point given by

• The quasi-Newton approximates as a straight line; as

m approaches the second derivative of f(x).
• EXAMPLE minimize a simple quadratic function
using one iteration of each of the methods
• Solution. By inspection we can pick a bracket on the
minimum, say x = -3 to x = 3. Assume = 3 is the starting
point for the minimization.
• Newton's method.

Is always positive-definite.
Finite difference Newton method.

Parabolic interpolation takes advantage of the fact that a second-

order polynomial often provides a good approximation to the
shape of f (x) near an optimum

where x0, x1, and x2 are the initial guesses, and x3 is the value
of x that corresponds to the maximum value of the parabolic fit
to the guesses
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Linear Programing(LP)
Graphical solution example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 3
Standard form of LP
Simplex method
Simplex method
Simplex method
Simplex method
Simplex method
Simplex method pivoting
Simplex method
Simplex method
Simplex method pivoting
Simplex method pivoting
Simplex method example
Simplex method example
Simplex method example
Chapter 6 Non linear programing
Non linear programing
Non linear programming direct substitution
Non linear programming direct substitution
Non linear programming lagrangian multiplier method
Non linear programming lagrangian multiplier method
Non linear programming-problems containing only equality constraints
Non linear programming-problems containing only
equality constraints
Non linear programming-problems containing only inequality
Non linear programming-problems containing only inequality
Non linear programing example
Non linear programing solution
Non linear programing solution
Non linear programing examples

Non linear programing examples
Non linear programing examples
Non linear programing examples
Non linear programing exercise
Mixed integer programing reading assignment
Classification of the types of problems that are encountered in
optimization with discrete variables
some integer programming models
some integer programming models
Chapter 7
Process integration
Process integration techniques
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
heat exchanger networks
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Basic concepts in process heat integration
Simple two stream problem
Four stream problem
The problem table method
The problem table method procedure
The problem table method procedure
The problem table method procedure
The problem table method procedure
The problem table method summary
heat exchange network
heat exchange network -network design for maximum heat recovery
heat exchange network -network design above the pinch
heat exchange network -network design above the pinch
heat exchange network -network design below the pinch
heat exchange network -network design below the pinch
heat exchange network summary
heat exchange network summarizing
The problem table method
The problem table method
The problem table method
Mass exchanger network reading assignment

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