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Insect As A Protein Source in Poultry

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Siddhart Dhairyashil Patil
REG. NO. ASO-136/2020

Dr. P. B. Meshram
Assistant Professor
Dept of AHDS,
College Of Agriculture, Sonai

Dept. of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, COA, SONAI.

Feed being most challenging
Protein ingredients

Need for alternative protein

Why insects?

Characteristics of insect use as food source

Key insect species use

Benefits of rearing insects


 Future potential
 Poultry industry is a major source of animal protein in both developed
and developing countries.

 Global demand for animal source food is accelerating rapidly due to

population growth and economic development, particularly in developing

 This increase in human population will lead to animal protein

requirements and demands will be increasing.

 Nowadays poverty reduction largely focuses on poultry farming.

 Poultry meat contributes approximately 370g/ kg to the animal protein


 However, the progress made so far in the poultry sector is currently

being undetermined by escalating cost of their feeds, which accounts for
75 to 80% of the total cost of production
Feeding being most challenging

 A 60-70% increase in consumption of animal products is expected by 2050.

This increase in the consumption will demand enormous resources, the feed being most
challenging because of the limited availability of natural resources, ongoing climatic changes and
food-feed-fuel competition.
 The costs of conventional feed resources such as soymeal, maizemeal and fishmeal are very high
and moreover their availability in the future will be limited.
High feed prices are affect profit margins of poultry farmers in India.
Poultry feed is costly to poultry farmers as compare to net profit.
Feed cost is probably one of the most serious challenge for the poultry sector.
Soya bean and maize are widely utilized by poultry farmers in India as the main feed of poultry ration.
These helps only in fulfilling maximum nutritional requirements, and also help in raising high quality of
healthy birds but due to high cost there availability is very low for small farmers.
Protein Ingredients…
 Principal energy source.
 Highest amount of energy (ME 3350 kcal/kg) among cereal grains.
 8-13% of crude protein.
 High TDN of 85-90%.
 Low fibre content and is highly palatable.
 Maize is an excellent source of linoleic acid which contributes for egg size, and
maize protein is mainly deficient in tryptophan and lysine.
 Maize can be included upto 70% in poultry ration all over the India.

 47-49% protein
 Excellent source of lysine, tryptophan and threonine
 Deficient in methionine
 Best amino acid profile of the vegetable protein source
 High quality and quantity of protein
 It can be included up to 35% in chick ration and upto 25% in grower and layer

 70% agricultural land is needed to supply a meat production which results in constantly

rising feed prices.

 Cost of soybean meal and maize grains is doubled during the

last five years ---- 60-70% of production cost.

 The increasing cost of grain it has prompted the poultry industry to explore alternative

sources either for total or partial replacement which meet the dietary requirements and
reduce feed cost.

 On a global level – Growing global population peoples eating more and more meat, particular

in china, india and almost countries in the world therefore, we looking a sustainable way to
produce an protein for animal feed.

So, alternative (animal) protein sources for livestock are urgently

One of the solution!
Because they are part of the birds natural diet…..
 Insects contain up to 82% protein and have a diverse amino acid profile
 Large biodiversity and short life cycle
 Prevalent in most ecosystems and colonize a wide range of habitats
 Large population and biomass
 Low breeding costs in general
 Breeding is simple and can be controlled easily
 High reproduction rate
 High content of digestible protein in insect larvae (in dry form) makes them a solution to improving
protein self-sufficiency in animal feed.
Insects are the best alternative source of feed?

Rearing of insect is easy

Limited land

Sustainable Set up of new Insect will produce less

Insect have high Growing development
reproduction rate Population of the country
feed business. green house gases and
and high fecundity less pollution and more
point of view

There will be high protein content

in feed and food with high viability
and digestibility.
Charectistics of insects as food source

Insects have characteristics which make them as excellent alternative for use as feed for animals .

High species richness, biodiversity and short life cycle- Depending on dietary and other
requirements like, winged or wingless, physical and bio-chemical composition, a wide range of insects are

available for use as poultry feed.

Their relatively short development time and high fecundity rate would allow breeding insects in large numbers

on a regular basis.

Prevalent in most ecosystems and colonize a wide range of habitats- Many insect species are
found in abundance in most geographical regions and some exhibit rapid and relatively simple developmental

strategies, making there commercial breeding potentially straight forward and cost effective.
• Low breeding cost potential- Many insects do not require a sophisticated and expensive infrastructure for
breeding. However good colony hygiene measures are essential.

• Large population and biomass- A short development time and high fecundity rate facilitates multiplication
into a large population and biomass which can be easily used as poultry feed commercially.

• Breeding can be simple and controlled- Breeding of insects can controlled in a relatively simple manner
without involving complicated infrastructure and expensive labour costs.

• Contain good quality of proteins- Insect protein has been found to be better nutritional quality than most
proteins from grains and other source of plant origin.

• Feed conversion efficiency- Insets have better feed conversion efficiency than most other animals which
can be utilized to minimise production costs and simultaneously reduce wastage.
Black soldier flies

Common housefly larvae

Silkworms pupae meal

Yellow mealworms
 The BSF larvae are a more environment friendly source of protein, as they can
be raised on various organic waste materials and require less water than
soybean and maize crop production and it is one of the most important insect
species which is rear in Maharashtra for feeding of poultry.

 Black soldier flies does not bite or transmit diseases.

 They’re good for chicken and farmers.

 BSF larvae are naturally found in poultry, pig and cattle manure but can also
be grown on organic wastes such as vegetables waste.

 The BSF larvae use as (BSF larvae meal, BSF pre pupae meal and BSF maggot
meal) are used live, dried and ground forms (Huis et al., 2013)
Small cages making for rearing fly Female BSF layinfg eggs in strips of
Breeding enclosures woodenboard and corrugated cardboard

Nursary box containing developing BSF eggs are ready for development… Harvesting eggs
eggs with the help of poultry manure 1gm eggs-25 thousand larvae produced
Vegetable waste, food waste, cow Live larvae are
dung waste that can be used for used as low cost
maggot food feed for poultry

Organic compost used as a Feeding of fresh larvae

fertilizer in the field or gardening
Adults are ready to breed for next generation

 Various farmers are already take advantage of the

insect breeding and rearing business as the new

protein supplement not only reduce the cost of farmers
but also improves the health of the chicken.

 Feeding of insects to the broilers improve the immune

system of chicken also it greatly increase the quality of

• It is sustainable and ecofriendly, nutritious, flexible and reliable protein source for the future.
• Use of insects as a protein rich feed ingredient in poultry feed is technically feasible.
• Insects can be reared on low-grade organic waste and can turn low-grade bio-waste into high
quality proteins.
• It is evident that insects, like other feed ingredients, should be safe for poultry and result in
animal products that are also safe for consumption.
• Insects therefore can be a promising interesting link in the animal feed chain to fulfill the
globally increased demand for protein.
• Besides a reduction in costs, an increase of product value would contribute to the
competitiveness of insects.

Insects could offer part of the answer How to feed the billions of peoples living on earth in 2050?

 Increased food production means pressure on land, water and energy resources.

 Insects offer a means of locally producing protein for poultry that doesn’t compete with human food production.

 Insects have the potential to yield 200 times the amount of protein per hectare per year as compare to soy and don’t

require fertile land. In addition, they reduce the nutrient content and biomass of waste as they convert it into a quality

protein source.

 “Nutritionally they are also called as “Insects are an attractive source of protein for poultry.”

 However, there are technical, economic challenges for insect meal producers.

 “These are not overcome and the benefits of being able to utilize material considered to be waste to produce protein

make this innovation worthwhile.

 In the short- to medium-term, insect meal replacing broiler ration are main aim of those involved in insect rearing is
to support the livestock supply chain while improving its sustainability.

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