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Komal Singh
What is HTML?
• HTML is a language which is used to write HTML document to create
web pages.
• Once you write HTML document, it can be viewed in any browser in
form of web page.
• HTML Document : is a text file that contain the information to publish.
• It also contain embedded instructions called Elements of HTML
• These elements indicate web browser, how to present(display) data
which the document contains.
“HTML Elements”

Static Dynamic

• Text • Forms
• List • Multimedi
• Hyperlink a
• Images • Java Script
• Table • CSS
• Frames • Dynamic
etc HTML
What is Hypertext?
• Machine – readable text that is not sequential but is organised o that
related items of information are connected. OR
• Hypertext refers to the way in which webpages(HTML document) are
linked together.
Ordinary text Hypertext

HTML is a method where ordinary text can be converted into

What is Markup Language?

• Use HTML to simply mark up a text document with tags that tell a
web browser how to structure it to display.
• The markup (tag) tells the web browser how to display the page.
• They mark it as a specific type of text.
• For example, markup text could come in the form of boldface or
italicized type to draw specific attention to a word or phrase.
About HTML Tags
• Tag refers to the HTML codes that defines the element in HTML file
as- Heading, images, paragraphs, list etc.
• HTML tags of elements are inserted into a document between angular
brackets (< >).
• Tags in HTML are not case-sensitive
• Example:
• <BODY> and <body> are equal
• <B> and <b> are same.
HTML tags are of 2 types:
• 1) Container Tag : contain 2 tag
• Comes in pair start tag and end tag, which enclose text they affect.
• <TAG> (Start tag / opening tag)
• ………….
• Text that tag pair affect
• ……………
• </TAG> (End tag / closing tag)
• 2) Empty Tag
• Special tags that do not require End tag.
• <BR> tag, for breaking the line.
Tag Attributes:

• All HTML elements can have attributes

• Attributes provide additional information about elements
• Attributes are always specified in the start tag
• Attributes usually come in name/value pairs like: name="value“
• HTML Tags may or may not contain attributes
• Ex: <P align =“value”> …….</p>
• If paragraph element having Tag attribute value right then paragraph
will be right aligned.
Structure of HTML document
HTML document can be divided into 2 sections
• 1) Header Section 2) Body Section
• 1) Header Section (Head Section) :
• <HEAD> Tag
• HTML includes pair of Tags<HEAD>… </HEAD> to identify the
heading/ Title of the document.
• This contains the information about the HTML document. For
Example, the Title of the page, version of HTML, Meta Data, etc.
• <TITLE> Tag
• Is used to indicate the browser that it is a title element.
• The text that exists between the title tags, appear as the title in
the browsers window and its length should not exceed beyond 60
• 2) BODY Section
• HTML <body> tag defines the main content of an HTML document
which displays on the browser.
• It can contain text content, paragraphs, headings, images, tables,
links, videos, etc.
• Most of the elements are found within <body> section.
• Note: There can only be one <body> element in an HTML document.
• Attributes of body Tag:
• A) background: it is used to specify the source of an image to file as the
document background.
• background=“c:\html\img.jpg”
(path of image(URL))
• B) bgcolor : it is used to specify the background color of page.
• bgcolor=“color name”
• Ex: <body bgcolor="green">
• C) text: it is used to change the color of the text displayed in web
• Ex: text=“red”
• D) link: it is used to specify the color to be used which displaying the
• Ex: link=“red”
• Default link color is blue.
Thank you

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